(Askeri) DİŞÇİ FİŞİ: Bir askerin dişlerinin durumunu, bütün hususiyet ve teferruatı ile kaydetmek için kullanılan resmi form. Diş fişi, ölümle neticelenen bir yaralanma neticesi, bir askerin dişlerinden başka bütün azası tanınmayacak hale geldiği zaman, o askerin teşhisinde kullanılır
(Askeri) DİŞ SERVİSİ ŞEFİ: Bir bölge komutanlığında, bir birlikte veya bir tesisteki diş servisinin başında bulunan, dişçi sınıfına mensup subay. Bu subay; bağlı olduğu bölge, birlik veya müessese amirinin emrinde bulunur ve kendisine dişçilik bakımından müşavirlik yapar
(Askeri) DİŞ TEKNİSYENİ: Dişçiliğe ait laboratuar işlerini yapan, radyografileri olan ve hastaları muayene ve tedaviye hazırlayan erat sınıfına mensup kimse
(Askeri) ORDU DİŞÇİ OKULU: Ordu Sağlık Teşkilatına bağlı ve diş servisine ait mesleki ve teknik öğretim ve eğitim gösteren sınıf okulu. Bu okul, teşhis laboratuarlarını ihtiva ettiği gibi, dişçiliğe ait teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerinin araştırma, geliştirme ve tecrübelerini de idare eder
Dental is used to describe things that relate to teeth or to the care and treatment of teeth. You can get free dental treatment. the dental profession. relating to your teeth dental treatment/care (dentalis, from dens )
A marine mollusk of the genus Dentalium, with a curved conical shell resembling a tooth
(Diş) A dental therapist is a licensed dental auxiliary who specializes in treating children's teeth and oral hygiene. Local dental regulations determine the duties therapists are able to perform. Typically, therapists under the prescription of a dentist are licensed to examine children's teeth, administer restricted techniques of local anesthesia, take radiographs, provide sealants, scaling and cleaning in children. Also restoring primary teeth and vital pulp treatments such as pulpotomies
Reimbursement for dental services and supplies, including preventive care Benefits may be provided through a plan integrated with other medical insurance coverage, or a plan may be written separately from other coverage (non-integrated) Top
Under a medical plan, dental care is dental treatment which due to the nature of the procedure or patient's medical condition, may be provided in a hospital setting
The professionally recognized dental services, supplies, or appliances which are provided to a participant by a physician or other provider when acting within the scope of his license who is a Doctor of Dentistry (D D S or D M D degree) and shall also include a person who is a Doctor of Medicine or a Doctor of Osteopathy Dental Care Services include, but are not limited to, cleaning, filling of teeth, crowns (or capping), root canals, restoration, replacement or repositioning of teeth, or alteration of the alveolar or periodontium process of the maxilla and the mandible
Dental floss is a type of thread that is used to clean the gaps between your teeth. see also floss. A waxed or unwaxed thread used to remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth and under the gums. thin strong string that you use for cleaning between your teeth
A person trained and licensed to provide preventive dental services, such as cleaning the teeth and taking x-rays, usually in conjunction with a dentist. someone who works with a dentist and cleans people's teeth, or gives them advice about how to look after their teeth
[ 'den-t&l ] (adjective.) 1594. From Middle French dental, derived from Latin dens "tooth", from Proto-Indo-European *H₁d-ent- (“tooth”), participle of Proto-Indo-European *H₁ed- (“eat”), perhaps from an older sense "bite".