değişime uğratılmış karekteristik yapı

listen to the pronunciation of değişime uğratılmış karekteristik yapı
Türkisch - Englisch
An automobile that is a mix of two kinds of automobiles, i.e. the Pontiac Torrent
A place where one thing crosses over another
The means by which the crossing is made
A device or circuit used in systems with separate tweeter and/or midrange drivers It "rolls off" frequencies above and below certain points in the range, to allow the sound to be tailored for the specific driver to which it is sent
Move that crosses the outer skate over the inner skate Crossovers retain speed while turning and may allow you to increase speed, depending on your stroke action They can be done while skating forward or backward Link to Turning
A field installed connection of a plenum or duct for the heating/air conditioning system to accommodate an extension of the main system from one modular to another The crossovers may be for electrical or plumbing purposes also
n a lateral footwork pattern in which the second step crosses over the first, used to cover medium distances
A frequency divider network that separates the audible frequency spectrum into different parts that are reproduced by dedicated drivers, i e a tweeter for the high frequencies, a midrange for the vocal range and a woofer for the bass
{i} point or place of crossing; structure (i.e. bridge) by which a river or highway can be crossed; device which enables trains to switch tracks
To move a checker from one quadrant to the next quadrant In the starting position, the runners have three crossovers each to reach the home board
Sexual mating between two genotypes in which a portion of the genes of one is joined to part of the genes of the other, to create a hybrid creature This recombination allows random searching of the possible phase space
A point where a portion of track crosses another part of the same track
a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other
When an image carries over from one page of a bound publication across the gutter to the opposite page
A pair of switches and a short, diagonal length of track which together connect two parallel tracks and allow passage between them
the result of the exchange of genetic material during meiosis
A frequency divider Crossovers are used in speakers to route the various frequency ranges to the appropriate drivers Additionally, many crossovers contain various filters to stabilize the impedance load of the speaker and or shape the frequency response Some crossovers contain levels controls to attenuate various parts of the signal A passive crossover uses capacitors, coils and resistors, usually at speaker level A passive crossover is load dependent (the transition may not be very smooth or accurate if a different speaker is substituted for the one the crossover was designed for)
An operator of reproduction where a point on the copies of two strings of attributes from each of two parents is selected, the strings are spliced, and the head of each is recombined with the tail of the other to form two new attribute strings
Deadline for bills or resolutions to move, or crossover, to the other house for consideration
değişime uğratılmış karekteristik yapı