
listen to the pronunciation of descriptor
Englisch - Türkisch
açıklayıcı sözcük
anahtar sözcük
channel result descriptor
kanal sonuç belirteci
target descriptor
Hedef tanımlayıcı
data descriptor
(Askeri) VERİ AÇIKLAYICI: Bir veri tabanı muhtevasını açıklamaya yardımcı olan önemli bir kelime veya kelime grubu. 2. VERİ AÇIKLAYICI: Bir bilgi elemanının, bir veri tabanında veya bir bilgi sisteminde gerçek kullanılış şekli. Örneğin; "Askeri Personel Rütbe"" bilgi elemanı, bilgi açıklayıcılar tarafından "şimdiki rütbe", "esas rütbe", "itibari rütbe", "görev yeri rütbesi" v. b. şeklinde kullanılır veya tanıtılır. İcabında, bilgi elemanına ait "toplanmış" veya "hesaplanmış sonuç" değerlerini ihtiva eder
ldap pathname descriptor
HDEK Yol Adı Tanımlayıcısı
ldap pathname descriptor
LDAP Yol Adı Tanımlayıcısı
security descriptor
Güvenlik Tanımlayıcısı
unit descriptor code
(Askeri) birlik tanımlayıcı kodu
Englisch - Englisch
A word that describes the subject of an article or book
The name of a category of data in an information storage and retrieval system
{i} (in database management) key word used to identify sort and unite data records
A standardized term used to describe the subject content of an item in a database See also subject heading
Structure that contains information describing a volume or file
A simple word or phrase used as a subject
A word or a group of words used as a subject to describe the content in books, articles, and other materials for the purpose of indexing or organizing these items by topic As an important element of effective research, descriptors are needed to determine the correct headings for a specific database or catalog See also subject heading and thesaurus
For the purpose of this workbook, a descriptor is a term used in indexes that means subject heading
A controlled vocabulary or thesaurus term used as a subject heading to describe the content of a reference
Some elements exist simply to modify the properties of an existing element or mathematical object For example the declare construct is used to reset the default attribute values, or to associate a name with a specific instance of an object These kinds of elements are referred to as descriptors and the type of the resulting object is the same as that of element being modified, but with the new attribute values
Often used in conjunction with a coined/fanciful, arbitrary, or suggestive name, a descriptor literally describes the product or service being identified A brand name used with a variety of descriptors across a product line is often a more economic strategy than that of giving every product or service its own proprietary name
Term or symbol used to designate the subject of a work Descriptors are generally used when searching electronic indexes
A word or phrase used as a subject heading It is part of a controlled vocabulary used for a specific database Compare with Subject Headings, Keyword Searching
A word or words which have been selected to describe subject content Interchangeable with "subject heading"
an indexing term or symbol used to designate the subject of a work Descriptors are generally used when searching computerized indexes (see Subject Heading)
Some electronic databases, such as ERIC and PsycINFO, publish their own list of subject headings (known as "descriptors") in the form of a thesaurus Appropriate descriptors are assigned to a specific work (book, article, essay, dissertation, etc ) based on what it is "about" and usually appear in the DE field of the bibliographic record which represents it in the database
a piece of stored information that is used to identify an item in an information storage and retrieval system
A word that describes the subject of an article or book; used in many computer databases (See also Controlled Vocabulary , Subject Heading)
Terms used in indexes, abstracts, or other databases/periodical indexes to describe the subjects of an article; sometimes called subject headings
A subject heading assigned to a topic in an indexing system
An index term from a controlled vocabulary designed to provide efficient indexing and retrieval of information by subject
A subject heading (word or phrase) applied to a database record
A subject heading assigned to an item in electronic database
In electronic indexes/databases, the subject headings are generally called descriptors They would be chosen from an index's thesaurus to describe the subject coverage of a particular cited work
A data structure that holds information about either column data or dynamic parameters The physical representation of the descriptor is not defined; applications gain direct access to a descriptor only by manipulating its fields by calling ODBC functions with the descriptor handle
a word or phrase used as a subject heading, usually in an electronic source It is controlled vocabulary assigned by an indexer see Subject Heading
a word or phrase used as a subject heading, usually in an electronic source It is controlled vocabulary assigned by an indexer Compare also with keyword
A data structure that describes the attributes of a given property, whether primitive or not Not all properties need descriptors of their own; if a descriptor is not defined, the one for the property default-property is used
the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached"
Terms used in indexes, abstracts, or other databases/periodical indexes to describe the subjects of an article See Also: Subject Headings, Thesaurus
Course-specific expectations for performance evaluation by the teacher as demanded by the IBO
are the search words used to tell the computer what to look for Most data bases have a thesaurus or index of the words the data base will recognise as descriptors Descriptors are used in combinations or singly to broaden or narrow a search Connecting words such as ‘and’ and ‘or’ can often be used ‘And’ narrows the search as all references must contain all words so connected The connector ‘or’ broadens the search as references will appear if any of the descriptors are present
Subject terms, usually from a thesaurus, used to describe the content of a document (book, article, etc )
Words or phrases used as Subject Headings
Also known as subject headings, these are used to describe the main content or topic of a publication Subject headings are usually derived from a controlled vocabulary of terms to which indexers must adhere to ensure consistency of content description
terms assigned to database records to place them within categories
Elementary components of DVB SI tables
Variables used to profile or build a fuller picture of target segments p 228
properties, values or measures that serve to describe a material or process
(see CCS Elements, see Discriminators) a description of the expected level of contribution at the top of each career level Use the Back button on your browser to return to your previous screen
Entrepreneurship; Business; Business Administration; Small Businesses; Organization Size (Groups); Personnel; Revenue; Definitions
- key words used in indexes; see key words
everything, besides the Planet scores, that expresses your character in game-mechanical terms; essentially everything on your character sheet except for the Storypath cards and Planets (and Name) Some have special names, such as Traits, Flaws, Powers, etc
Terms assigned by indexers of a database to describe the subject content of a document For example, the PsychLit database uses "academic achievement" as a descriptor to help researchers locate texts on the subject of scholastic achievement or gradepoint average
Subject headings developed for a specific index An example would be the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) descriptors
plural of descriptor
Also known as subject headings or index terms These describe the main content or topic of a publication Subject headings are usually derived from a controlled vocabulary of terms to which indexers must adhere to ensure consistency of content description