diabetes mellitus

listen to the pronunciation of diabetes mellitus
Englisch - Türkisch
diabetes mellitus
şeker hastalığı
experimental diabetes mellitus
(Tıp) deneysel şeker hastalığı
Englisch - Englisch
A medical disorder characterized by varying or persistent hyperglycemia, especially after eating
A type of diabetes where the body is unable to use sugar (carbohydrates) properly as an energy source
Diabetes, a common disease in which one's blood sugar is not appropriately controlled It is a risk factor for coronary artery disease among other conditions There are two primary types of diabetes mellitus known as type 1 and type 2 diabetes Please contact the American Diabetes Association for more information on diabetes
(dye-uh-BEE-teez) A disease that occurs when the body is not able to use blood glucose (sugar) Blood sugar levels are controlled by insulin, a hormone in the body that helps move glucose (sugar) from the blood to muscles and other tissues Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body does not respond to the insulin that is made There are two main types of diabetes mellitus: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes [See definitions]
a variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors and usually characterized by an inadequate secretion of insulin by the pancreas or proper utilization of the available insulin, by excessive urine production, by excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and by thirst, hunger, and loss of weight; type I (juvenile) diabetes mellitus: insulin-dependent diabetes; type II (adult-onset) diabetes mellitus: non-insulin-dependent diabetes; can cause neovascularization (new blood vessel growth) in the retina (retinitis proliferans), resulting in fragile blood vessels which can bleed into the vitreous humor and lead to severe visual impairment or blindness
A condition (also known as sugar diabetes or simply as diabetes) in which there is too much sugar in the blood Whether this type of diabetes is controlled by insulin, tablets or diet, it can cause kidney failure This happens most often to people who have had diabetes for longer than ten years
disorder that prevents the body from converting digested food into the energy needed for daily activities
a variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors and usu Characterized by inadequate secretion or utilization of insulin, by excessive urine production, by excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and by thirst, hunger, and loss of weight see INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITUS, NON-INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITUS
disease in which the body's ability to metabolize sugar is impaired
A chronic condition that results from the body’s inability to sufficiently produce and/or properly use insulin
A disease where the body does not use sugar as it should The body needs sugar for growth and energy and it gets sugar from food A hormone called insulin is needed for the sugar to be taken to the cells for energy Diabetes is what happens when the pancreas isn’t able to make enough insulin for the cells to use There are two main types of diabetes mellitus
diabetes caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and characterized by polyuria; "when doctors say `diabetes' they usually mean `diabetes mellitus'
Disease that enhances blood glucose levels due to lack of insulin
Disorder of insufficient production of or reduced sensitivity to insulin. Insulin, synthesized in the islets of Langerhans (see Langerhans, islets of), is necessary to metabolize glucose. In diabetes, blood sugar levels increase (hyperglycemia). Excess sugar is excreted in the urine (glycosuria). Symptoms include increased urine output, thirst, weight loss, and weakness. Type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), an autoimmune disease in which no insulin is produced, must be treated by insulin injections. Type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), in which tissues do not respond to insulin, is linked to heredity and obesity and may be controlled by diet; it accounts for 90% of all cases, many of which go undiagnosed for years. Untreated diabetes leads to accumulation of ketones in the blood, followed by acidosis (high blood acid content) with nausea and vomiting and then coma. Careful attention to content and timing of meals, with periodic checking of blood sugar, may manage diabetes. If not, injected or oral insulin is necessary. Complications, including heart disease, diabetic retinopathy (a leading cause of blindness), kidney disease, and nerve disorders, especially in the legs and feet, account for most deaths. Degree of blood-sugar control does not always correlate with progression of complications. Gestational diabetes may occur as a complication of pregnancy
a condition characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from the body's inability to use blood glucose for energy In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin and therefore blood glucose cannot enter the cells to be used for energy In type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use insulin correctly
a variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors and usually characterized by inadequate secretion or utilization of insulin, by excessive urine production, by excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and by thirst, hunger, and loss of weight
a chronic disease in which the body is unable to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy due to inadequate use or production of insulin The two types of diabetes are Type I diabetes mellitus and Type II Diabetes mellitus
-A metabolic disease caused by an absolute or a relative deficiency of insulin, a hormone that controls how the body processes glucose, protein, and fats When the body's insulin supply is decreased, it cannot process carbohydrates and it compensates by overprocessing fats and protein The condition is characterized by chronic high blood sugar and sugar in the urine Diabetes mellitus can result in coma Over time, complications can include nerve injury, blindness, kidney failure, and premature atherosclerosis with all of its complications
a disease in which the body's ability to use sugar is weakened
­ People with this disease have a high amount of sugar in their blood (which is known as hyperglycemia); they can become permanently blind from swelling, bleeding, and/or abnormal blood vessel growth in the back of the eyes
Condition that develops when the body cannot change sugar into energy; there is an insufficient amount of insulin, leading to an increased amount of sugar in the blood
n (DIE-eh-BEE-teez MEL-eh-tus) Variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors It is usually characterized by inadequate secretion or utilization of insulin, excessive urine production, excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and thirst, hunger and weight loss Click here for more information about diabetes
Diabetes, a common disease in which one's blood sugar is not appropriately
a disorder caused by insufficient production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, or insensitivity of cells to the effects of insulin Insulin is responsible for the absorption of glucose into cells for their energy needs and into the liver and fat cells for storage There are two main sub-types: Type 1 (insulin-dependent) which is more common in younger people, and Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) which is usually of gradual onset with increasing age or obesity There are a number of complications that can develop from diabetes, and people with diabetes have a higher than average risk of vascular disorders
A disorder that prevents the body from converting digested food into the energy needed for daily activities
A chronic metabolic disorder characterized by a lack of insulin secretion and/or increased cellular resistance to insulin, resulting in elevated blood levels of simple sugars (glucose) and including complications involving damage to the eyes, kidneys, nervous system and vascular system
A disorder that prevents the body from converting digested food into energy
sugar diabetes

In the Southwest there are some 35 curanderos like Mr. Cruz, who says he has treated with success patients with arthritis and sugar diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
{i} (Medicine) GDM, type of diabetes mellitus that occurs during pregnancy in women who were not diagnosed with diabetes in the past (in most cases the blood sugar levels return to normal once the pregnancy is over)
Türkisch - Englisch
diabetes mellitus
(Tıp) melituria