
listen to the pronunciation of deaf-mute
Englisch - Türkisch

Sağır-dilsiz insanlar işaret dili kullanarak konuşurlar. - Deaf-mute people talk using sign language.

sağır-dilsiz kimse
sağır ve dilsiz kimse
sağır dilsiz,sağır ve dilsiz
sağır dilsiz
Englisch - Englisch
Unable to hear or speak
A person who is unable to hear or speak
a deaf person who is unable to speak
A deaf-mute is someone who cannot hear or speak. This word could cause offence
lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak
someone who is unable to hear or speak
one who cannot hear nor speak, person who cannot speak
A person who is deaf and dumb; one who, through deprivation or defect of hearing, has either failed the acquire the power of speech, or has lost it