
listen to the pronunciation of enter-
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von enter- im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} içeri girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>

Okula girmek için sıkı çalıştım. - I studied hard to enter the school.

Japonya'da öğrencilerin üniversitelere girmek için zor sınavlara girmeleri gerektiği tüm dünyada bilinmektedir. - It is known all over the world that, in Japan, students have to take difficult entrance examinations to enter universities.

<span class="word-self">enterspan>

Ev numaranı, mahalleni, posta kodunu ve sokağını ayrı ayrı yazmak zorundasın. - You have to enter your house number, suburb, post code and street seperately.

<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{i} giriş

Tom bizim girişimizi duymuş olmalı. - Tom must've heard us enter.

Buraya girişiniz yasaklandı. - You are banned from entering this place.

<span class="word-self">enterspan> into force
(Ticaret) yürürlüğe koymak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> password
(Bilgisayar) parolayı girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
giriş yapmak
allow to <span class="word-self">enterspan>
içeri almak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
ayağını atmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Ticaret) gümrüğe bildirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
sınava girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
girmek bilgisayar
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} (Bilgisayar) "Enter" tuşuna basarak (bir komutu) gerçekleştirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
üyesi olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
deklare etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Kanun) yer almak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Bilgisayar) enter
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Bilgisayar) enter tuşuna basmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a protest
(deyim) yakınmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a protest
(deyim) şikayet etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> channel
(Bilgisayar) kanala gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> competition
yarışmaya katılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> for
(deyim) kayıt yaptırmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> for
(deyim) kayıt olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in
(deyim) not almak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
-e girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
giriş yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key
(Bilgisayar) giriş tuşu
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key
(Bilgisayar) anahtarı gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
-e girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's mind
(deyim) aklına gelmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> password
şifre girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> password
(Bilgisayar) parola girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> password
(Bilgisayar) parola gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> room
(Bilgisayar) odaya gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the contest
yarışmaya katılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the service
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the service of
<span class="word-self">enterspan> university
üniversiteye girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>/view
(Bilgisayar) gir/görüntüle
site <span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Bilgisayar) site girişi
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} girmek [(Bilgisayar) ]
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} gir

Odaya girmeden önce kapıyı tıklat. - Knock on the door before entering the room.

Yüz elli kişi maraton yarışına girdi. - One hundred and fifty people entered the marathon race.

<span class="word-self">enterspan> a business
bir işe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a motion
önerge vermek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a profession
bir meslek edinmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a protest
protesto etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a religion
bir tarikata girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> an action
dava açmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> blind alley
çıkmaza girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> for
listeye gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> goods
malları deklare etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in a book
deftere kayıt etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in force
yürürlüğe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
giriş yap
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
yer almak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a bargain
pazarlığa girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a bond
anlaşma yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a lease
kira anlaşması yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a partnership
ortaklığa girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into an agreement
anlaşmaya varmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into an obligation
yükümlülük altına girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into connections
temasa geçmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into correspondence
haberleşmeye başlamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into forces
yürürlüğe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into negotiations
görüşmeler yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into particulars
tafsilata girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key
enter tuşu
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on an inheritance
mirasa konmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's name
adını kaydetmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> politics
politikaya atılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> sb's service
birinin hizmetine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the army
askere gitmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the army
asker olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the port
limana varmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to sb's debit
birinin hesabına borç geçirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon an office
göreve başlamak
make <span class="word-self">enterspan>
giriş yap
admittance, right to <span class="word-self">enterspan>
giriş, sağ girmek için
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a business
bir ise girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a plea
savunma girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> an item
deftere bir madde kaydetmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> for
için girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in force
yürürlüğe girmek, meriyete girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
-e başlamak, -e girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a pact
Anlaşma yapmak, sözleşme yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into an agreement
anlaşmaya girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into conversation
konuşma girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's name
adını kaydettirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> password
şifreyi girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> sb's service
hizmetine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> security code
güvenlik kodunu giriniz
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the university
üniversite kazanmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to sb's debit
hesabına borç geçirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> user name
kullanıcı adı girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> your product key
ürün anahtatınızı giriniz
<span class="word-self">enterspan>.
re <span class="word-self">enterspan>
tekrar girmek
to <span class="word-self">enterspan> by force in order to conquer
kuvvet tarafından fethetmek için girmek
do not <span class="word-self">enterspan>, one way
girilmez tek yön
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} yazılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
deftere yazmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
içine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} katılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} içeriye girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} kaydolmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
nüfuz etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} sahneye çıkmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Tıp) Barsak anlamına önek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
tasarruf etmek üzere bir mülke girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
usulen mahkeme huzuruna getirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} sokmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
dahil olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
üye olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} gümrük beyanında bulunmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a hospital
hastaneye yatmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a profession
mesleğe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a protest
(fiil) protesto etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> bookmark name
(Bilgisayar) yer imi adını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> choice #1
(Bilgisayar) 1 seçiminizi girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> complete pathname of file
Dosya yolunu tam olarak verin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> data
(to) veri girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> disc
(Bilgisayar) disk tak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> endnote number
(Bilgisayar) sonnot numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> field behavior
(Bilgisayar) alan davranışı gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> field name
(Bilgisayar) alan adını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> free
ücretsiz girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> free of charge
ücretsiz girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> graphic number
(Bilgisayar) grafik numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> host name
(Bilgisayar) ana makine adını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in a contest
yarışmaya girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in force
(Kanun) meriyete girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in the book
deftere işlemek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in the process of
süreç içine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in the process of
sürece girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
{f} duygularına katılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
{f} girmek

Araştırmacılar evrenin farklı bir bölümüne girmek için kapı kullanırlar. - The researchers use the portal to enter into a different part of the universe.

<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
{f} kaydolmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
{f} rol oynamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
-e başlamak, -e girişmek. enter into an agreement anlaşmaya girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a change
değişime girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a study
çalışma içine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into agreement
sözleşme imzalamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into an agreement with smb
anlaşma yapmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into details
ayrıntıya girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into force
(Avrupa Birliği) yürürlüğe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into matrimony
dünya evine girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into particulars
ayrıntılara girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into rivalry with
rekabete girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into rivalry with
rekabet etmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into the spirit
ruhunu anlamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into the spirit
ruhunu okumak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> irq level
(Bilgisayar) irq seviyesini girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key
Enter tuşu giriş tuşu
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key behavior
(Bilgisayar) anahtar davranışı gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> line number
(Bilgisayar) satır numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> long
(Ticaret) alım işlemi
<span class="word-self">enterspan> new key
(Bilgisayar) yeni anahtarı girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> new time
(Bilgisayar) yeni saati girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> new value
(Bilgisayar) yeni değer girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> new value
(Bilgisayar) yeni değer gir
<span class="word-self">enterspan> object name
(Bilgisayar) nesne adını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
dönüm noktasına gelmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- -e girmek , başlamak 2- sahip olmak , (miras , para vs.) konmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> on/upon
-e başlamak, -e girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's head
aklına gelmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's head
-in aklına gelmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> page number
(Bilgisayar) sayfa numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> path
(Bilgisayar) yol girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> pin
(Bilgisayar) pın'i girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> politics
siyasete girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> politics
siyasete atılmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> profession
meslek hayatına başlamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> puberty
ergenliğe adım atmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> puberty
ergenliğe girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> query
(Bilgisayar) sorgu girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> section number
(Bilgisayar) bölüm numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> server
(Bilgisayar) sunucu adını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> table number
(Bilgisayar) tablo numarasını girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> text here
(Bilgisayar) metni buraya girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the church
hristiyan din adamı olmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the classroom
sınıfa girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the factory
fabrikaya girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the lists
mücâdeleye girişmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the lists
er meydanına çıkmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the period
periyoda girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the season
sezona girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the tunnel
tünele girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the university
üniversiteye kapağı atmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to an account
hesaba geçirmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to win
(Bilgisayar) kazanmak için girin
<span class="word-self">enterspan> to win
(Bilgisayar) kazanmak için katılın
<span class="word-self">enterspan> up
deftere işlemek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} başlamak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} konmak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} dönüm noktasına gelmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} almak
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} girmek
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon a career
mesleğe girmek
Englisch - Englisch
Used to form compound words with the sense of "mutually", "between", or as an early variant of "inter-"
Variant of entero-
<span class="word-self">Enterspan>
The "Enter" key on a computer keyboard
<span class="word-self">Enterspan>
A stroke of the Enter key
do not <span class="word-self">enterspan>
Used to ask not to enter, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door
do not <span class="word-self">enterspan>
Signs along the road to indicate this is a one way street
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To type (something) into a computer; to input
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To go into (a room, etc.)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Alternative spelling of Enter (“the computer key”)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Alternative spelling of Enter (“a stroke of the computer key”)
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
To be relevant; to be a contributing factor

He did the crime and will go to jail - the fact that he did not know it was illegal does not enter into it.

<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
To engage in a formal process

The country entered into peace talks with the militants.

<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
To become legally committed to

One must be of legal age to enter into a contract.

<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{v} to go or come in, write down, engage in, lodge manifest of goods at a custom house
<span class="word-self">Enterspan>
set foot in
<span class="word-self">enterspan> someone's head
occur to someone
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
be or play a part of or in; "Elections figure prominently in every government program"; "How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If you enter something in a notebook, register, or financial account, you write it down. Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
take on duties or office; "accede to the throne"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To put a subscriber name or subscription record on the file This does not mean “to start service ” (See “Start ”)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(1) (in play) use an entry; transfer the lead to the opposite hand
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To penetrate mentally; to consider attentively; with into
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Key used to confirm entries; same as Return
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If something new enters your mind, you suddenly think about it. Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind. = cross
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To cause to go (into), or to be received (into); to put in; to insert; to cause to be admitted; as, to enter a knife into a piece of wood, a wedge into a log; to enter a boy at college, a horse for a race, etc
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Northern 'fer c'mon in y'all
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
The <ENTER> key on your keyboard Almost all commands used on a network should be followed by <ENTER> Also called <return>, <CR>, or carriage return
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To put a subscriber name or subscription record on the file This does not mean “to start service ” (See “Start ”)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To deposit for copyright the title or description of a book, picture, map, etc
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
set out on (an enterprise, subject of study, etc ); "she embarked upon a new career"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To inscribe; to enroll; to record; as, to enter a name, or a date, in a book, or a book in a catalogue; to enter the particulars of a sale in an account, a manifest of a ship or of merchandise at the customhouse
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To move a checker from the bar to a point in the opponent's home board according to a roll of the dice When a player has a checker on the bar, this is his only legal move
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
A key on the keyboard that, when pressed, instructs the computer to do something with the data just typed in In word processing applications, the Enter key is analogous with the ‘return’ key on a typewriter
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To put a subscriber name or subscription record on the file This does not mean "to start service " (See "Start ")
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To enter information into a computer or database means to record it there, for example by typing it on a keyboard. When a baby is born, they enter that baby's name into the computer A lot less time is now spent entering the data
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
When the host system is working on your application program or the session window is connected to a host system, Enter transmits data from the screen to the application program
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
as, "entered according to act of Congress
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
make a record of; set down in permanent form
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
" To initiate; to introduce favorably
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
put or introduce into something; "insert a picture into the text"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(v ) To type a character from the keyboard (n ) A classification of an object based on its characteristics, behavior, and attributes
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To type (something) into a computer
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Constant associated with the key code value for the Enter key (13)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
vt memasuki (masuk)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If you enter someone for a race or competition, you officially state that they will compete or take part in it. His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship. some of the 150 projects entered for the awards
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Northern fer c'mon in y'all
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
come on stage to come or go into; "the boat entered an area of shallow marshes
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
uci An explicit user action that effects computer processing of user entries For example, after typing a series of numbers, a user might press an ENTER key that will add them to a data base, subject to data validation [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
register formally as a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
become a participant; be involved in; "enter a race"; "enter an agreement"; "enter a drug treatment program"; "enter negotiations"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If someone or something enters a particular situation or period of time, they start to be in it or part of it. The war has entered its second month A million young people enter the labour market each year
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
A prefix signifying between, among, part
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To make report of (a vessel or her cargo) at the customhouse; to submit a statement of (imported goods), with the original invoices, to the proper officer of the customs for estimating the duties
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To unite in; to join; to be admitted to; to become a member of; as, to enter an association, a college, an army
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To go into or upon, as lands, and take actual possession of them
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
become a participant; be involved in; "enter a race"; "enter an agreement"; "enter a drug treatment program"; "enter negotiations" come on stage to come or go into; "the boat entered an area of shallow marshes
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
See Entry, 4
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
Input data from the keyboard For example, you could enter a command at the command line, or enter values in a text entry field of a dialog box
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
the river enters the sea
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
You save your changes when you hit the Enter key Use only when you have completed your changes for the entire panel group
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
come on in
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To pass within the limits of; to attain; to begin; to commence upon; as, to enter one's teens, a new era, a new dispensation
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To place in regular form before the court, usually in writing; to put upon record in proper from and order; as, to enter a writ, appearance, rule, or judgment
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
G1525 eiserchomai, ice-er'-khom-ahee; from G1519 and G2064; to enter (lit or fig ): --X arise, come (in, into), enter in (-to), go in (through)
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To key new or changed employee record values on a screen
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If you enter a competition, race, or examination, you officially state that you will compete or take part in it. I run so well I'm planning to enter some races He entered for many competitions, winning several gold medals To enter, simply complete the coupon on page 150
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
The Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank is the percentile ranking based on an applicant's VCE study scores which reflects their performance relative to all other VCE students
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To file or inscribe upon the records of the land office the required particulars concerning (a quantity of public land) in order to entitle a person to a right pf preëmption
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If you enter an organization or institution, you start to work there or become a member of it. He entered the BBC as a general trainee
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} go into; join; record, inscribe
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
to come or go into; "the boat entered an area of shallow marshes"
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To go into a area to observe all visible components
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To type in information using the keyboard keys Enter refers to the Enter key
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
If it does not enter your head to do, think or say something, you do not think of doing that thing although you should have done. It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To initiate; to introduce favorably
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To come or go into; to pass into the interior of; to pass within the outer cover or shell of; to penetrate; to pierce; as, to enter a house, a closet, a country, a door, etc
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
The key immediately right of the apostrophe key Also called the Return key and the Carriage Return A similar key is at the lower right corner of the keyboard
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To get admission; to introduce one's self; to penetrate; to form or constitute a part; to become a partaker or participant; to share; to engage; usually with into; sometimes with on or upon; as, a ball enters into the body; water enters into a ship; he enters into the plan; to enter into a quarrel; a merchant enters into partnership with some one; to enter upon another's land; the boy enters on his tenth year; to enter upon a task; lead enters into the composition of pewter
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To engage in; to become occupied with; as, to enter the legal profession, the book trade, etc
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
starting a hawk out on a certain type of prey
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
come on stage
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
A stroke on that key
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
When you enter a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it. He entered the room briskly and stood near the door As soon as I entered, they stopped and turned my way
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
To go or come in; often with in used pleonastically; also, to begin; to take the first steps
<span class="word-self">enterspan>
{f} walk in
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a boy at a school
enroll a boy to a school
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a caveat
file a warning note; file a caveat for suspension of proceedings (Law)
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a caveat against
warning to suspend a proceeding until the opposition has a hearing
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a new year
{f} enter the year that has just started
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a plea
submit a defense argument in a court of law
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a protest
{f} file an appeal
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a room
{f} go into a room
<span class="word-self">enterspan> a word in a dictionary
insert or add a word in a dictionary
<span class="word-self">enterspan> an action against someone
{f} file a lawsuit against someone; make a legal claim against a person
<span class="word-self">enterspan> an affidavit
{f} (Law) make a declaration; file an affidavit
<span class="word-self">enterspan> in a list
register on a list; write on a list
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
If you enter into something such as an agreement, discussion, or relationship, you become involved in it. You can also say that two people enter into something. I have not entered into any financial agreements with them The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border No correspondence will be entered into
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
{f} go into; take part in; get involved in something in an active manner; sign up for
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into
If one thing enters into another, it is a factor in it. There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a bond with
make an agreement with, contract with
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a contract
make an agreement with; enter into an agreement, sign an agreement
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into a new undertaking
{f} sign up or take part of a new undertaking
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into conversation
join the discussion
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into details
go into details, give out much information
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into negotiations
begin discussions aimed at reaching an agreement or compromise
<span class="word-self">enterspan> into the spirit
get into the mood of things, adopt the feeling of a group or event
<span class="word-self">enterspan> key
(Computers) one of the keys on the keyboard (confirms a command and sends it to the processor)
<span class="word-self">enterspan> one's name for
register for, enroll
<span class="word-self">enterspan> parliament
become a member of parliament
<span class="word-self">enterspan> the army
enlist in the army, join the armed forces
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
{f} take possession of; take on a job, take on duties
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
take possession of; "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives"
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon
take possession of; "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives
<span class="word-self">enterspan> upon office
begin work in a position or post
<span class="word-self">enterspan> with army escort
go in accompanied by military personnel
re-<span class="word-self">enterspan>
re-enter re-enters re-entering re-entered in AM, also use reenter If you re-enter a place, organization, or area of activity that you have left, you return to it. Ten minutes later he re-entered the hotel
re-<span class="word-self">enterspan>
enter again; "You cannot re-enter the country with this visa
re-<span class="word-self">enterspan>
enter again; "You cannot re-enter the country with this visa"
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von enter- im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">enterspan>
(Bilgisayar) enter
<span class="word-self">enterspan> tuşuna basmak
(Bilgisayar) enter



    () From French entre, from Latin inter.


    ... And from the moment you enter explore, we provide ...
    ... day or less.  People who are very poor can’t enter the market and plunk down their cash ...