The ECM is the Engine Control Module This little "black box" works with your car's sensors and engine control devices to insure that the engine operates at maximum efficiency and performance It is "The Brain" of your car's electronic performance system and performs three vital functions receives electronic signals from engine sensors analyzes the data and makes an engine performance decision (based on the pre-set parameters within the unit) sends an "output command" to an actuator that adjusts engine performance
the External Configuration Module is an option for the AVA-300 and ATV-300 that allows you to configure a permanent start-up video and audio stream configuration If power is to the unit is lost and then restored, it will start executing with the configuration stored in its ECM The ECM contents may be changed over the ATM network
Acronym for "electronic Control Module" which is the master computer responsible for interpreting electrical signals sent by engine sensors and for activating automated engine components and processes accordingly in order to produce optimum performance
Electronic Counter Measure DirecTV uses the data stream to "seek and destroy" illegally altered Access Cards ECM's typically force the access card's processor to go into an infinite loop, making them unusable
Enterprise Component Modeling, A framework and methodology for building iterative model-driven multi-tiered enterprise-scalable applications ECM employs object technology and component-based development techniques to incrementally build and deliver an application throughout seven phases Conceptualization, Requirements Analysis, System Design, Object Design, Construction, Testing and Deployment
Englisch - Türkisch
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