
listen to the pronunciation of defendant
Englisch - Türkisch

Davalı, milletvekilinin silahını kaptığında ve yargıcı vurduğunda yargılanmak üzereydi. - The defendant was about to stand trial when he grabbed the deputy's gun and shot the judge.

Davalı bir üst mahkemeye itiraz edecek. - The defendant will appeal to a higher court.


Biz sanık, Tom Jackson'ı suçsuz buluyoruz. - We find the defendant, Tom Jackson, not guilty.

Sanık yargıç ile romantik olarak bağlıydı. - The defendant was romantically linked with the judge.

{i} zanlı
i., huk. davalı

Kendini savunmak başka birini savunmaktan daha zordur. Şüphe edenler avukatlarına bakabilirler. - It is more difficult to defend oneself than to defend someone else. Those who doubt it may look at lawyers.

Tom kendini savunmak için hiçbir girişimde bulunmadı. - Tom made no attempt to defend himself.


Ükemizi yabancı saldırısından korumak zorundayız. - We have to defend our country from the foreign aggression.

Kendini bu suçlamalara karşı korumak için buraya gelmedi. - She didn't come here to defend herself against these accusations.

consent of defendant
(Kanun) davalının rızası
arkasında olmak

Onlar istilacılara karşı ülkelerini savundular. - They defended their country against the invaders.

Savunucular saldırganlar tarafından yapılan saldırıyı kontrol etti. - The defenders checked the onslaught by the attackers.

respondent, defendant
Davalı, davalı
aforementioned defendant
mumaileyh davalı
{f} müdafaa etmek
savunmak müdafaa etmek
{f} from -den korumak
domicile of defendant
(Kanun) davalının ikametgahı
Englisch - Englisch
In criminal proceedings, the accused
In civil proceedings, the party responding to the complaint; one who is sued and called upon to make satisfaction for a wrong complained of by another
a person against whom a suit is brought
{n} one who defends in law, combat
{a} defensive, fit to use for defence
a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused
A person charged with a crime or a person against whom a civil action is brought
The accused in a criminal case; the person from whom money or other recovery is sought in a civil case
Serving, or suitable, for defense; defensive
(noun) In a civil suit, the person or organization complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime
(Criminal) Person charged with crime (Civil) Person against whom a civil action is brought
The person being sued in a court action (LE)
the person the case is brought against
{i} accused, person who is being sued (Law)
One who defends; a defender
In a civil action, the party denying or defending itself against charges brought by a plaintiff In a criminal action, the person indicted for an offense
{s} being on the defensive
A defendant is a person who has been accused of breaking the law and is being tried in court. the person in a court of law who has been accused of doing something illegal plaintiff American Equivalent: prisoner
The accused person or party; the person named as the wrong-doer in a civil or criminal action
A person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding [Black's Law Dictionary 7th ed 1999]
The person defending or denying; the party against whom relief or recovery is sought in an action or suit The formal name given to a person charged with an offense for which there are proceedings pending
The person against whom relief or recovery is sought in a civil lawsuit; the individual against whom a state criminal action is brought
The person against whom a civil or criminal proceeding is begun
A person being sued in a civil matter
The person against whom a civil or criminal action is taken
The person defending or denying; the party against whom relief or recovery is sought in a civil action or suit; the party who is accused in a criminal suit
In a civil case, the person being sued In a criminal case, the person accused of the crime
In a civil case, the person or organization sued by the plaintiff In a criminal case, the person accused of the crime
Party being sued in civil proceedings, or accused of a crime in criminal proceedings
In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime
The person against whom a civil or criminal action is brought This person is "defending" against the suit brought against him
The person or business being sued Top of Page
The person, company or organization who defends a legal action taken by a plaintiff and against whom the court has been asked to order damages or specific corrective action redress some type of unlawful or improper action alleged by the plaintiff
The person defending or denying; the person against whom relief or recovery is sought in an action or suit or the accused in a criminal case
A person required to make answer in an action or suit; opposed to plaintiff
The person who is sued or against whom a legal proceeding has been taken
The person or business being sued
Making defense
defendant in error
(Kanun) A party against whom a writ of error is sued out
To make legal defence of; to represent (the accused)
To support by words or writing; to vindicate, talk in favour of
To attempt to retain a title, or attempt to reach the same stage in a competition as one did in the previous edition of that competition
To focus one's energies and talents on preventing opponents from scoring, as opposed to focusing on scoring
To prohibit, forbid

Brother, seyde Sir Launcelot, wyte you well I am full loth to departe oute of thys reallme, but the quene hath defended me so hyghly that mesemyth she woll never be my good lady as she hath bene..

To ward off, repel (an attack or attacker)

The vertue is, that neither steele, nor stone / The stroke thereof from entrance may defend .

To prevent, to keep (from doing something)
To ward off attacks from; to fight to protect; to guard
{f} protect, secure
{v} to guard, protect, support, vendicate
person on trial

Defendant will be in prison for the next twenty years, if the jury finds the person on trial guilty.

a defendant who has been joined together with one or more other defendants in a single action
To repel danger or harm from; to protect; to secure against attack; to maintain against force or argument; to uphold; to guard; as, to defend a town; to defend a cause; to defend character; to defend the absent; sometimes followed by from or against; as, to defend one's self from, or against, one's enemies
If you defend someone or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them. Matt defended all of Clarence's decisions, right or wrong attack
argue or speak in defense of; "She supported the motion to strike"
To focus ones energies and talents on preventing opponents from scoring, as opposed to focusing on scoring
fight against or resist strongly; "The senator said he would oppose the bill"; "Don't fight it!"
A strategy in which a purely domestic company remains in a riche area in the domestic market where global competitors are either weak or are unlikely to enter
To ward off an attacker; to protect ones assets, or allies
To prohibit; to forbid
state or assert; "He maintained his innocence"
protect or fight for as a champion
be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms Smith will represent the defendant"
When a sports player plays in the tournament which they won the previous time it was held, you can say that they are defending their title. Torrence expects to defend her title successfully in the next Olympics
act as opponent of the declarer
To deny the right of the plaintiff in regard to (the suit, or the wrong charged); to oppose or resist, as a claim at law; to contest, as a suit
Smith will represent the defendant
a mission assigned to a unit which requires it to
said of an environment which protects its contents from unmediated modification by external actors
be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms
To attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring
argue or speak in defense of; "She supported the motion to strike" be on the defensive; act against an attack protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks" be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms
To ward or fend off; to drive back or away; to repel
If you defend someone or something, you take action in order to protect them. His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church attack
be on the defensive; act against an attack protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
When a lawyer defends a person who has been accused of something, the lawyer argues on their behalf in a court of law that the charges are not true. a lawyer who defended political prisoners during the military regime He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations Guy Powell, defending, told magistrates: `It's a sad and disturbing case.'
be on the defensive; act against an attack
plural of defendant
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von defendant im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

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