
listen to the pronunciation of environment
Englisch - Türkisch

Düşmanca bir ortamda hayatta kalmak için bir insan doğaçlama yapabilmeli ve azimli olabilmeli. - To survive in a hostile environment, one must be able to improvize and be tenacious.

Tom çok dilli bir ortamda büyüdü. - Tom grew up in a multilingual environment.


O, çevreyi koruma hakkında taktire şayan bir konuşma yaptı. - He made an admirable speech about protecting the environment.

Apaçık ortadadır ki, insan davranışları çevre için radyasyondan daha tehlikelidir. - It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.

{i} etraf
(Askeri) Çevre muhit
(Askeri) ÇEVRE ŞART VE ETKİLERİ, ÇEVRE (HV.): Bulunulan yer, çevre teçhizatı ve içindeki canlıların harekat özelliklerini, hava sıcaklığı, nem ve bulaşıcı etkilerini, harekat usulleri, ivme, şok, titreşim ve radyasyon durumlarını içine alan bütün şart ve etkilerin toplu ifadesi
(Tıp) Dış etkiler
içinde bulunan şartlar
(Tıp) environman
(Tıp) Çevre, etraf, civar

Biz çevresel sorunlarına daha fazla dikkat etmeliyiz. - We should pay more attention to environmental problems.

Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.


Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.

Bölgenin sanayileşmesi çevresel tahribatı önlemek için çok dikkatli yapılmalıdır. - Industrialization of the region must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental destruction.

environment and politics
(Eğitim) çevre ve siyaset
environment colour
çevre rengi
environment ecology
çevre ekolojisi
environment factors
çevre etkenleri
environment issues
çevre konuları
environment management
(Askeri) çevre yönetimi
environment monitoring
çevre düzenlemesi
environment plan
(Çevre) çevre düzeni planı
environment protection
çevre koruma
environment technologies
çevre teknolojileri
environment policy
çevre politikası
environment variable
çevre değişkeni
environment agency
Çevre Ajansı
environment arragement
çevre tanzim
environment association
çevre derneği
environment division
çevre bölümü
environment management system
Çevre yönetim sistemi
environment of human
beşeri ortam
Çevreci, çevre dostu
environment quality objective
çevre kalite amacı
environment subsystem
Çevre Alt Sistemi
çevresel olarak
preserve the environment
çevreyi korumak
busy working environment
yoğun çalışma ortamı
competition environment
rekabet ortamı
competition environment
(Ticaret) rekabet çevresi
controlled environment
(Tıp) kontrollü ortam
educational environment
eğitim ortamı
efficient class environment
etkin sınıf ortamı
içine almak
ihata etmek
(Jeoloji) ortamla ilişkili
(Jeoloji) çeyreye ait
global environment
(Çevre) küresel çevre
global environment facility
küresel çevre imkanı
healthy environment
sağlıklı çevre
intense work environment
yoğun çalışma ortamı
intensive working environment
yoğun çalışma ortamı
internal environment
iç ortam
keen competition environment
(Ticaret) aşırı rekabet ortamı
learning environment
(Askeri) öğrenim ortamı
learning environment
(Askeri) öğretim ortamı
learning environment
(Eğitim) öğrenme ortamı
living environment
yaşam çevresi
marine environment
(Askeri,Çevre) deniz ortamı
noisy environment
gürültülü ortam
preserve the environment
çevre korumak
protect our environment!
çevremizi koruyalım!
protect the environment
çevre korumak
protect the environment
çevreyi korumak
protected environment
koruma alanı
severe competition environment
(Ticaret) aşırı rekabet ortamı
society and environment
(Eğitim) toplum ve cevre
stiff competition environment
(Ticaret) aşırı rekabet ortamı
sustainable environment
sürdürülebilir çevre
tough competition environment
(Ticaret) aşırı rekabet ortamı
virtual environment
sanal ortam
abiotic environment
cansız çevre
adaptability to environment
çevreye uyum
fluvial environment
akarsu ortamı
lacustrine environment
göl ortamı
lagoonal environment
lagün ortamı
littoral environment
kıyı ortamı
run time environment
çalıştırma ortamı
social environment
toplumsal çevre
windows environment
wındows ortamı
a changing environment
değişen bir çevre
committee on trade and the environment
Ticaret ve çevre komitesi
competitive environment
rekabet ortamı
ecological environment
ekolojik çevre
çevre açı
hostile environment
düşmanca bir ortam
integrated environment
entegre bir ortamda
interactive environment
interaktif ortamda
macro environment
makro çevre
micro environment
mikro çevre
ministry for the environment
Çevre Bakanlığı
natural environment
doğal çevre, doğal çevre koşulları
natural environment
Doğal çevre
network environment
ağ ortamı
operating environment
Çalışma ortamına
pertaining to environment
çevre ile ilgili
plural of environment
çevre çoğul
pristine environment
Bozulmamış doğa, el değmemiş doğa
programming environment
programlama ortamı
shared data environment
paylaşımlı veri ortamı
system environment
sistemi ortamı
systemic environment
sistemik çevre
technical environment
teknik çevre
the environment
windows environment
windows ortamı
Army Corps of Engineers; common operating environment; concept of employment
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri İstihkam Birlikleri; ortak işletim ortamı; İstihdam konsepti
Joint Virtual Security Environment Assessment System
(Askeri) Müşterek Hakiki Emniyet Ortamı Değerlendirme Sistemi
United Nations environment program
(Askeri) BM çevre programı
abyssal environment
abisal ortam
abyssal environment
en derin deniz ortamı, yaklaşık 1000 m'den daha derin deniz tabanı
acoustical environment
akustik çevre
acoustical environment
sesle ilgili çevre
air defence ground environment
(Askeri) (ADGE) HAVA SAVUNMA YER ŞEBEKESİ: Hava savunma harekatının taktik kontrolünde kullanılan belirli bir harekat alanı içindeki radar üsleri ve komuta ve kontrol merkezleri şebekesi
atmospheric environment
(Askeri) ATMOSFERİK ORTAM: Yeryüzünün katı ve sıvı yüzeyleriyle olan ortak yüzlerinin ve etkileşimlerinin dahil edildiği, yer küreyi çevreleyen hava zarfı
bathyal environment
batiyal ortam
chaos environment
kaos ortamı
client server environment; combat support equipment
(Askeri) hizmet sağlayıcı ortamı; muharebe destek teçhizatı
controlled environment
(Askeri) KONTROLLU ÇEVRE (HV.): Bir insan alet veya rampa üzerinde henüz fırlatılmamış füze gibi herhangi bir cismin bulunduğu içindeki rutubet, ısı, basınç, vesaire hususların kontrol altında tutulduğu çevre
defined environment
tanımlı ortam
determinism of environment
çevre determinizmi
disruption of environment
(Askeri) çevrenin bozulması
electromagnetic environment
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK ÇEVRE: Bir askeri kuvvet, sistem veya platformun, kullanılması düşünülen çalışma çevresinde belirlenen görevini yaparken, radyasyon veya iletim yoluyla karşılaştığı elektromanyetik emisyon seviyelerindeki muhtelif frekans aralıklarında, güç ve zaman dağılımının çarpımı. Elektromanyetik girişim; elektromanyetik sadme; elektromanyetik radyasyonun personel, mühimmat ve uçucu malzemelere, tehlikeleri ve ışıma ile statiğinin doğal etkilerinin toplamıdır. Ayrıca EME de denir
electromagnetic environment
(Askeri) elektomanyetik ortam
{f} etrafını sarmak
{f} kuşatmak
{f} çevrelemek
çevresel yönden
(zarf) çevresel olarak
eolian environment
eoliyen ortamı
flight environment
(Askeri) UÇUŞ ŞARTLARI (HV.): Havadaki bir sistemi veya teçhizat parçasını çevreleyen ve etkileyen şartlar
fluvial environment
nehir yatakları ve sellenme ortamı
fluvial environment
nehirle ilişkili ortam
global environment analysis
(Ticaret) evrensel çevre analizi
global environment issues
(Askeri) küresel çevre sorunları
global information environment
(Askeri) küresel bilgi ortamı
ground environment
(Askeri) YER ÇEVRE ŞARTLARI (HV.): Karada işleyen bir sistem veya teçhizat parçasını kuşatan ve etkileyen çevre şartları
harm the environment
çevreyi kirletmek
harm the environment
çevreye zarar vermek
harmful to the environment
çevreye zararlı
harsh environment conditions
sert çevre şartları
higher board of environment
yüksek çevre kurulu
humid environment
nemli ortam
induced environment
(Askeri) uyarılmış ortam
induced environment
(Askeri) UYARILMIŞ ORTAM, ETKİLENMİŞ ORTAM: İnsan veya malzeme verimini doğrudan doğruya veya dolaylı olarak etkileyen insan tarafından veya malzeme ile meydana getirilmiş ortam
induced environment
(Askeri) etkilenmiş ortam
initial environment
(Bilgisayar) başlangıç ortamı
intellectual environment
entelektüel çevre
interactive environment
(Bilgisayar) interaktif ortam
internet environment
internet ortamı
lacustrine environment
gölsel ortam
laws concerning environment
(Askeri) çevre ile ilgili kanunlar
littoral environment
kıyısal ortam
luminous environment
(Aydınlatma) ışıklı çevre
marine environment
(Askeri) DENİZ ORTAMI: Atmosfer ve denizin karaya doğru ortalama yüksek su seviyesi ile ortak yüzeyi ve teması dahil olmak üzere, okyanuslar, denizler, körfezler, deltalar ve diğer büyük benzer sular
marketing environment
(Ticaret) pazarlama ortamı
mesic environment
(Çevre) puslu çevre
ministry of environment
çevre bakanlığı
motionless environment
hareketsiz ortam
neritic environment
neritik ortam
nuclear environment
(Askeri) Nükleer durum
operational environment
(Askeri) HAREKAT KOŞULLARI: Askeri kullanımda askeri kuvvetlerin kullanımını ve komutanın kararlarına etkide bulunan, koşulların, olayların ve etkilerin tamamı
operational environment
(Askeri) harekat ortamı
overhead environment
(Askeri) tavanlı ortam
paralic environment
sığ deniz ortamı
pollute the environment
çevreyi kirletmek
psychology of environment
çevre psikolojisi
receiving water environment
(Denizbilim) alıcı su ortamı
river environment
akarsu ortamı
saa environment
SAA ortamı
secure analyst file environment; selected area for evasion
(Askeri) güvenli analiz uzmanı dosya ortamı; kaçmak için seçilmiş bölge
semiautomatic ground environment
(Askeri) YARI OTOMATİK KARA İŞLEM TESİSLERİ: Hava savunmasının, yarı otomatik bilgi ve silah kontrol işlemi için imkan sağlayan kısmı. Şu tesisleri içine alır: a. Hava gözetleme bilgilerini işlemek ve mevcut planlanmış bilgi toplama kaynaklarından idare merkezlerine göndermek için gerekli tesisleri. b. Hava savunma bilgilerinin, kompüterlerle işlenip kıymetlendirildiği ve tehlike değerlendirme, silah tahsis ve münasip silah güdüm emirlerinin verileceği tali bölge (subsector) seviyesinde hava durumları haline getirileceği idare merkezi. c. Durum bilgilerinin idare merkezlerinden muharebe merkezlerine gönderilmesi için gerekli tesisler. d. İdare merkezlerinden alınan durum bilgilerinin kompüterler aracılığıyla işlenip değerlendirildiği ve silah kaynaklarından faydalanma hususunun kontrol ve idare edilebileceği bölge seviyesi hava durumları (sector level air situations) haline getirildiği muharebe merkezleri. e. Komşu idare merkezleri, muharebe merkezleri, ara bilgi gönderme cihazları (data-link transmitters), Federal Havacılık Bürosu ve Hava Savunma Topçu tesisleri gibi, idare merkezi çıkan bilgilerini (output data) münasip kullanma teçhizatı giren bilgi (input) donanımına nakil için gerekli tesisler
sharing environment
paylaşım ortamı
space environment
(Askeri) UZAY ÇEVRE ŞARTLARI: Araç veya canlıların uzaya girdikleri zaman karşılaştıkları şartlar
special operations naval mobile environment team
(Askeri) özel harekat deniz mobil çevre timi
specially protected environment areas
(Avrupa Birliği) özel çevre koruma alanı
static environment
hareketsiz ortam
stressful environment
stresli ortam
synthetic environment
(Askeri) sentetik ortam
terrestrial environment
(Askeri) kara çevresi
terrestrial environment
(Askeri) KARA ÇEVRESİ: Suni ve doğal yüzeyler, yer altı ve bunların atmosfer ve okyanuslara olan ortak yüzeyleri ve birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerini içine alan kara kesimi
terrestrial environment
dünyevi ortam
the Environment
çevre Bakanlığı Ministry of
the environment
çevre korunması environmental protection, protection of
the environment
çevre kirliliği/kirlenmesi environmental pollution, pollution of
transaction server environment
Hareket Sunucu Ortamı
unstable environment
kararsız ortam
user environment
Kullanıcı Ortamı
warfighting environment
(Askeri) muharebe ortamı
work environment
Çalışma ortamı
Englisch - Englisch
The set of variables and their values in a namespace that an operating system associates with a process
The environment of a function at a point during the execution of a program is the set of identifiers in the function's scope and their bindings at that point
All the elements over which a designer has no control and that affect a system or its inputs and outputs
The surroundings of, and influences on, a particular item of interest
A particular political or social setting, arena or condition
The software and/or hardware existing on any particular computer system

That program uses the Microsoft Windows environment.

The natural world or ecosystem
gen The aggregate of all the conditions and influences including physical location and operating characteristics of surrounding equipment and occupants, including temperature, humidity, and contaminants or surrounding air; operational procedures, acceleration, shock, vibration, and radiation [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
Sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism
A global context in which to access data; associated with the environment is any information that is global in nature, such as a list of all connections in that environment
Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelations This definition extends the view from a company focus to the global system
A set of parameters defining various display, editing, and data manipulation conditions that remain active during a session until explicitly changed by the user For example, the drawing environment in ARCEDIT might be 'arcs on, labels off, annotation streets on'
The surroundings of and influences on, a particular item of interest
A collection of strings, of the form name=val, that each program has available to it Users generally place values into the environment in order to provide information to various programs Typical examples are the environment variables HOME and PATH
The body of laws pertaining to planning, contaminated land, abandoned mines, National Parks, pollution control, conservation of natural resources, and the conservation and enhancement of the natural environment
The sum of all external conditions and influences affecting the development and survival of an organism
The sum total of all the external conditions that effect an organism, community, materail, or energy
Someone's environment is all the circumstances, people, things, and events around them that influence their life. Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment
(1) (n ) In the UNIX® system, the conditions under which a user works while using a computer A user's environment includes those characteristics that personalize the user's login and how the user is allowed to interact in specific ways with UNIX and the computer For example, the shell environment includes the shell prompt string, specifics for backspace and erase characters, and commands for sending output from the terminal to the computer (2) (n ) In personal computing, "environment" includes software, a computer, and peripheral devices
The complex set of physical, geographic, biological, social, cultural and political conditions that surround an individual or organism and that ultimately determines its form and nature of its survival
Act of environing; state of being environed
the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom"
the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround" the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom
n 1 a set of bindings See section Introduction to Environments 2 an environment object {"macroexpand takes an optional environment argument "}
An external condition or the sum of such conditions, in which a piece of equipment, a living organism, or a system operates as in temperature environment, vibration environment,or space environment
The set of conditions under which a user is working on the computer The environment includes such information as the name of the working directory, the name of the command interpreter, the identity of the user's terminal, and so on
A collection of hardware, software, network communications and procedures that work together to provide a discrete type of computer service There may be one or more environments on a physical platform e g test, production An environment has unique features and characteristics that dictate how they are administered in similar, yet diverse, manners
The totality of the surrounding external conditions--biological, chemical, and physical--within which an organism, community, or object exists The term is not exclusive in that organisms can be and usually are part of another organism's environment Thus one can speak of the environment as that within which humankind lives, i e , separate and external; or, one can speak of humankind as a component of the environment
the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom
The environment is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. persuading people to respect the environment
The term `environment' cannot stand on its own and should always be used in combination with a given object, region or condition The point of reference in this book is the human environment which can be defined as a set of natural, social, cultural values which exist in a given place and point in time that influences the material and psychological life of man Thus, `environment' clearly means much more than nature and/or natural resources (see further) while the natural world is but one aspect of the total human environment When using the term `natural environment' the point of reference should therefore always be made clear; i e humans require quire different (natural) environmental conditions than a bird, or a fish or a tree
The sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism (Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 1990)
The sum total of all the external conditions that effect an organism, community, material, or energy
Your environment consists of the particular natural surroundings in which you live or exist, considered in relation to their physical characteristics or weather conditions. the maintenance of a safe environment for marine mammals
The environment of a system is that part of the universe that is in communication with the system, but is not part of the system [Walter Fritz, Intelligent Systems and Their Societies]
The environment of a function at a point during the execution of a program is the set of identifiers in the functions scope and their bindings at that point
The environment is a block of memory associated with the command processor or an executable that contains a list of named strings These user defined strings are used to provide information to programs about the world it lives in, such as where to look for various files, default switch settings, etc ; to define various options to programs or to the command processor, such as the description of the prompt For batch files, its most important use is as various types of memory, such as scratch pad memory, and the equivalents of RAM, registers, stack, etc
{i} surroundings; conditions in which someone or something lives
the aggregate of all the external conditions and influences affecting the life, development, and ultimately the survival of an organism More commonly, the earth's crust, water resources, life forms, and atmosphere
A combination of the computer hardware, operating system, and user interface A complete statement of an environment follows: a Pentium PCI-bus computer with 64M of RAM, a Wide and Fast SCSI host adapter, SVGA display adapter, sound card, and two-button mouse, using the Windows NT Server 4 0 operating system
The aggregate of all external and internal conditions (such as temperature, humidity, radiation, magnetic and electric fields, shock vibration, etc ) either natural or man made, or self-induced, that influences the form, performance, reliability or survival of an item
The sum of all external influences and conditions affecting the life and development of an organism or ecological community; the total social and cultural conditions
the area in which something exists or lives; "the country--the flat agricultural surround"
That which environs or surrounds; surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development
environment division
The part of a COBOL program that specifies the hardware on which it is designed to run, the symbolic names to be used by files, and certain other specifications

The environment division is the link between the COBOL program and the computer and input-output devices the program uses.

Environment Agency
a British government organization whose aim is to make sure that rivers and water supplies are clean, and that factories, farmers etc do not harm the environment with their waste materials
Environment Minister
government secretary in charge of national environmental affairs
environment friendly
does not harm the environment
environment variable
data which is stored in a DOS environment under a unique name and which determines details about a work environment
environment variable
A string consisting of environment information, such as a drive, path, or filename, associated with a symbolic name that can be used by Windows NT and Windows 2000 Use the System option in Control Panel or the set command from the command prompt to define environment variables
environment variable
A variable that contains information about the setup of your session Typical examples of environment variables are TERM, which states which kind of terminal you use, and USER, which states your user name Environment variables are set with the command setenv, which uses the syntax
environment variable
A symbol containing information that can be used by shells or commands Environment variables are available to all processes in a given process group; they are propagated by the creation of a child process Contrast with process variable
environment variable
Environment information, such as a drive, path, or filename, associated with a symbolic name that can be used by MS-DOS You use the MS-DOS SET command to define environment variables
environment variable
A storage location in the environment of the shell Every variable consists of a name (usually written in capital letters) and a value (such as pathname) If you use the bash shell, a variable is set as follows
environment variable
A variable set in the operating system's command shell Perforce utilizes environment variables that are passed to the p4 client or p4d server
environment variable
An element of a system or product-specific configuration file used to specify the path to a processing component or to control some aspect of system or product operation For example, you use an environment variable in the OSS profile file to specify the location of the NonStop™ DOM configuration file
environment variable
A global "setting", or configuration parameter, which is available to all applications Each environment variable has a name and a value (which usually is a string of symbols or an integer number) Any application you run can access any of the environment variables For example, there is a standard environment variable HOME, whose value is the user's home directory (for example, /home/joe), and any application which wants to create a file in your home directory uses this variable to find out what your home directory is To view all currenlty defined environment variables, use the command printenv (provided that you have GNU shell utils package installed) To modify a value of environment variable, use the command export NAME= VALUE; if you are using bash shell or setenv NAME VALUE; if you are using csh or tcsh shell
environment variable
In the AIX and SunOS operating systems, a name for a data item that is used by a process AIX and SunOS environment variables can correspond to VS FORTRAN unit numbers
environment variable
A string of specific value that controls a certain attribute of an application Environment variables are made available to the application as it begins
environment variable
A shell variable that is defined and stored in the operating system environment, and is accessible by any program you run
environment variable
a variable that defines an aspect of your working environment such as your home directory, editor or printer These variables are set during the login procedure
environment variable
A variable that describes the operating environment of the process
environment variable
A variable set in the UNIX shell environment to which an application may make reference For example, used to specify the Solstice EM MIS to which an Solstice EM service connects
environment variable
(n ) The UNIX® C shell environment variables are similar to shell variables, except that environment variables can be passed to every C shell that runs Many applications use environment variables to set configuration directories, specify base directories for commands or data, and pass other information about the user environment to the program
environment variable
A system or user defined variable which provides information about your environment (such as your home directory, what shell you are running, or the name of the machine that you are logged into) to shells or programs An example would be $HOME, which tells you what your home directory is You can view them by typing [joe@fred]$ echo $HOME /home/username which in this case shows us what the value of $HOME is
environment variable
Named variables managed by the operating system shell and used to store information and communicate between programs Apache also contains internal variables that are referred to as environment variables, but are stored in internal Apache structures, rather than in the shell environment See: Environment Variables in Apache
environment variable
An environment variable is one of a collection of variables stored by the operating system, each one having a name and a value Emacs can access environment variables set by its parent shell, and it can set variables in the environment it passes to programs it invokes See section AE 5 Environment Variables
environment variable
A variable that specifies how an operating system or another program will run
environment variable
A system- or user-defined variable that provides information about the operating environment to the shell
environment variable
Any of a number of variables that describe the way an operating system is going to run or the devices it is going to recognize IBM
environment variable
親プロセスから子プロセスに対して受け渡される値.ENVでアクセスされる. 子プロセスに渡るのは環境変数のコピーなので, 子プロセスから親プロセスに環境変数を使って情報を受け渡すことはできない. 親はなかなか子供に耳を傾けないものである. Value which is delivered from parent process to offspring process It is accessed with ENV What is delivered to the offspring process is a copy of the environment variable, so it is not possible to pass informations from the offspring process to the parent by using the environment variable The parent will not listen to the child -SugHimsi
environment variable
A variable set in the user's shell which can be referenced by that user or programs run by that user within that shell Environment variables are generally used to store preferences and default parameters
environment variable
Values that can be set to help automatically get your computer into a state ready for you to use Environment variables are part of your operating system's machinations and are specific to the operating system you run
built environment
All the physical things constructed by humans as aids to living
desktop environment
A complete graphical user interface solution to operate a computer
space environment
The environment encountered by living creatures (and vehicles) in space; especially a lack of atmosphere and gravity
web-based operating environment
The environment in which software in created and used on servers available to multiple users via the Internet, especially to users who may be using any of a variety of operating systems
{v} to surround, hem in, invest, beset
DOS environment
computer work environment which is run by the DOS operating system
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
{i} Defra, government department of the United Kingdom that is in charge of and responsible for environmental protection and food production and standards (also responsible for environmental, fisheries, agricultural and rural issues)
Department of the Environment
the DOE a British government department that was responsible for things such as plans for new roads and buildings, the protection of the countryside and old buildings, and the quality of the air and water in the UK. It is now called the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Distributed Computing Environment
suite of technologies and software which enables networked computers of various types to share data and applications that are located elsewhere on the network, DCE (Computers)
Food and Rural Affairs Department for Environment
DEFRA a British government department that is responsible for things such as plans for new roads and buildings, the protection of the countryside and old buildings, and the quality of the air and water in the UK. It is now also responsible for government policy on farming and the countryside
K Desktop Environment
{i} KDE, easy to use free computer desktop environment that runs on Linux and Unix
United Nations Environment Program
{i} UNEP, UN program that coordinates UN environmental activities and helps developing countries in implementing good policies from an environmental standpoint and encourages sustainable development using sound environmental methods
WINDOWS environment
computer work environment run by the operating system Microsoft Windows
built environment
The urban environment consisting of buildings, roads, fixtures, parks, and all other improvements that form the physical character of a city
built environment
places where there are buildings and roads, and not the countryside
built environment
buildings, structures, and ancillaries comprising an inter-related man-made area, often architectural in character
built environment
All human-built-structures
competitive environment
We have a lot of turnover
competitive environment
The immediate environment surrounding a firm; includes suppliers, customers, competitors, and the like
competitive environment
the number and types of competitors the marketing manager must face, and how they may behave
competitive environment
that part of the company's external environment which consists of other firms vying for patronage of the same market
competitive environment
The interactive process that occurs in the marketplace in which different organizations seek to satisfy similar markets
develop environment
collection of functions and commands that provide convenient programming tools
ecological environment
living organism's natural surroundings
be around; "Developments surround the town"; "The river encircles the village"
To surround; to encircle
{f} form a circle; encircle, surround
To surround; to encompass; to encircle; to hem in; to be round about; to involve or envelop
About; around
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors"
In assessing a company with respect to its environmental footprint we score a company on whether the company is a service, light or heavy industry, and if it is a miner whether it is involved in underground or open cut operations In addition we look for involvement in smelting, recent environmental awards or incidents and factors such as carbon credits Using WMC as an example again, while WMC is focused on environmental issues and is a signatory of the Australian Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management, the company has scored only one star, due to not only for it's mining activities, but the company also produces significant emissions through its smelting and refining activities
concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment; "environmental pollution"
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors
Non-genetic influences that can affect a person's health and personality, for example, diet, upbringing and circumstances
Any nongenetic influence on the phenotype Also refers to the conditions under which an organism exists, such as climate, altitude, other species, food sources, and so on
Environmental means concerned with the protection of the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. the environmental claims being made for some products Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference. + environmentally en·vi·ron·men·tal·ly the high price of environmentally friendly goods
pertaining to ones environment
Environmental means relating to or caused by the surroundings in which someone lives or something exists. It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun. adj. environmental terrorism environmental geology Environmental Protection Agency environmental sculpture
Requirements The requirements that characterize the impact of the environment on the system/configuration item (CI) as well as the system/CI's impact on the natural environment
Possible conditions of the application to be considered (i e corrosion, dust, moisture/humidity, temperature, acid wash, and UV )
{s} pertaining to the environment
for the environment; "the new recycling policy is environmentally safe"
in a manner affecting ones environment
for the environment; "the new recycling policy is environmentally safe
from an environmental standpoint
Plural of environment
homelike environment
warm loving environment, comfortable surroundings
human environment
Natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment, including all combinations of physical, biological, cultural, social, and economic factors in a given area The human environment will be impacted by the construction at Horsetooth Reservoir Consequently, under NEPA, Reclamation prepared an EA
human environment
Natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment including physical, biological, cultural, social, and economic factors in a given area
manufacturing environment
(Ticaret) The overall set of factors that influence planning, scheduling and strategic production decisions which include type and timing of demand, product and process complexity, physical product form, logistics and vendor capabilities, and internal functional capabilities. Describing the overall environment often includes the response to demand (to stock or to order), physical facility layout (job shop, production line, cell, batch processing or other) and methods and requirements used in planning and scheduling (discrete, repetitive or process). Many companies have characteristics of more than one environment
natural environment
{i} natural surroundings, all living and non-living things that take place in a natural manner on earth or on a particular part of it
operating environment
An overall description of the Operating environment includes electrical, environmental and industrial factors
operating environment
Environment of the selected item in the Relex hierarchical display (tree) When the operating environment is selected for the top level of the tree, it serves as the environment for all levels below it If an environment is selected in the Properties of a lower level item, that selection overrides the environment at the higher level
operating environment
The environment in which a remote monitoring system and/or its sensors operate
operating environment
Also called a shell A software program designed to simplify an operating system Earlier versions of Microsoft Windows were operating environments for MS-DOS, and several computer manufacturers are now providing their own "companions" to Windows 95, which are also operating environments
operating environment
A graphical user interface between the user and the operating system 8 15
operating environment
A comfortable operating system environment in which the user does not have to memorize or look up commands
operating environment
A term that refers to a user interface or operating system?for instance, DOS, DOS-with-Windows, Windows 95, and Windows 98 (pg 18)
pc environment
computer environment running on IBM-compatible computers
physical environment
In a computer lab setting
physical environment
Those aspects of the classroom that are concrete, easily identifiable, and exist independent of the people who inhabit the classroom
physical environment
The inanimate surroundings necessary for life, such as air, water, soil, rock, and sun
psychological environment
everything throughout the years that is relevant to a person from a psychological perspective
supporting environment
psychological environment which provides an individual with a feeling of love and warmth
systemic environment
environment that is built around a unified system