davul boşluğu alın

listen to the pronunciation of davul boşluğu alın
Türkisch - Englisch
A percussive musical instrument spanned with a thin covering on at least one end for striking, forming an acoustic chamber, affecting what materials are used to make it
To knock successively and playfully

Drumming one’s fingers on a table is often an expression of impatience or annoyance.

{n} a military instrument, a part of the ear
a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids
A percussion instrument consisting of a skin stretched across a frame
are packed
In this text, the word drum is used to denote the raw-material or the parts of a pan This means that one pan can consist of several drums
To beat a drum with sticks; to beat or play a tune on a drum
The tympanum of the ear; often, but incorrectly, applied to the tympanic membrane
A cylindrical masonry component that forms one unit of a column; also a cylindrical stage below a dome
Percussion instrument with a skin or other membrane, called a drum head, stretched over a hollow space It is struck with a stick or the hands
{i} percussion instrument; sound produced by the playing such an instrument
If something drums on a surface, or if you drum something on a surface, it hits it regularly, making a continuous beating sound. He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk Rain drummed on the roof of the car. see also drumming
the accelerator in a dragonboat
make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"
To beat with the fingers, as with drumsticks; to beat with a rapid succession of strokes; to make a noise like that of a beaten drum; as, the ruffed grouse drums with his wings
To throb, as the heart
percussion instrument consisting of a hollow shell or cylinder with a drumhead stretched over one or both ends that are beaten with the hands or sticks
In particular, a barrel or large cylindrical container for liquid transport and storage
1 beating; undiplomatic or untactful, "beating the drum" of one's own point of view
davul boşluğu alın