der alte

listen to the pronunciation of der alte
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von der alte im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

of old
of old
uzun süredir
of old
uzun zaman önce
the old
of old

Tom bana eski para kolleksiyonunu gösterdi. - Tom showed me his collection of old coins.

Çünkü ben eski bir dil öğrencisiyim. - Because I am a student of old language.

of old
of old
eskiden kalma
the old
the old

Yeni işçiler istihdam etmemiz gerekiyor, eskiler kovuldu. - We need to hire new workers, the old ones have been fired.

İnsanların yeni fikirlerden neden korktuklarını anlayamıyorum. Ben eskilerinden korkarım. - I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.

the old
Deutsch - Englisch
the number one
the big cheese
the head honcho
the top dog
Mr. Big
the old one
the old
of old
Der alte Spruch gilt nach wie vor:
The old maxim still holds true:
der Alte/Neue Bund (Bibel)
The Old/New Covenant (bible)
'Der alte Mann und das Meer' (von Hemingway / Werktitel)
'The old Man and the Sea'
'Der alte Matrose' (von Coleridge / Werktitel)
'The Rime of the ancient Mariner' (by Coleridge / work title)
Der neue Nachbar/Das alte Haus ist mir unheimlich/nicht ganz geheuer.
The new neighbour/The old house gives me the creeps/creeps me out
Die alte Kirche spiegelt sich in der Glasfassade des Bürogebäudes.
The old church is reflected in the glass facade of the office building
Du bist immer noch der Alte.
You haven't changed
Er ist wieder ganz der Alte.
He's back to his usual self
old woman

The old woman fell an easy prey to the fraud. - Die alte Frau war eine leichte Beute für den Betrüger.

An old woman is walking across the road. - Eine alte Frau überquert die Straße.

same old
old one

The new computer is ten times as fast as the old one. - Der neue Computer ist zehnmal schneller als der alte.

My new can opener is sturdier than the old one, so hopefully it won't take 2 minutes to get at my beans anymore. - Mein neuer Dosenöffner ist kräftiger als mein alter, also wird es hoffentlich nicht mehr 2 Minuten dauern, bis ich an meine Bohnen komme.