If you do your bit, you do something that, to a small or limited extent, helps to achieve something. Marcie always tried to do her bit
A unit of measurement that represents one figure or character of data A bit is the smallest unit of storage in a computer Since computers actually read 0s and 1s, each is measured as a bit The letter A consists of 8 bits which amounts to one byte Bits are often used to measure the capability of a microprocessor to process data, such as 16-bit or 32-bit
feelings If you say that something is a bit much, you are annoyed because you think someone has behaved in an unreasonable way. It's a bit much expecting me to dump your boyfriend for you
If something is smashed or blown to bits, it is broken into a number of pieces. If something falls to bits, it comes apart so that it is in a number of pieces. She found a pretty yellow jug smashed to bits
In the Southern and Southwestern States, a small silver coin (as the real) formerly current; commonly, one worth about 12 1/2 cents; also, the sum of 12 1/2 cents
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a bit of rock caught him in the eye"
In computing, a bit is the smallest unit of information that is held in a computer's memory. It is either 1 or
The smallest unit of information in a computer, equivalent to a single zero or a one The word "bit" is a contraction of a "binary digit " Eight bits are needed to create a single alphabetical or numerical character, which is called a "byte "
Quite a bit means quite a lot. They're worth quite a bit of money Things have changed quite a bit He's quite a bit older than me
A single-digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero A bit is the smallest unit of computerized data Bandwidth is usually measured in bits-per-second
A single digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero The smallest unit of computerized data Bandwidthis usually measured in bits-per-second See also: Bandwidth, Bit, bps, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte
elektronik beyin vb ile muhaverede en ufak birim
e·lekt·ro·nik be·yin vb i·le mu·ha·ve·re·de en u·fak bi·rim