
listen to the pronunciation of dual
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} ikili

Birlik ve ikilik yalnızca aşkta çatışma içinde değildir. - Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.


Çifte vatandaşlığı seçtim. - I chose dual nationality.

Çocuklarımın çifte vatandaşlığa sahip olmasını istiyorum. - I want my children to have dual citizenship.

dual con trol hav çift kumanda
çift iki kat
Dual Monarchy eski Avusturya Macaristan imparatorluğu
{s} çift

Çocuklarımın çifte vatandaşlığa sahip olmasını istiyorum. - I want my children to have dual citizenship.

O bir çift kişiliğe sahiptir. - He has a dual personality.

dual ownership bir mülkün iki sahibi olması
{s} iki

Birlik ve ikilik yalnızca aşkta çatışma içinde değildir. - Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.

(Dilbilim) ikil

Birlik ve ikilik yalnızca aşkta çatışma içinde değildir. - Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.

çift yönlü
(Matematik) eşlek
iki eş parçalı
gram ikili adlandırma
dualpurpose çift görevi veya kullanılışı
(Biyokimya) iki yönlü
dual application
(Otomotiv) çift lastik kullanımı
dual band
(Telekom) çift bant
dual cable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çifte kablo
dual career
çift kariyerli
dual channel
iki kanallı
dual conversation
karşılıklı konuşma
dual distribution
(Turizm) çifte dağıtım
dual flight time
(Havacılık) gidiş-geliş uçuş zamanı
dual fuel
çift yakıtlı
dual graphs
çifteş çizgeler
dual number
(Dilbilim) ikil
dual pair
çifteş çift
dual purpose
(Askeri,Ticaret) çift amaçlı
dual scan
(Bilgisayar) çift taramalı
dual capacitor
çift kondansatör
dual carburettor
çift gövdeli karbüratör
dual carriageway
iki yönlü yol
dual control
çift kumanda
dual control airplane
çift kumandalı uçak
dual conversation
karşılıklı görüşme
dual diode
çift diyot
dual exhaust
çift egzoz
dual flight time
gidiş geliş uçuş zamanı
dual floppy system
çift disket sürücülü sistem
dual ignition
ikili ateşleme
dual income family
çift gelirli kodak
dual modulation
ikili modülasyon
dual nationality
çifte vatandaşlık
dual operation
ikili işlem
dual pickup
dual pikap
dual potentiometer
dual potansiyometre
dual pricing
iki fiyat koyma
dual processor
Çift İşlemcili
dual purpose
çift maksatlı
dual purpose
iki işlevli
dual purpose weapon
çift maksatlı silah
dual rheostat
çift reosta
dual space
dual uzay
dual speed wiper
çift hızlı silecek
dual standard
çifte stardart
dual stereo amplifier
çift kanal stereo amplifikatör
dual system
ikili sistem
dual system
ikili jüye
dual system loudspeaker
çift sistem hoparlör
dual thermostat
ikili termostat
dual triode
çift triyot
dual tyres
çift lastik
dual attitude system
İkili davranış sistemi
dual beta decay
ikili beta çözünmesi
dual carriage highway
Çift yönlü anayol
dual carriageway
Çift anayol
dual core
çift çekirdek
dual currency loan
çift döviz kredisi
dual exchange rate
ikili döviz kuru, çifte kur
dual income
İki kişilik gelir
dual personality
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Çift kişiliklilik
dual phase steel
Çift fazlı çelik
dual recording
çifte kayıt, ikili kayıt
dual use
çift kullanımlı
Çift kullanımlı
dual Boolean operation
ciftes Boole islemi
dual agent
(Askeri) İKİLİ AJAN, İKİ TARAFLI ÇALIŞAN AJAN: İki veya daha fazla istihbarat servisinde ve her ikisinde de hedeflerini kapsayacak şekilde bağımsız olarak aynı anda kullanılan kişi
dual aspect principle
(Ticaret) çift taraflılık ilkesi
dual aspect theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikili özellik teorisi
dual banking system
(Ticaret) ikili bankacılık sistemi
dual basis
(Matematik) eşlek tabanı
dual basis
(Matematik) dual tabanı
dual bead tires
(Otomotiv) çift damak telli lastik
dual boolean operation
(Bilgisayar) çifteş boole işlemi
dual cable
cifte kablo
dual capable
(Askeri) çift yetenekli
dual capable aircraft
(Askeri) çift yetenekli uçak
dual capable aircraft
(Askeri) çift kabiliyetli uçak
dual capable forces
(Askeri) çift kabiliyetli kuvvetler
dual capable forces
(Askeri) ÇİFT KABİLİYETLİ KUVVETLER: Çift kabiliyetli silahları kullanmaya elverişli olan kuvvetler
dual capable weapon
(Askeri) çift maksatlı silah
dual capable weapons
(Askeri) (MULTI) ÇİFT (ÇOK) MAKSATLI SİLAHLAR: 1. Çeşitli tipte ya da karışık harp güçlü veya ateş güçlü cihazları ayrı ayrı kullanma kabiliyetine sahip silahlar veya silah grupları ve araçlar. 2. Bazen bu terim, hem nükleer, hem nükleer olmayan mühimmatı kullanma kabiliyetindeki silahlar için kullanılır
dual carburetor
çift boğazlı karbüratör
dual carburetor
(Otomotiv) çift karbüratörlü
dual career family
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çift kariyerli aile
dual carriageway
bölünmüş yol
dual code
ikili kod
dual code theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikili kod teorisi
dual coding
çift kodlama
dual compression
çift tesirli sıkıştırma
dual controller
(Bilgisayar) çift denetleyici
dual currency bond
(Ticaret) çifte para birimli tahvil
dual currency bond
(Ticaret) çifte para birikimli tahvil
dual currency option
(Ticaret) ikili para birimi opsiyonu
dual cycle
(Otomotiv) ikili çevrim
dual diagnosis
çifte tanı
dual diagnosis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çifte teşhis
dual duct system
iki kanallı sistem
dual effect control
çift tesirli kontrol
dual effect control
çift etkili kontrol
dual effect control
etkili kontrol
dual enrollment
(Eğitim) ikili kayıt
dual exchange rate
(Ticaret) ikili döviz kuru
dual executive
(Politika, Siyaset) çift başlı yürütme
dual feedhorn
(Televizyon) çift feedhorn
dual firing circuit
(Askeri) 2' Lİ ATEŞLEME DEVRESİ: Hem elektriki hem de elektriki olmayan 2 bağımsız sistemden oluşan bir makine. Bununla herhangi bir sistem kullanılarak bütün patlayıcılar infilak ettirilebilir. Bak. "combination firing circuit". DUAL LANE HIGHWAY/DUAL CARRIAGE-WAY: ÇİFT ŞERİTLİ KARA YOLU: Gidiş ve geliş trafik akımları refüj yapılmak suretiyle birbirinden ayrılmış olan karayolu
dual firing circuit
(Askeri) ikili ateşleme devresi
dual fitment
(Otomotiv) çift lastik
dual flying
(Askeri) çift kumand uçuş
dual fuel boiler
çift yakıtlı kazan
dual fuel boiler
çift yalıtlı kazan
dual fuel burner
çift yakıtlı brülör
dual graphs
ciftes cizgeler
dual group
(Matematik) eşlek öbeği
dual group
(Matematik) dual grubu
dual hatted post
(Askeri) çift şapkalı kadro
dual ignition
(Otomotiv) ikiz ateşleme
dual income
iki kişilik gelir
dual income family
iki kişinin para kazandığı aile
dual innervation
(Tıp) dual inervasyon
dual install
(Bilgisayar) çift yükleme
dual instruction
(Havacılık) çift kumandalı öğretim
dual lane highway
(Askeri) çift şeritli kara yolu
dual market
(Ticaret) iki yanlı tekel piyasası
dual memory
ikili bellek
dual memory theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikili bellek teorisi
dual mode
ikili mod
dual mounted
(Otomotiv) çift lastik
dual nationality
çifte uyruk
dual networks
ciftes devreler
dual networks
çifteş devreler
dual orifice atomizer
(Havacılık) çift orifisli atomizor
dual ownership
(Ticaret) bir malın iki sahibi olması
dual pair
ciftes cift
dual pickup
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çift iğneli pikap
dual plug inhibit
çift fişli önleyici
dual port memory
cift erisimli bellek
dual port memory
(Bilgisayar) çift erişimli bellek
dual potentiometer
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çift potansiyometre
dual pressure boiler
çift basınçlı kazan
dual pressure control
çift basınç kontrolü
dual price system
(Ticaret) ikili fiyat sistemi
dual pricing
(Ticaret) çifte fiyatlama
dual pricing
(Ticaret) farklı fiyatlama
dual pump
çift pompa
dual purpose
iki amaçlı
dual purpose cattle
(Tarım) çift verim yönlü sığır
dual purpose generator
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çift maksatlı jeneratör
dual purpose gun
(Askeri) çift maksatlı silah
dual purpose gun
(Askeri) ÇİFT MAKSATLI SİLAH: Hem hava hem yerüstü hedeflerine tesirli ateş yapabilen silah
dual purpose improved conventional munitions
(Askeri) çift maksatlı geliştirilmiş konvansiyonel mühimmat
dual purpose trawl
(Denizbilim) çift amaçlı trol
dual purpose vessel
(Denizbilim) çift amaçlı tekne
dual purpose weapon
(Askeri) ÇİFT MAKSATLI SİLAH: Hem hava hem kara ve suüstü hedeflerine karşı etkili ateş edebilecek şekilde imal edilmiş silah
dual purpose weapons
(Askeri) (MULTI) ÇİFT (ÇOK) MAKSATLI SİLAHLAR: Temelde farklı iki veya daha çok askeri görevde veya muharebe şeklinde müessir tatbik sahasına sahip silahlar
dual rear axle
(Otomotiv) çift arka aks
dual recording
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çifte kaydetme
dual recording
ikili kayıt
dual reporting
(Askeri) çifte raporlama
dual runway entrance
(Havacılık) ikili pist girişi
dual scan
(double scan) cift taramali
dual search unit
(Nükleer Bilimler) (twin probe) çift kristalli prob
dual space
(Matematik) eşlek uzay
dual spacing
(Otomotiv) çift lastik ara mesafesi
dual standard
(Teknik,Televizyon) çift standartlı
dual thermostat
ikili ısıdenetir
dual thermostat
çift termostat
dual thrust
(Askeri) ÇİFT ÇEKİŞ (HV. ): Bir füzenin aynı tahrik kısmından faydalanan iki tahrik maddesi danesinden aldığı bir roket çekiş gücü. Çift çekiş tekniği; gerçekte iki kademeli (katlı) tahrik sistemi sağlar. Fazla olarak, bunda, yardımcı cihazı fırlatıp atmak ya da takviye çekirdeğini sıralı ateşlemek gibi mahzurlar olmadığı gibi, ağırlığının daha az, boyunun daha kısa ve maliyetinin daha düşük olması gibi faydalar da vardır. Bak. "dual thrust motor"
dual thrust
(Askeri) çift çekiş
dual thrust motor
(Askeri) ÇİFT ÇEKİŞLİ MOTOR: Çift çekiş elde edilmek üzere imal edilmiş son bir roket motoru. Nozül egzoz memesi sahası mekanik olarak değiştirilerek veya değişik terkip veya şekilde dane kullanılarak çekiş seviyesini ayarlamakla, tutuşturucu sevk danesi, tek hücreli bir cihaz dahilinde (single chamber unit) takviye danesiyle eşleştirilebilir. Çift hücreli bir cihazda, ayrı hücreler arka arkaya veya bir merkez etrafında tertiplenmiş olabilir. Bak. "dual thrust"
dual thrust motor
(Askeri) çift çekişli motor
dual thrust rocket
(Havacılık) çift itmeli roket
dual tuner
(Televizyon) ikili tuner
dual valuation
(Sigorta) çifte değerlendirme
dual valve
(Askeri) ikili vana
dual warning phenomenology
(Askeri) ÇİFT UYARI SİSTEMİ: Gerçek olmayan veya aldatıcı raporlara, daha az şüpheli olurken güvenilirlik kazanmak için aynı olaylarla ilgili değişik fiziksel olayları gözleyen 2 sistemden çıkarılan bilgiler. (Örnek: Radar/kızılötesi veya görünür ışık/x ışınları)
dual wheels
(Askeri) ÇİFT LASTİKLİ TEKERLEK: Bir aks milinin aynı ucuna, beraberce civatalanmış iki tekerlek. Bir aracın kaç tekerlekli olduğunu tespit için tekerlekler; sayarken, çift lastikli tekerlekler bir tekerlek kabul edilir
dual wheels
(Askeri) çift lastikli tekerlek
dual witnessing
(Tıp) çift şahit
çift olarak
single or dual
tek veya çift
Director of Central Intelligence; dual channel interchange
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat Başkanı; çift kanallı dolaşım
Englisch - Englisch
Of an item that is one of a pair, the other item in the pair
Of a regular polyhedron with V vertices and F faces, the regular polyhedron having F vertices and V faces

The octahedron is the dual of the cube.

Characterized by having two (usually equivalent) components
dual number The grammatical number of a noun marking two of something (as in singular, dual, plural), sometimes referring to two of anything (a couple of, exactly two of), or a chirality-marked pair (as in left and right, as with gloves or shoes) or in some languages as a discourse marker, "between you and me". A few languages display trial number
Of a vector in an inner product space, the linear functional corresponding to taking the inner product with that vector. The set of all duals is a vector space called the dual space

dual-headed computer.

Pertaining to grammatical number (as in singular and plural), referring to two of something, such as a pair of shoes, in the context of the singular, plural and in some languages, trial grammatical number. Modern Arabic displays a dual number, as did Homeric Greek
{a} expressing the number 2, second
consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs; "an egg with a double yolk"; "a double (binary) star"; "double doors"; "dual controls for pilot and copilot"; "duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure"
having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R W Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison
{s} of or pertaining to two; made up of two parts, twofold, double
a grammatical number category referring to two items or units as opposed to one item (singular) or more than two items (plural); "ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek"
in Greek
double, as in: I can remember when a dual-speed CD-ROM reader was the best you could buy
Dual means having two parts, functions, or aspects. his dual role as head of the party and head of state Rob may be entitled to dual nationality. having two of something or two parts dual role/purpose/function (dualis, from duo )
Another mathematical program with the property that its objective is always a bound on the original mathematical program, called the primal Suppose the dual is Min{F(y): y in Y} Then, F(y) >= f(x) for all feasible x in the primal and all y in Y This immediately implies that if the primal is feasible, the dual cannot be unbounded, and vice versa: if the dual is feasible, the primal cannot be unbounded It also implies that if the dual is unbounded, the primal must be infeasible (and vice versa) A dual provides a sufficiency test for optimality, for if feasible x and y can be found such that f(x)=F(y), it follows that x is optimal in the primal and y is optimal in the dual Weak duality is when this is all that can be guaranteed Strong duality is when an optimal solution to one problem ensures the existence of an optimal solution to the other and that their optimal objective values are equal There are particular duals of significance
Two polyhedra are duals if the vertices of one can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the centers of the faces of the other
Special number classification for pairs in first person and second person pronouns The OE first person dual wit meant 'the two of us' and [nominative case]; inc, the second person dual accusative and dative, meant 'the two of you '
A view owned by the SYS user containing one row with value 'X' This is handy when you want to select an expression and only get a single row back Sample Usage: select sysdate from DUAL; According to legend this table originally contained two rows, from there the name DUAL
dual number The grammatical number of a noun marking two of something (as in singular, dual, plural), sometimes referring to two of anything (a couple of exactly two of), or a chirality-marked pair (as in left and right, as with gloves or shoes) or in some languages as a discourse marker, "between you and me". A few languages display trial number
simultaneous knifed application of N and P or other fertilizer: typically involves anhydrous ammonia or N solution injected with fluid fertilizer at the sane point of application
Expressing, or consisting of, the number two; belonging to two; as, the dual number of nouns, etc
dual audio
Pertaining to media that gives the option to listen to audio from two different languages
dual carriageway
A road in which the two directions of traffic are separated by a central barrier or strip of land, known as a central reservation or median
dual citizenship
The status of being a citizen of two countries
dual citizenships
plural form of dual citizenship
dual mandate
Situation where a person has been elected to two different bodies with different competencies, for example being a member of both a national legislature, and of a local authority
dual meet
An athletic competition between two teams (of a club, school, nation, etc.) and two opposing teams
dual mode
Either of two modes in which a device is designed to operate
dual modes
plural form of dual mode
dual polyhedra
plural form of dual polyhedron
dual polyhedron
Either of a pair of polyhedra in which the faces of one are equivalent to the vertices of the other
dual primary
Two primaries held concurrently
dual space
The vector space which comprises the set of linear transformations of a given vector space into its scalar field
A device that is capable of operating in two frequencies. On a wireless network, dual-band devices are capable of operating in both the 2.4GHz (802.11b/g) and 5GHz (802.11a/n) bands. In cellular phone technology, dual-band devices typically operate in both the GSM900 and GSM1800 frequencies, allowing a greater number of roaming options
Having two operating systems available, such that either of them can be selected each time the computer is booted

In either situation, a dual-boot installation uses unpartitioned free space on the current or on another hard disk as the target.

Attributive form of dual citizenship

dual-citizenship status.

dual-clutch gearbox
A twin-clutch gearbox
Having two purposes; able to be used for two separate things
dual-career family
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) A family in which both partners pursue occupational careers. Such families are still relatively rare, and findings about dual-career families may not generalize to dual-earner families (where both partners are formally employed but only one—usually the male—pursues a career), which are now the norm. However, empirical studies suggest that both career women and those with less rewarding jobs appear to work a double shift, combining home and work responsibilities
dual-career marriage
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Marriages in which both partners pursue occupational careers. Such marriages are still relatively rare, and findings about dual-career marriages may not generalize to dual-earner families (where both partners are formally employed but only one—usually the male—pursues a career), which are now the norm. However, empirical studies suggest that both career women and those with less rewarding jobs appear to work a double shift, combining home and work responsibilities
dual-phase steel
Dual-phase steel (DPA) is a high-strength steel that has a ferrite and martensitic microstructure
Dual In-line Package
type of memory chip with dual rows of connecting pins on two sides, DIP (Computers)
Dual Monarchy
Hapsburg empire which lasted from 1867 until 1918 and was comprised of the countries of Austria and Hungary
Dual Tone Multi Frequency
allocation of a unique tone to each button on an appliance (made up of two frequencies - high and low) that allows a computer to recognize the tone (DTMF)
dual boot
The act of configuring a computer system to boot more than one operating system The name is something of a misnomer, as it is possible to boot more than the two operating systems the word "dual" implies
dual boot
The ability to boot your computer using one of two different operating systems
dual boot
A computer configuration that can start two different operating systems See also multiple boot
dual carbs
(Otomotiv) Two carburetors on the same engine allowing more fuel and air mixture to enter the engine
dual carriageway
(British) divided highway, public road which has a dividing barrier which separates the flow of traffic
dual carriageway
a highway divided down the middle by a barrier that separates traffic going in different directions; "in England they call a divided highway a dual carriageway"
dual carriageway
A dual carriageway is a road which has two lanes of traffic travelling in each direction with a strip of grass or concrete down the middle to separate the two lots of traffic. a main road that has two lines of traffic travelling in each direction, with a narrow part between them that has no traffic American Equivalent: divided highway
dual citizenship
double citizenship, state of possessing citizenship in two different countries
dual economy
existence of different economies in rural and urban areas whereas one is poor and the other has higher wages and more advanced technology
dual in-line memory module
DIMM, printed circuit board that contains groups of random access memory chips (RAM) that connect to the mother board of computers using a 64-bit channel
dual loyalty
double loyalty, loyalty that is divided between two (people, countries, etc.)
dual number
number having two integers
dual ownership
ownership by two
dual personality
split personality, multiple personality, psychological disorder in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more parts
dual plural
special method used to make a noun plural in order to indicate that the item exists in a pair or set of two
dual purpose
double purpose, purpose which serves two different uses
dual scan display
a type of passive matrix display in which the top and bottom half of the screen are refreshed simultaneously
dual use
{i} explosive that is used for both civil and military applications
a dual-band mobile phone is able to work in at least two different countries because it can receive two different types of signals
{s} belonging to two different networks
categorical dual
For a given category C, its dual category Cop is obtained by reversing the direction of each one of the arrows of C
In a dual manner; doubly
of a graph or polyhedron that is the dual of itself
of a proposition that is equivalent to its dual
{s} of dual character, in a dual capacity
Türkisch - Englisch
dual ekonomi.
dual economy
dual in-line memory module
(Kısaltma) dimm
(Tıp) dual-energy
dual grubu
(Matematik) dual group
dual inervasyon
(Tıp) dual innervation
dual mesleki eğitim
dual vocational education
dual pikap
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) dual pickup
dual tabanı
(Matematik) dual basis
dual uzay
(Matematik) dual space