Do you go?.
It simply will not do to have dozens of children running around such a quiet event.
What do you do?.
I'm going to do do this play into a movie.
Let’s do New York also.
I'll just do some eggs.
The fresh air did him some good.
We’re having a bit of a do on Saturday to celebrate my birthday.
Nice do!.
I did five years for armed robbery.
All you ever do is surf the internet.
Upon my word, although he certainly did me uncommonly well, I began to feel I'd be more at ease among the bushmen.
How do you do?.
They really laughed when he did Clinton, with a perfect accent and a leer.
Aren't you done yet?.
Sometimes to doe him laugh, she would assay / To laugh at shaking of the leaues light, / Or to behold the water worke .
That guy just did me out of two hundred bucks!.
In all Penelope's devotion to her husband there is an ever present sense that the lady doth protest too much.