den nachweis erbringend

listen to the pronunciation of den nachweis erbringend
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von den nachweis erbringend im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Yeni muhasebe prosedürleri giderleri rapor etmek için farklı formları doldurmamızı gerektirir. - The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses.

Bir muhasebe bürosunda çalışıyorum. - I work in an accounting office.


Hiç Hollywood saymanlığını duydun mu? - Have you ever heard about Hollywood accounting?

(Telekom) ücretlendirme
(Bilgisayar) hesap oluşturma
hesap vererek
{f} hesap ver
{i} saymanlık
Deutsch - Englisch
Present participle of account
The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions and financial status of a business or other organization
The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions
a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts
the science of financial reckoning; the act of recording, summarizing and interpreting financial information
The agent must be able to report the status of all funds received from or on behalf of the principal Most state real estate license laws require a broker to give accurate copies of all documents to all parties affected by them and to keep copies on file for a specified period of time Most license laws also require the broker to deposit immediately, or within 24 to 48 hours, all funds entrusted to the broker (such as earnest money deposits) in a special trust, or escrow, account Commingling such monies with the broker's personal or general business funds is strictly illegal
Process of recording and summarizing the business transactions of a firm during a given period of time to reveal the income or loss for the period, and the value and nature of the firm's assets, liabilities and ownership
The process of systematically recording, classifying, verifying and summarizing business transactions, and presenting this information in periodic, interpretative financial statements and reports [OTS]
A service activity designed to accumulate, measure, and communicate financial information about economic entities for decision-making purposes
generally, when someone says "accounting" they are referring to the department, activity or individuals involved in the application of the accounting equation
The process of recording, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting financial (money-related) activities to permit individuals and organizations to make informed judgments and decisions
keeping financial records (recording income and expenditure, and profits and losses, valuing assets and liabilities, etc )
Generally when someone says "accounting" they are referring to the department, activity or individuals involved in the application of the accounting equation ACCOUNTING EQUATION is a mathematical expression used to describe the relationship between the assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the business model The basic accounting equation states that assets equal liabilities and owner's equity, but can be modified by operations applied to both sides of the equation, e g , assets minus liabilities equal owner's equity
the process of identifying, recording, classifying and reporting information on economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making
a system that provides quantitative information about finances
a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions"
A listing of all transactions that have occurred since the last accounting, or beginning of the trust's administration A fiduciary accounting should include 1) the cost bases of the assets on hand the at beginning of the accounting period, 2) all receipts, disbursements, distributions, gains or losses and changes to assets, and 3) the current value and the cost bases of the remaining assets on hand at the end of the accounting period An accounting is not a brokerage statement
{i} system of recording and analyzing financial transactions, auditing; detailed financial statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month"
A relaying of events; justification of actions
den nachweis erbringend