
listen to the pronunciation of e-government
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von e-government im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Hükümet sivil ilişkilerden zarar görüyor. - A government suffers from civil affairs.

Hükümet temel değişiklikler yapmalı. - The government must make fundamental changes.

idare etme
hükümet erkanı
{i} idare

Belediye idaresinin pek çok bürosu belediye binasındadır. - Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall.

government house hükümet konağı

Onun konuşması Hükümetin politikalarıyla ilgili etkili bir özürdü. - His speech was an effective apology for the Government's policies.

Hükümet temel değişiklikler yapmalı. - The government must make fundamental changes.

hükümet sürme
Government Issue devletin sağladığı levazım
{i} siyasal bilgiler
government purchase
Devlet alımı
{i} rejim
(Dilbilim) yöneltme

Her şahıs, doğrudan doğruya veya serbestçe seçilmiş temsilciler vasıtasıyla, memleketin kamu işleri yönetimine katılmak hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

{i} devlet

Şirketin Başkanı Devlet Bakanına rüşvet verdi. - The president of the company bribed the government minister.

Posta hizmetleri devlet tekelindedir. - Postal services are a government monopoly.

foreign government
yabancı hükümet
form of government
(Politika, Siyaset) hükümet biçimi
devlet yönetimi
{i} yönetim

Onlar yerel yönetimin üyeleriydi. - They were members of the local governments.

Şehir yönetimindeki yozlaşmayı ortaya çıkardı. - He exposed corruption in the city government.

government agencies
resmi daireler
government agencies
devlet kurumları
government agency
devlet müessesesi
government and press
devlet ve basın
government attorney
(Kanun) savcı
government auditing
devlet denetimi
government bank
(Ticaret) resmi banka
government bank
(Ticaret) devlet bankası
government bodies
devlet organları
government bodies
(Politika, Siyaset) hükümet organları
government bonds
(Ticaret) devlet tahvilleri
government budget
devlet bütçesi
government budget
(Ticaret) genel bütçe
government consumer
(Ticaret) hükümet tüketimi
government credit
(Ticaret) devlet kredisi
government debt
(Ticaret) hükümet borcu
government debt
(Ticaret) iç borç
government decision
hükümet kararı
government deficit
(Ticaret) kamu açığı
government deficit
(Ticaret) bütçe açığı
government deposit
(Ticaret) resmi mevduat
government entity
(Ticaret) devlet kuruluşu
government etiquette
kamu görgü kuralları
government force
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet kuvveti
government funds
(Ticaret) devlet istikrazı
government grants
(Ticaret) devlet bağışları
government house
government house
(Politika, Siyaset) başbakanlık
government job
government liability
devletin sorumluluğu
government license
(Ticaret) hükümet lisansı
government license
(Ticaret) resmi izin belgesi
government loan
(Ticaret) kamu kredisi
government missions
devlet misyonları
government officer
devlet görevlisi
government official
devlet görevlisi
government official
hükümet yetkilisi
government order
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) kararname
government paperwork
devlet tutanakları
government partners
hükümet ortakları
government party
(Politika, Siyaset) iktidar partisi
government payee
(Ticaret) alacaklı devlet kurumu
government policy
devlet politikası
government pressure
devlet baskısı
government promotion
devlet teşviki
government property
(Askeri) devlet malı
government property
(Politika, Siyaset) kamu malı
government publicity
halkın yönetime etkisi
government relations
devlet ilişkileri
government saving
(Ticaret) kamu tasarrufları
government seals
(Politika, Siyaset) devlete ait mühürler
government service
devlet hizmeti
government spending
(Ticaret) hükümet harcamaları
government tenders
(Ticaret) devlet ihaleleri
government vehicles
(Ticaret) kamu taşıtları
government vessels
(Askeri) resmi gemiler
interim government
(Politika, Siyaset) geçici hükümet
local government
yerel yönetim
present government
mevcut hükümet
responsible party government
(Politika, Siyaset) sorumlu parti hükümeti
student government
öğrenci yönetimi
united states government
(Askeri) abd hükümeti
violence against government
(Kanun) hükümete karşı şiddet
{i} siyaset bilimi
caretaker government
geçici hükümet
central government
merkezi hükümet
chant anti-government slogans
hükümet aleyhinde sloganlar atmak
civil government
sivil idare
department of local government
yerel idare bölümü
government bond
devlet tahvili
government department
yönetim departmanı
government enterprise
devlet işletmesi
government house
vali konağı
government house
hükümet konağı
government income
hükumet geliri
government loan
hükümet borçlanması
government man
devlet adamı
government minister
devlet bakanı
government office
devlet makamı
government office
devlet dairesi
government office
resmi daire
government official
hükümet görevlisi
government owned
devlet malı
government papers
devlet tahvilatı
government papers
hükümet arşivleri
government representatives
hükümet temsilcileri
government securities
devlet tahvilleri
government security
devlet sırrı
government stocks
devlet menkul kıymetleri
local government
mahalli idare
minority government
azınlık hükümeti
provisional government
geçici hükümler
puppet government
kukla hükümet
self government
kendi kendini idare etme
öz özünü yönetme
shadow government
muhalefet hükümeti
distant government
bir devleti başka bir ülkeden yöneten hükümet
{i} yönetim biçimi
government (or gvt)
devlet (veya GVT)
government assistance
devlet yardımı

We can help you determine which types of government assistance you might qualify for and how and where to apply - Hangi tür devlet yardımlarının sizin için uygun olabileceğini ve nasıl ve nereye başvurulacağını belirlemenize yardımcı olabiliriz.

government assistance
devlet desteği

The basis of government grants and government assistance are transferring sources to more beneficial areas and eliminating imbalance of welfare - Devlet teşvikleri ve devlet desteğinin temeli, kaynakları daha yararlı alanlara aktarmak ve refah dengesizliğini ortadan kaldırmaktır.

government bonds
devlet bonoları
government broker
borsadaki hükümet temsilcisi
government by a woman
bir kadın tarafından hükümet
government by children
Çocukların hükümet
government by compromise
uzlaşma hükümet
government by god; divine sovereignty; theocracy
tanrı; ilahi egemenlik hükümet; teokrasi
government license
government official
devlet memuru
government officials
hükümet yetkilileri
government positions
yönetim kadrolarını
government reports
hükümet raporları
government spokesperson
(Politika Siyaset) Hükümet sözcüsü
municipal government
sivil toplum
orwellian government
(Politika Siyaset) The term Orwellian Government comes from the name of the author George Orwell and from his book 1984, in which an authoritarian government closely watches the citizens
permanent government loan
sürekli hükümet borcu
petticoat government
Kadın saltanatı
Hükümet yanlısı
shadow government
Gölge Hükümet veya Gölge Kabine, İngiliz Westminster Yönetim Sisteminde Ana Muhalefet partisinin Liderinin önderliğinde söz konusu partinin üst düzey sözcülerinden oluşan (veya diğer muhalefet partileri için de kullanılır) ve her biri iktidar partisinin yönetimdeki bakanlarının birine alternatif (gölge)oluşturan, kendileri iktidar olursa iktidar partisinin belli bir konuda yaptığı uygulamadan farklı olarak ne şekilde davranacaklarını belirten üyeler topluluğudur
Englisch - Englisch
The application of e-business technologies and strategies to government organizations
Electronic government
The transformation of internal and external business processes toward customer-centricity based upon service delivery opportunities offered by new communication technologies (such as web-based technologies) to better fulfill the purposes of government to provide efficiency and effectiveness as well as fairness and equitability
Delivering local government service through electronic means Electronic means include telephone and fax, and increasingly the internet (whether accessed through a PC, digital TV, phone or other device) Electronic access may be direct, or mediated through call centres or front offices in which the operator has access to information electronically and can seek information or complete transactions on behalf of members of the public who prefer to conduct business face to face or by telephone
branch of government
A part of a whole governing body which is assigned specific powers; examples include the legislature, the judiciary, the executive, the military, and, in non-secular states, the church
branches of government
plural form of branch of government
close enough for government work
It is not worth investing additional time on perfecting this thing
The use of information technologies in order to (a) enhance the access to and the delivery of Government information and services to the public and (b) to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and/or the quality of Government operations
federal government
The national government of the United States, in contrast to government at the state level
federal government
Any of several forms of government of federations
The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people, or organization
The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power
The management or control of a system
A group of people who hold a monopoly on the legitimate use of force in a given territory
The tenure of a chief of state
government cheese
Processed cheese provided to welfare and food stamp recipients in the United States during the 1980s and early 1990s
government issue
Any articles issued in conformity with US military regulations or procedures
government issue
A group of securities with the same maturity, interest rate, and terms and conditions issued by a government
government issues
plural form of government issue
government man
In the days when Australia was a penal colony: a convict

1888: Whatever it was that had happened to him in the old times when he was a Government man he didn’t talk about. — Rolf Boldrewood, Robbery Under Arms.

government man
A supporter of the government
government man
A representative of the government
government men
Plural form of government man
government stroke
The deliberately slow pace of work supposed to be typical of government workers.Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National Lingua Franca program, 24 August 2002

Why not just leave things as they are and say, We are going to run this government organisation efficiently; we are going to make sure that the government stroke has disappeared, that the managers are on the ball and that the customers get good service.

government stroke
In the days when Australia was a penal colony, the amount work that a convict was required to complete each day.Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore (1996), ISBN 1-86046-150-6
government take
A government's revenue through taxes, royalties and government participation
government takes
plural form of government take
government wharf
A government-built wharf
censored by the government
head of government
The chief officer of the executive branch of a government, often presiding over a cabinet; usually called Prime Minister (in a parliamentary system) or President (in a presidential system)
heads of government
plural form of head of government
local government
Any form of government whose remit covers an area less than that of the nation
machine of government
A political machine
machines of government
plural form of machine of government
minority government
Government by a political party or a coalition that does not have a majority of seats / votes in parliament
representative government
An electoral system where citizens vote to elect people to represent their interests and concerns. Those elected meet to debate and make laws on behalf of the whole community or society, instead of the people voting directly on laws and other debates
seat of government
The location that is the center of authority to govern; usually the capital city of an area

The Hague is the seat of government of the Netherlands, whereas Amsterdam is the capital.

seats of government
plural form of seat of government
The governance of a region by its own populace; autonomy

The radical party agitated for the region to secede from the confederation and establish self-government.

shadow government
A government-in-waiting that is prepared to take control in response to certain events. Often used to refer to leadership of the largest opposition party in parliament, which would assume control should the ruling party be displaced in elections
unitary government
A form of government in which the powers of all provincial and local governments are specified by a single national government
state government
the government of a state in the United States
{n} general system of polity for regulating a society, a state or body politic, administration or executive power, direction or control
A government is an organization that has the power to make and enforce laws for a certain territory. There are several definitions on what exactly constitutes a government. In its broadest sense, "govern" means the power to administrate, whether over an area of land, a set group of people, or an association
government accountability office
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of the United States Congress, and thus an agency in the Legislative Branch of the United States Government
Not belonging to or associated with any government
The use of information technologies in order to a) enhance the access to and the delivery of Government information and services to the public and b) to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and/or the quality of Government operations



    ... MR. LEHRER: Two minutes, Governor, on the role of government, your view. ...
    ... because it's the province of government, and usually ...