1) 'That which sustains or holds', derived from verb-root 'dhru' - to sustain or hold Universal law or principle that 'sustains' or 'upholds' the entire world All-inclusive term used to mean righteousness, morality, religion, responsibility and duty 2) The practice of religious disciplines and duties, i e , niyams - including honesty, brahmacharya, non-violence, etc One of the four attributes of ekãntik dharma Sometimes referred to as the 'dharma of the four castes and four ãshrams', which are encapsulated in the five religious vows4 {Gadhada I-21 3} 3) Ekãntik dharma See: ekãntik dharma 4) One of the four purushãrths, allowing for the fulfillment of one's personal, domestic and social duties {Amdavad-5 11}
a) The teachings of the Buddhas (generally capitalized in English); b) duty, law, doctrine; c) things, events, phenomena, everything
Sanskrit; dhamma (Pali); the central notion of Buddhism; it is the cosmic law underlying all existence and therefore the teaching of the Buddha; it is considered one of the three "jewels" of Buddhism; it is often used as a general term for Buddhism
In Hinduism, the religious and moral law governing individual and group conduct. It is treated in the dharmasutras, the oldest collection of Hindu laws, and in the compilations of law and custom called the dharmashastras. In Buddhism, dharma is the universal truth common to all individuals at all times, and it is regarded as one of the primary sources of Buddhist doctrine and practice. In Jainism, dharma signifies moral virtue as well as the eternal life force
This term has multiple meanings: The teachings of the Buddha, truth; that which is established, customary, or proper; natural law -- the way the universe works; one's duty and responsibility, etc
The teachings of the Buddha It also refers to enlightened states of wisdom and Truth
the principle that orders the universe; ones conduct in conformity with such a principle
basic principles of the cosmos; also: an ancient sage in Hindu mythology worshipped as a god by some lower castes
Often translated as either the Truth, or the teachings of the Buddha In particular, this refers to the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path
in Hinduism, the moral and ethical aims of human life, i e , righteousness One of "The Four Aims of Man " See also Purusartha In Buddhism, dharma refers to the content of the teachings and wisdom of the Buddha See also the Three Jewels
"Law," in the comprehensive sense of behavior which is right, just, and correct In Hinduism, this often amounts to traditional behavior consistent with one's status in life In Buddhism, it refers to the corpus of Buddhist teachings and is usually capitalized
A key term in Buddhism which has two connotations: 1) reality as it is, synonymous with suchness, thusness, thingness, and so forth; and 2) the teaching expressing this reality, as in Buddha Dharma
a The teachings of the Buddha (generally capitalized in English); b law, doctrine; c things, events, phenomena
what is right for the self - moral piety, religion, honor, the clan, karma or work, society and the universe
The term "dharma" signifies every thing that exists, each phenomenon "Dharma" refers to religious teachings, the methods by which sentient beings may be freed from samsaric suffering Buddhists use the word Dharma for religious teachings
(Skt ; = Tib ch-) (1) Buddhist teachings; (2) underlying order of the universe; (3) category in ABHIDHARMA philosophy, q v Note that dharma in non-Buddhist Indian texts has other meanings again (such as caste obligation)
Dharma is the teaching of the Buddha Though the general meaning of dharma is phenomenon, the term most frequently refers to the Holy Dharma, profound manifestation, and the path that leads all beings to liberation from suffering-to enlightenment
from the Sanskrit - dhar for 'hold', 'uphold' There are involved entries for its meaning amongst Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists - I refer you to the Dictionary of World Religions, rather than quote the entry in its entirety
From a Sanskrit word meaning to support, sustain, or uphold, dharma is the essential character or nature of all that is, of the universe and of each of us Dharma is the natural and rightful order and foundation of everyone and everything It is both why things are as they are and the path to awakening (that is, to the realization of why things are as they are), and as such, dharma is the underlying Truth of all spiritual traditions Dharma and karma are intricately related; thus, think of dharma as one's basic nature and destiny, and karma as the conditions in which and by which those play out See also Noble Truths
Why Dharma? What's a Dharma? Well, its not because of the Dharma Bums Not because I come from India Not because I'm a Buddhist or a Hindu It's because when I started Dharma Trading Co back in the late 60's I was on a spiritual path and I used Dharma because to me the word meant "Doing things in a way that is in accordance with God's will "You know, the basic stuff: "Treat others the way you would like to be treated"; "Be honest and fair"; "Don't lie" Stuff like that I wanted to run a business that reflected my values and I figured using the name would help keep me from getting lost It's 33+ years later and I (now its we) keep on trying
Action, lifestyle, or state of consciousness which promotes and upholds the inherent integrity of the Universal Consciousness
Indian word for one's life purpose and work The principle or law that orders the universe
'That which subsists ' Dharma has a few common uses 1) Dharma: The underlying meaning of the Buddhas' teachings That truth upon which all Buddhist practices, scriptures, and philosophy have as a foundation The Buddhas' appear to establish the manifestations of the Dharma in the world 2) dharma: Any object, idea, or phenomena which can be defined as an entity of some sort In this usage within Buddhist texts, dharma resembles the English word 'thing', while having a wider and more inclusive meaning than physical objects 3) dharma: A special use of definition 2) is that dharma is often used as the object of the sixth sense faculty: the conceptual mind In this specific use, dharma represents any mental object (thought, image, memory, sensation) which is recognized by the conscious mind
Religious principles; one's eternal, natural occupation (i e devotional service to the Lord) [Sastras] (Bhagavatha Vahini), Righteous conduct, justice, morality, duty Karma along the lines of Dharma cannot be sinful, (BV-4), (RRV-1), Justice, Righteousness, Morality, Virtue, (BV-32), Righteousness (BV-35); one of the Four Goals of Human Life together with Artha, Kama, Moksha (Welfare, Endeavour and Liberation), Rightful duties (RRV-5), Dharma Vahini The regulated life of the spirit affecting every detail of the process of living, with liberation from the consequences of ignorance always in view (SSS-II)
Türkische aussprache
/ˈdärmə/ /ˈdɑːrmə/
[ 'd&r-m&, 'där- ] (noun.) 1796. Sanskrit धर्म (dhárma, “that which upholds or supports”).