
listen to the pronunciation of diegesis
Englisch - Englisch
A narration or recitation
(Dilbilim) Diegesis, Gerald Prince'ın A Dictionary of Narratology çalışmasına göre, "(1) Anlatılan durumlar ve olayların gerçekleştiği (kurgusal) bir dünyadır; (2) Göstermenin, canlandırmanın karşıtı olarak anlatma, aktarmadır." Diegesiste anlatıcı öyküyü anlatır. Anlatıcı dinleyiciye ya da örtük bir okura karakterlerin eylemlerini (ve belki de) düşüncelerini sunar (zorunlu olmamakla birlikte, karakterlerin imgelemlerinde, fantezilerinde ve düşlerinde bulunan her şey de buna dahil olabilir)
(Film) Telling, recounting, as opposed to showing, enacting. In diegesis the narrator tells the story. The narrator presents to the audience or the implied readers the actions, and perhaps thoughts, of the characters
A narrative, a report of action, a plot, now esp. in a cinema or television film
(Film) The (fictional) world in which the situations and events narrated occur
In a narrative film, the world of the film's story The diegesis includes events that are presumed to have occured and actions and spaces not shown on screen
The fictional world of the story   Narrators can be described according to diegetic level   See Autodiegetic, Extradiegetic, Heterodiegetic, Homodiegetic, or Intradiegetic
A narrative or history; a recital or relation
| Diegetic | Non-diegetic -- The diegesis is the story-world Therefore, something is diegetic to the film if it's something that the characters do, see, hear, or can reasonably be expected to know about This is true of events that may have happened before we actually see the plot begin (this is often referred to as "back-story") Something is non-diegetic if it's there for us but not the characters: most commonly music and titles (such as credits)
The term for the world of the film including both Diegetic and Non-Diegetic elements
In a narrative film, the world of the film’s story The diegesis includes events that are presumed to have occurred and actions and spaces not shown onscreen See also diegetic sound, nondiegetic insert, nondiegetic sound