elementary school

listen to the pronunciation of elementary school
Englisch - Türkisch

Ben ilkokuldan beri Fransız keklerini severim. - I've loved French cakes since elementary school.

Tom, onlar ilkokuldayken, sürekli Mary'ye sataşırdı. - Tom used to pick on Mary all the time when they were in elementary school.

ilköğretim okulu
(Eğitim) ilk-ve ortaokul
ilk ve ortaokul
elementary school buildings
ilkokul binaları
elementary school counselors
ilkokul rehberleri
elementary school principals
ilkokul yöneticileri
elementary school teaching
ilkokul öğretimi
elementary schools
elementary flying school
(Askeri) başlangıç uçuş okulu
elementary flying school
(Askeri) BAŞLANGIÇ UÇUŞ OKULU: Bak. "flying school"
Englisch - Englisch
A school for children, typically older than toddlers and younger than adolescents. In the U.S., elementary schools cover grades 1 through 5, and the ages of the children are usually 6-11 years. At a minimum, elementary schools will teach basic reading, writing, arithmetic, and history
An educational institution for children in grades 1 through 5, 6, or 8, often including kindergarten
An elementary school is a school where children are taught for the first six or sometimes eight years of their education. the move from elementary school to middle school or junior high. a school in the US where basic subjects are taught for the first six years of a child's education
An elementary school is an agency that is both classified as elementary by state and local practice, and is composed of any span of grades not above grade eight A preschool or kindergarten school is included under this heading only if it is and integral part of an elementary school or a regularly established school system
– a grade school for pupils between 6 and 12 years – roughly the equivalent to a UK primary school
A school classified as elementary by state and local practice and composed of any span of grades not above grade 8 A preschool or kindergarten school is included under this heading only if it is an integral part of an elementary school or a regularly established school system
Grades K through 6
A school classified as elementary by state and local practice and composed of any span of grades 1-6
a school for young children; usually the first 6 or 8 grades
grade school, school usually including the 1st through 6th grades
elementary school teacher
teacher that teaches in an elementary school (grades 1-6)
Elementary school.
grammar school
elementary schools
plural form of elementary school
pre-elementary school
kindergarten, class for children between the ages of 4 and 6 years old
elementary school