
listen to the pronunciation of demotion
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} indirme

O rütbe indirme hakkında oldukça felsefi. - He's quite philosophical about his demotion.

rütbe düşürümü
{i} alt sınıfa indirme
(Askeri) RÜTBE İNDİRME: Rütbenin aşağı bir dereceye indirilmesi
{i} rütbe indirme

O rütbe indirme hakkında oldukça felsefi. - He's quite philosophical about his demotion.

(Ticaret) rütbe indirimi
tenzil-i rütbe
demotion to
(Bilgisayar) indirme yeri
aşağı dereceye indir
(Bilgisayar) indir

Tom alt sınıfa indirildi. - Tom has been demoted.

Teğmen rütbesine indirildi. - He was demoted to the rank of lieutenant.

subject demotion
(Dilbilim) düzey düşme
(to) indirgemek
demotion indirme
aşağı dereceye indirmek
{f} alt sınıfa indirmek
rütbe düşür
{f} rütbesini indirmek
Englisch - Englisch
an act of demoting; a lowering of rank or status
means the assignment of an employee by the appointing authority from an established position to a different established position having a lower rate of pay
The transferring of an employee (sometimes as a disciplinary measure) to a job with reduced duties, responsibilities, and/or pay as compared to the employee's previously held position
act of lowering in rank or position
A change in the classification of a Classified Staff employee to another classification in a lower pay grade
Reassignment of an employee from one classification to another classification at a lower salary grade for corrective action reasons
Changing the grade level of an employee to a lower grade as a result of disciplinary action
– the assignment of an employee by the appointing authority from one established position to a different established position having a lower State salary range or, for employees in positions without a State salary range, assignment of a lower rate of pay to the employee except when the employee’s job duties also are decreased for nonpunitive reasons (S C Code Ann § 8-17-320 (8)) DUAL EMPLOYMENT – an agreement by which an employee with an employing agency accepts temporary, part-time employment with the same or another agency
is the appointment of an employee, because of incompetence or incapacity, to a position that has a lower maximum rate of pay than the maximum rate of pay applicable to the employee's former position (rétrogradation)
the reduction in a worker's status to a lower grade, rank, salary or title
converting a fundamental type to another fundamental type, with possible loss of precision For example, a demotion would occur in converting a long to a char
A permanent assignment to a position with a pay band that is lower than that of the employee's current position
The reassignment of an employee to a job with a lower salary range
{i} reduction to a lower rank or position
A change of a student employee from a position in one class to a position in another class which is assigned to a lower pay range in the same schedule; or a change of a student employee from one position in one classification to a position in another classification on another schedule where the midpoint of the new classification’s range is lower than the midpoint of the old classification’s range by 4 percent or more Probation is required
means an authorized movement of an employee with status from a position in one classification level to a lower classification level
To relegate
To lower the rank or status of something
If someone demotes you, they give you a lower rank or a less important position than you already have, often as a punishment. It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave promote + demotion demotions de·mo·tion He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion. promotion
If a team in a sports league is demoted, that team has to compete in the next competition in a lower division, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division. The club was demoted at the end of last season. promote + demotion de·mo·tion The team now almost certainly faces demotion. promotion. to make someone's rank or position lower or less important   promote (de- + promote)
assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sargeant
{f} lower in rank or position
To reduce to a lower grade, as in school
assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sargeant"
plural of demotion