
listen to the pronunciation of din
Türkisch - Türkisch
Bu nitelikteki inançları kurallar, kurumlar, töreler ve semboller biçiminde toplayan, sağlayan düzen: "Yazık ki bu sanat ve din bahsinde bana arkadaşlık edecek kültürde değil."- R. H. Karay. İnanılıp çok bağlanılan düşünce, inanç veya ülkü. C.G.S. sisteminde bir gramlık bir kütlenin hızını saniyede bir santimetre artıran güç birimi: Bir nevton 105 din'e eşittir
Tanrı'ya, doğaüstü güçlere, çeşitli kutsal varlıklara inanmayı ve tapınmayı sistemleştiren toplumsal bir kurum: "Her dinin mabetleri bütün müminlere açıktır."- H. C. Yalçın
Bir şeyin en yüksek ve sivri noktası
Tanrı'ya, doğaüstü güçlere, çeşitli kutsal varlıklara inanmayı ve tapınmayı sistemleştiren toplumsal bir kurum
C.G.S.Sisteminde bir gramlık bir kütlenin hızını saniyede bir santimetre arttıran güç birimi
Bu nitelikteki inançları kurallar, kurumlar, töreler ve semboller biçiminde toplayan, sağlayan düzen
İnanılıp çok bağlanılan düşünce, inanç veya ülkü
C.G.S. sisteminde bir gramlık bir kütlenin hızını saniyede bir santimetre artıran güç birimi: Bir nevton 105 din'e eşittir
çorap ve trikotajda ilmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İman ve amel mevzuu olarak insanlara Cenab-ı Hak tarafından teklif olunan Hak ve hakikat kanunlarının hey'et-i mecmuasıdır. Din, kâinatın, dünyanın hayatın ve insanın yaratılış gayeleri ve var oluş şekillerini açıklıyarak, onları mânasızlıktan ve abesiyetten kurtarır. İnsanların cemiyet hayatında barış içinde ve kardeşçe yaşamalarını sağlar, hakiki saadete ulaştırır. Dinin zayıfladığı cemiyetlerde ırkçılık ve ihtilâlci ideolojiler yayılır. Milletin birlik ve dirliği bozulur
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Ceza, ivaz
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Cenab-ı Hakk'ın
din adamı
Din adamı olarak nitelendirilen sınıfın değişik dinlerde ve değişik sosyolojik sınıflardaki karşılığı farklılık göstermekle birlikte genelde dini ayinlerin ve ritüellerin yönetilmesi işlerini vazife edinmiş ve bu konuda bilgili kişiler için kullanılan bir tabirdir. Çoğu din adamı bu ünvanlarını yerel ve resmi bir otoritenin onayıyla alır
din (IV)
din adamı
Mesleği dinle ilgili işler olan görevli
din birliği
Aynı din etrafında oluşturulan inanç gücü
din doruğu
Dağın en yüksek yeri
din dışı
Dinle ilişiği olmayan, lâdinî
din erki
Din ilkelerine dayanan egemenlik, din gücü
din felsefesi
Dinin ilkelerinin özünü ve anlamını temellendirmeyi amaçlayan felsefe dalı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hayli zaman geçtikten sonra, neden sonra
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C: Meâdin) Hak Teâlâ'nın yerde halk ettiği
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İkamet ettikleri mevzi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Gürleyen
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Gürültül
gizli din
Taşınan veya inanılan din kurallarının hiç kimseye açıklanmadığı, sır gibi saklanan din
Englisch - Englisch
A loud noise; a cacophony or loud commotion
To make a din
To be filled with sound; to resound
To assail with loud noise
To repeat continuously, as though to the point of deafening or exhausting somebody
{n} a noise, clatter, continued sound
{v} to stun with noise, bawl, rattle
1 Drug Information Number, an approval number given by the Canadian Health Protection Branch 2 Deutsches Institut für Normung, the German Standards Institute
1) The Deutsches Institut fŸr Normung (German Institute for Standardization) 2) A type of rounded connector standardized by this organization
To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse
An acronym for Deutsche Industrie Normung (also seen as Deutsche Institute fur Normung and Deutsche Industrie Norm), DIN is a German organization that establishes standards for industry One common place you'll encounter DIN standards in America is with circular multi-pin plugs, like those found on the ends of MIDI cables Other DIN standards exist, including noise specs, rack measurements, signal EQ standards and more It is important to note that they do not necessarily match up with the corresponding American standards
A numerical rating used in Europe to describe the sensitivity of film to light The DIN rating increases by 3 as the sensitivity of the film doubles See film speed
A din is a very loud and unpleasant noise that lasts for some time. They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd. = racket. a loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time din of. dinned dinning din into to make someone learn and remember something by saying it to them many times. Abu al Fath Jalal al Din Muhammad Akbar Muhi al Din Muhammad Zahir al Din Muhammad Khayr al Din Muhammad Shams al Din Hafiz Mawlana Nur al Din Abd al Rahman ibn Ahmad Jalal al Din al Rumi Salah al Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub Aziz al Din Alamgir II Fakhr al Din al Razi Jamal al Din al Afghani Nasir al Din Shah Naser od Din Shah Safi al Din Abd al Qadir ibn Muhyi al Din ibn MusTafa al Hasani al Jazairi Shaykh Ahmad ibn Zayn al Din Ibrahim al Ahsai Ghiyath al Din Abu al Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim al Neyshaburi al Khayyami Shihab al Din Yahya ibn Habash ibn Amirak al Suhrawardi
A set of German standards recognized throughout the world The 1/8 DIN standard for panel meters specifies an outer bezel dimension of 96 x 48 mm and a panel cutout of 92 x 45 mm
{f} make a loud noise, create a din, make a noisy clamor
{i} noise, ruckus, loud racket
- An acronyme for Deutsche Industrie Normen, an industry standard applied to the most common chassis size of dash mounted head units This approximately 2" by 7"
Deutsche Industrie Normenausschussan; association that sets standards for the electronics industry
To strike with confused or clanging sound; to stun with loud and continued noise; to harass with clamor; as, to din the ears with cries
To grow dim
Deutsche Industrial Norm German industrial standardization for radio dimensions, approximately 7 inches wide by 2 inches high 1
Document Identification Number DOJ: Department of Justice
The German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Institut fur Normung e V ) This institute establishes standards for testing and classifying air filters
instill (into a person) by constant repetition; "he dinned the lessons into his students" To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct; to take away the luster of; to darken; to dull; to obscure; to eclipse
Deutche Industrie-Norm: German industry standard
instill (into a person) by constant repetition; "he dinned the lessons into his students"
Deutsches Institut für Normung, Germany's National Standards Organization
A silver coin of the United States, of the value of ten cents; the tenth of a dollar
  Abbreviation for Deutsches Institut für Normung
Deutsche Institute fur Normung
Deutsche Industrie Norm The german system of rating film sensitivity to light
Deutsches Institut fur Normung
To utter with a din; to repeat noisily; to ding
Standards Institution of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
the act of making a noisy disturbance
The initials stand for German Industrial Standard and in car audio can be used to describe a standard dash opening for a deck or a multi-pin connector used in lieu of a RCA connector (e g , Years ago most German car audio decks used DIN connectors on the signal path )
make a resonant sound, like artillery; "His deep voice boomed through the hall"
a loud harsh or strident noise
Deutsches Institut fur Normung (refers to connection between the first stage of a regulator and the tank valve, using a capture o-ring system)
Deutsche Industrie Norm
Measure in a single line, as length, breadth, height, thickness, or circumference; extension; measurement; us
Loud, confused, harsh noise; a loud, continuous, rattling or clanging sound; clamor; roar
(Deutsche Industrie Norman) A German standard that defines mechanical configurations such as those of some older European audio connectors
A bower; a dingle
A plug and socket connector consisting of a circular pattern of pins in a metal sleeve This type of connector is commonly seen on keyboards
This is an acronym used for the Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German Standardization Institute)
To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken thesenses or understanding of
Deutsches Institut fur Normung A type of connector defined by the German Standards Institute Generally used to connect peripherals such as mice, modems, and keyboards to computing devices The DIN connector found on 1x0-series Newtons and the eMate is a DIN-8 connector, so called because it has eight pins See also Mini-DIN Source: TE
To sound with a din; a ding
Multi-wire cable with DIN connectors at both ends Usually has 5 or 6 inner wires Different diameter and configuration from maker to maker Pictures of DIN connectors or, more details about DIN Cable

Who's ready for their din-dins then? Who are Mummy's darling boys?.

Beth Din
Alternative spelling of beth din
Yawm al-Din
the eschatological day of judgement
beis din
Alternative spelling of beth din
beit din
Alternative spelling of beth din
beth din
A rabbinical court which regulates certain parts of Jewish law
Bab ed Din
(Persian) "gate of faith", title taken by Mirza Ali Muhammed, the Bab, (1819-1850, born Ali Muhammed of Shiraz), founder of Babism
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
born 1149, Rayy, Iran died 1209, near Hert, Khwrezm Islamic scholar and theologian. He traveled widely before settling in Hert (in modern Afghanistan). The author of more than 100 books (on subjects as diverse as medicine, mineralogy, and grammar), he gained fame and wealth through his scholarship and skill in debate, in which he often presented unorthodox views fully and favorably before refuting them. Though this led to accusations of heresy, it has preserved information about little-known sects. His works include one of the major commentaries on the Qurn, The Keys to the Unknown (or The Great Commentary), and Collection of the Opinions of Ancients and Moderns, a classic of kalm. His bad temper earned him many enemies, and he may have been poisoned to death
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam
{i} (1882-1935) Syrian sheikh who was educated at Al-Azhar University
Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi
{i} Rumi, Mawlana, Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Jalal ud-din Rumi (1207-1273), Persian Sufi and one of the greatest spiritual poet, theologian and teacher of Sufism
Jalal ud-din Rumi
{i} Rumi, Mawlana, Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273), Persian Sufi and one of the greatest spiritual poet, theologian and teacher of Sufism
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
born 1838, Asadbd, Persia died March 9, 1897, Istanbul Muslim politician and journalist. He is thought to have adopted the name Afghn to conceal the fact that he was of Persian Shite origin. He lived in Afghanistan from 1866, and a year later he became counselor to the khan. Displaced after a change of rulers, he went to Istanbul and then to Cairo in 1871. After becoming known as a rabble-rouser and heretic, he was deported from Egypt in 1879. By 1883 he was in Paris, where he championed Islamic civilization in the face of European domination. In Russia (1887-89) he seems to have worked as an anti-British agitator. His next stop was Iran, from which he was deported as a heretic in 1892; four years later he avenged himself by instigating the shah's murder. He died in Istanbul after failing to interest the sultan in his pan-Islamic ideas
Khayr ad-Din
{i} (1483-1546) Greek-born Turkish pirate and admiral of the Turkish fleet who robbed the coasts of Italy and Spain and Greece together with his brother Arujr (also know as Barbarossa)
Nasir al-Din Shah
or Nser od-Dn Shah born (b. July 17, 1831, Tehrn, Iran died May 1, 1896, Tehrn Qjr dynasty shah of Iran (1848-96) who began his reign as a reformer but became increasingly conservative. Domestically, he curbed the power of the clergy in secular affairs, introduced telegraph and postal services, built roads, opened the first school offering education along Western lines, and launched Iran's first newspaper. Later in his rule, however, he steadfastly refused to deal with the growing pressure for reforms. He granted a series of concessionary rights to foreigners in return for large payments. Foremost among these was a 50-year concession given in 1890 on the purchase, sale, and processing of all tobacco in the country, which led to a national boycott of tobacco and the withdrawal of the concession the following year. The incident popularly termed the "Tobacco Rebellion" is often considered to be the origin of modern Iranian nationalism
Safi al-Din
born 1253, Ardabl, Iran died Sept. 12, 1334, Ardabl Iranian founder of the afavid Sufi order, which in time developed into the Safavid dynasty. He was influenced by mystics of the Sufi order and by Sheikh Zhid, a religious leader whose daughter he eventually married. On Sheikh Zhid's death, af al-Dn assumed leadership and gradually attracted many more adherents, largely through his policy of hospitality to all who sought refuge. He is commemorated by a shrine in Ardabl
Salah ed Din
Moslem king and warrior in the 1100's who captured Jerusalem from the Christians
plural of din
Türkisch - Englisch

I don't care about your race or age or religion. - Irkın ya da yaşın ya da dinin umurumda değil.

He has a good knowledge of Japanese religion. - O Japon diniyle ilgili iyi bir bilgiye sahiptir.

a religion

Buddhism is a religion founded by the Indian Shakyamuni. - Budizm Hintli Şakyamuni tarafından kurulmuş bir dindir.

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? - Budizm bir din midir yoksa bir felsefe mi?

(Otomotiv) dyn

We blew up a huge rock with dynamite. - Dinamitle büyük bir kayayı havaya uçurduk.

Culture plays a dynamic role in shaping an individual's character, attitude, and outlook on life. - Kültür bir bireyin karakterinin, davranışının ve hayata bakış açısının şekillenmesinde dinamik bir rol oynar.


He stared at the faithful miniature of the dinosaur. - O, dinozorun sadık minyatürüne baktı.

I've lost my religious faith. - Dinsel inancımı yitirdim.

(güç birimi) dyne
one's commitment

That religious cult has got some pretty off the wall ideas. - O dini mezhebin bazı acayip fikirleri var.

Atheism isn't a religious belief. - Ateizm dinî bir inanç değildir.

1.religion; belief, faith
din değiştirme
din adamı
din adamı olmayan kimse
din devleti
theocratic state
din değistirme
din eğitimi
religious education
din felsefesi
philosophy of religion
din felsefesi
religion philosophy
din hürriyeti
religious liberty
din hürriyeti
(Politika, Siyaset) freedom of religion
din işleri memuru
(Askeri) chaplain
din işleri subayı
(Askeri) chaplain
din psikolojisi
psychology of religion
din sosyolojisi
sociology of religion
din sosyolojisi
religious sociology
din ve ahlak
religion and ethics
din ve devlet
religion and state
din adamları
din alimi
Religious scholar
din değiştirme
din değiştirme
din görevlisi
(Din) Religious comissary
din adamlığı
din adamı
din adamı
religious functionary
din ayrımı gözetmeyen
din baskısı
religious pressure
din bezirganlığı
exploitation of religion
din bezirganlığı yapma
din bezirganı
din dersi
din dersi
scripture class
din dersi
scripture lesson
din değiştiren kimse
din değiştiren kimse
din değiştiren kimse
din değiştirme
din değiştirme
din değiştirme
din değiştirmek
din değiştirmek
din değiştirmemiş
din değiştirmiş kimse
din don
ding dong
din etnolojisi
ethnology of religion
din eğitimi gören kimse
din eğitmenleri
religious educators
din fanatiği
religious fanatic
din folkloru
folklore of religion
din iman hak getire
(Konuşma Dili) There's not a spot of religion in him
din inşası
religion building
din içgüdüsü
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) religious instinct
din işleri fonu
(Askeri) chaplain fund
din işleri memuru flaması
(Askeri) chaplain's flag
din işleri tahsisatı
(Askeri) chaplains activities fund
din kardeşi
din karşıtı
din kitabı
religion book
din kurumlarından ayrı olma
din kültürü
religious culture
din propagandası yapma
din propagandası yapmak
din savaşı
holy war
din savaşı
solemn war
din sömürüsü
abuse of religion
din sömürüsü
exploitation of religion
din taciri
din tacirliği
exploitation of religion
din uğruna savaş
din ve astronatik
religion and astronautics
din ve bilim
religion and science
din ve edebiyat
religion and literature
din ve ekonomi
religion and economics
din ve kültür
religion and culture
din ve politika
religion and politics
din ve psikoloji
(Tıp) religion and psychology
din ve siyaset
(Politika, Siyaset) religion and politics
din ve sosyoloji
religion and sociology
din ve toplum
(Eğitim) religion and society
din ve tıp
(Tıp) religion and medicine
din ve uygarlık
religion and civilization
din ve vicdan hürriyeti
(Hukuk) freedom of religion and conscience
din ve vicdan hürriyeti
(Kanun) freedom of thought and faith
din yönetimi
din özgürlüğü
(Hukuk) freedom of religion
din özgürlüğü
(Kanun) liberty of conscience
din öğretmeni
religion teacher

Bush respects all religions. - Bush bütün dinlere saygı duyuyor.

You should think of their religions. - Onların dinlerini göz önünde bulundurmalısın.

ilkel din
primitive religion
sivil din
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) civil religion
sünnet (din)
özgür düşünceli kimse din
din adamı
religious man
listens to
ateşli din propagandacısı
hot gospeler
bilim ve din
science and religion
din adamı
felsefe ve din
philosophy and religion
gizli din taşımak
1. to hold a religious belief secretly. 2. to have secret convictions
harp zamanı ev sahibi ülke din desteği
(Askeri) wartime host-nation religious support
hindu din bilgini
hristiyan din adamları
hristiyan din adamı olmak
enter the church
nitelik kazanmış din
pozitif din
psikoloji ve din
psychology and religion
sanat ve din
(Sanat) art and religion
yahudi din adamı
çağrı işareti; din işleri servisi (hava kuvvetleri); devre anahtarı; Sahil istas
(Askeri) call sign; Chaplain Service (Air Force); circuit switch; coastal station; combat support; controlled space; critical source