Definition von dbs im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
high-powered digital television system in which signals are broadcast directly to customers' homes via satellite and are received by small antennas (Telecommunications)
Dos Boot Sector - The first sector of a logical DOS partition on a hard disk or the first absolute sector of a diskette
Database in SQL Windows format / Datafile (PRODAS) / Printer description file (Word - Works)
Direct Broadcast Satellite; a system that sends TV broadcasts directly from a communications satellite to home antennas, or dishes
The programming services that are available to home satellite-dish owners The services include RCA's DSS small-dish service, PrimeStar and Full View TV
A class of satellite service defined by the FCC and reserved for direct-to-the-home transmission with no intermediate re-broadcast or cable carriage needed DBS satellites utilize higher powered transmissions than regular satellites so that consumers may receive signals with small inexpensive antennas
Signal frequency range (11 70-12 40ghz) intended for direct TV broadcast by satellite channels
Direct Broadcast Satellite A general term that is commonly used to describe satellites and satellite systems that broadcast information directly to individual end-users
Direct Broadcast Satellite - where the end-user receives the broadcast signal direct from the satellite As opposed to a satellite feed to a cable TV head end, for subsequent distribution to end-users via the cable network
Direct Broadcast Satellites New, powerful satellites designed to broadcast signals to very small home antennas
Direct Broadcast Satellite These high power satellites can broadcast directly to the home or office
Direct Broadcast Satellites (DBS) are a subset of the domestic communications class These missions broadcast television or radio signals directly to subscriber's ground-based satellite dishes
Doppler Beam Sharpening - A technique to enhance the azimuth resolution from a moving platform by discriminating the different doppler shifts from stationary targets at different angles wrt the direction of motion Often referred to as "unfocused SAR"
– Direct Broadcast Satellite, a high-powered satellite that transmits TV signals directly to dishes at viewers' home