
listen to the pronunciation of emoticons
Englisch - Türkisch
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Englisch - Englisch
plural of emoticon
those little happy faces and funny characters used to express emotion over email and in chats Due to the lack of human interaction (sound, facial expression etc ) in computer mediated communication, people use symbols for smile : ) frown : ( wink ;) and more! (these are all sideways by the way) See what you can come up with! : @)
(aka smileys) - an ASCII glyph used to indicate an emotional state in electronic mail or news Although originally intended mostly as jokes, emoticons (or some other explicit humour indication) are virtually required under certain circumstances in high-volume text-only communication forums such as Usenet; the lack of verbal and visual cues can otherwise cause what were intended to be humorous, sarcastic, ironic, or otherwise non-100%-serious comments to be badly misinterpreted (not always even by newbies), resulting in arguments and flame wars
Smileys and other character art used to express feelings in online communication Some examples: : -) : -0 : -(
Sometimes called "smileys " A display of emotions using common punctuation symbols, often used when sending e-mail The result is a sideways face For example, this means happy : -) and this is sad : -( and this is a wink ;-)
The online means of facial expressions and gestures Examples: : ) Tip your head to the left and you will see the two eyes and smiling mouth Use them where applicable in chats and email Other emoticons include: : ( sad : 0 surprised o: ) innocent
Facial "expressions" created with punctuation marks to indicate emotional content Typical ones are: : -) = smile; : -( = frown; ;^) = smirk; etc
This is the name for all those little sideways smiley faces -- and other non-smiling variations on the theme -- that you see sprinkled throughout e-mail messages, chat rooms, and Usenet postings At first glance they may seem shallow: since when has the English language needed graphical assistance? Keep in mind, though, how ridiculously easy it can be to give a wrong impression when batting out message replies, particularly if you're doing it online without editing yourself A smiley face or a substitute such as *grin* tells the message's recipient(s) that you're only kidding or, in certain cases, being sarcastic : )
We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons", where : ) means a smile and : ( is a frown Sometimes these are represented by : -) and : -( respectively
Font combinations used as email shortcuts to convey emotions and expressions For example: Happy : -)Wink (sarcasm) ;->Surprised : -0
Smileys : - and other character art used to express feelings in email communication
also know as Smileys, are symbols created by using keyboard characters to convey emotions In order to see an emoticon/smiley, turn you head sideways Try it now : -p
Another name for characters on the keyboard used to reflect a certain attitude For example, : ) or : ( or 8-) Derives from "Emotion" and "Icon "
Keyboard symbols used to convey sentiment or emotion in an environment where body language and voice inflection are not available Also known as smileys For example, this series of symbols : - when viewed with the head tilted to the left, represent a smile See Acronyms and smileys for more examples
A group of keyboard characters that take on facial expressions and are used to express emotion in text-based electronic communication, i e e-mail, discussions, or conferencing The most commonly-used symbols are : -) [smile, happy] and : -( [sad, unhappy] A list of emoticons is available at http: //www chatlist com/faces html See http: //www-2 cs cmu edu/~sef/sefSmiley htm for the history of smilies
graphic representations of feelings and emotions; used generally for fun and can be easily personalized Below are a few commonly used samples -- beware, tho' - excessive use is annoying!
The online means of facial expressions and gestures or smilies Examples: : ) Tip your head to the left and you will see the two eyes and smiling mouth Use them where applicable in chats and e-mail Other emoticons include: : ( sad : 0 surprised o: ) innocent
Used in E-mail messages to indicate emotions Turn sideways to read them They include smiley : -) wink ;-) smiley with glasses 8-) and frown : -( Other emotions are donated with brackets, such as <sign> or <grin>
typed symbols of expression, like a smiley face; tilt your head sideways to the left to see it; also called smileys(click for examples)
Punctuation symbols grouped together to represent human facialexpressions; they let you add emphasis to your e-mail; also known as smileys Example: basic smile :
The sideways smiley faces that some people type to show emotion in the text of Email messages For example : -) or =)
Smileys [ these things : - ] and other character art used to express feelings in email communication
Also called smileys or winkies, they are little punctuation faces that add body language to cybercommunication A smiley looks like this : ) or, with a nose, like this : -) and a winky is this ;)
Symbols made out of keyboard characters, used to convey emotions Common examples include : -) (smile), : -( (frown), and ;-) (wink)
Also referred to as smileys, these symbols convey the tone of a typed message : ) (See "What's a Smiley?" and "Recommended Smileys and Emoticons for Email Communication")
Below are some of the common symbols people use to show emotion electronically You need to turn you head sideways to see most of them : -) Smiley, sometimes seen as <g> or : -> : -( Sad face 8-) Smiley wearing glasses ;-) A wink : -& Tongue-tied : -o A look of shock : -p Tongue stuck out Talking emotions, when you type in ALL CAPITALS on the Internet, people interpret you as SHOUTING at them : -)
An emoticon is a symbol used in e-mail to show how someone is feeling. : -) is an emoticon showing happiness. = smiley. a special sign that is used to show an emotion in email and on the Internet, often by making a picture. For example, the emoticon : -) looks like a smiling face and means that you have made a joke (emotion + icon)
{i} (Internet) type of icon in the shape of a face that show emotions and expressions like a human face (such as a smiley face)
A symbol to compensate for the absence of nonverbal clues when communicating on the Internet For example signifies a "grin", : } or : -} a "smile", when inserted in the text of an e-mail message and alerts the reader not to take it seriously
(also smiley) Little faces made out of keyboard characters, used to express smiles : -) winks ;-) surprise : -0 and more (If you don't see the faces, put your left ear on your left shoulder and look again )
Symbols used in e-mail to signify various expressions and emotions The most common example is probably the smiley face, : -
This odd symbol is one of the ways a person can portray "mood" in the very flat medium of computers--by using "smilies " This is `metacommunication', and there are literally hundreds of them, from the obvious to the obscure This particular example expresses "happiness " Don't see it? Tilt your head to the left 90 degrees Smilies are also used to denote sarcasm
A combination of characters that form a facial expression For example, if you turn your head sideways, the characters : ) make a smiley face, and the characters 8) make a four-eyed smiley Frequently used in email messages to convey a particular tone If you wanted to jokingly insult somebody, without starting a flame war, you could write, "I think you are a total loser : )"
Emoticons are the putting together of symbols to create something For example, this is a sideways smiley : ), this is a wink ;), and this is a frown : ( You can find a much larger list on our Emoticons page
[return to top] Symbols used to convey emotions or humour, something which is difficult to do in text based communication They are formed with specific keyboard characters For a list go to Emoticons Using emoticons may cause problems for people who are not aware of what the symbols mean, careful use of the written word may be a better way to communicate : -
A combination of characters that form a facial expression For example, if you turn your head sideways, the characters : make a smiley face Used to express your mood
a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email; ": -( and : -) are emoticons"
n A picture built out of ASCII characters, often sideways, used in human-to-human electronic communications, such as e-mail, chat, and IRC The use of emoticons is intended to compensate for the lack of evocative, emotional content in computer text The most popular type of emoticon is the smiley face
Emoticons, or smileys : - , are used to convey emotion The expressions and inflections of voice we use to convey emotion, irony, sarcasm, etc when talking are lost when communicating over the Internet To make up for that, a system of symbols has developed which uses common keyboard marks
Characters which express human emotions - you may need to rest the side of your head on your left hand shoulder to appreciate them - however some word processors such as Microsoft Word will automatically convert these to the icons Examples include
A combination of keyboard characters meant to represent a facial expression Frequently used in electronic communications to convey a particular meaning, much like tone of voice is used in spoken communications Examples: the characters : -) for a smiley face or ;-) for a wink
a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email; ": -( and : -) are emoticons
(pronounced ee-MOE-ti-con) Shortened form of "emotion icons " Sideways "smiley-face" symbols created with ASCII characters to express emotions and physical characteristics Emoticons, also known as a smilies, are often used in e-mail messages and newsgroup postings
A graphical representation, either in the form of an image or made up of ASCII characters, of a particular emotion of the writer
A symbol used to communicate information online (in chats, e-mail, and on Web sites) that, in real life, would be communicated nonverbally For instance, the symbol ;-> means that a statement was made tongue-in-cheek (We have a guide to emoticons here in the Support Center ) Back to Top
Also known as smilies, they are keyboard characters used in combination to produce whimsical symbols representing a range of emotions Examples are happy : -) and sad : -( Emoticons are used in electronic communication to show humor and express emotions that are difficult to communicate in a text-based environment For a comprehensive list of emoticons, follow this link: http: //www chatlist com/faces html
A symbol that uses the characters on a computer keyboard to convey emotion or tone in an electronic message, such as the sideways smiley face : -
E-mail emotions, or faces that you insert to express moods Examples: Smiley face : -) or unhappy face : -(
When we speak, our tone of voice and facial expressions convey shades of meaning When we write, sometimes meanings are misinterpreted or blurred Because of this lack of emotional bandwidth in writing, people have invented ways to let the reader know how they are feeling through the use of emoticons Emoticons involve the use of a few common keyboard characters to form visual icons Currently, there are over 200 facial symbols, called smileys, that people use in their email messages to add emotion and feelings Some examples are: : -) Smile, : -( Frown, ;D Big Smile, ;-) Wink However, before you use emoticons in your online courses, check with your instructor In online courses, like any college courses, you should always use proper grammar
The online means to express facial expressions or gestures : -
Short for emotion icon, a series of punctuation characters that indicates the writer's mood or how an e-mail or chat message should be interpreted For example, : - stands for a smiling face and indicates that the message should be interpreted lightly Emoticons are also referred to as smileys
Emoticons are used to express feelings and convey emotions in the "faceless" electronic environment of the World Wide Web Tilting your head to the left will help you see most of the shorthand symbols A "smiley" : - is an example of an emoticon Click on the faceless hyperlink to see additional emoticons
Punctuation characters that suggest how an email should be interpreted by indicating the writer s mood For example, a : - emoticon indicates that the message is meant as a joke The name is short for emotion icon An emoticon is also called a smiley
Punctuation used to express emotion in email messages Example : - means the writer is smiling or intending the message to be humorous