
listen to the pronunciation of datum
Englisch - Türkisch
(Gıda) esas tutulan
Data kelimesinin tekil hâli
kıyas hattı
kıyas çekidi
ölçüde başlangıç nokta
{i} haber
başlangıç noktası veya hattı
{i} bilgiler
{i} data
{ç} da.ta (dey'tı, dä'tı)
{i} malumat
(Gıda) taban
{i} bilgi

Bilgi toplamak için aşağıdaki dergileri inceledik. - We examined the following magazines to collect the data.

Bilgi toplamak için aşağıdaki deneyi yaptı. - They conducted the following experiment to collect the data.


Herkes yeni kelimeleri göstermek için veritabanını besleyebilir. - Everyone can feed the database to illustrate new vocabulary.

Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

datum level
başlangıç düzeyi
datum temperature
(Gıda) taban sıcaklık
datum line
referans çizgisi
datum plane
referans düzlemi
datum dan buoy
(Askeri) Bir deniz mayın harbinde, bir coğrafi nirengi veya miyar olacak işaret şamandırasının daha görülebilir ve normal işaret şamandırasına nazaran daha güvenli bağlanmış olması gerekir
datum error
(Askeri) datum hatası
datum error
(Askeri) DATUM HATASI (DENİZALTI SAVUNMA HARBİNDE): Verilen datum mevkiinin doğruluk derecesinin bir tahmini
datum intake flow
(Havacılık) esas giriş akımı
datum level
(Askeri) DATUM DÜZEYİ: Bir harita ya da şemada bir yüzeye ait yükselti, yükseklik ve derinlikler. Bknz. "altitude"
datum line
(Askeri) DATUM HATTI: Mesafe ve istikametlerin ölçülmesinde esas teşkil eden herhangi bir yardımcı istikamet hattı
datum line
esas alınan yükseklik
datum line
başvuru çizgisi
datum line
kıyas hattı
datum marker buoy
(Askeri) veri işaret şamandırası
datum node
dayanak dugumu
datum plane
(Askeri) İTİMAT YÜZEYİ: Hava yük araçları yük bölme numaralarının hesaplanmasında esas olan yüzey. Bu satıh genellikle, hava aracının burnunda veya burnu yakınından geçen dikey yüzeydir. Ayrıca bakınız: "station number"
datum point
{i} standart noktası
datum point
(Askeri) DATUM NOKTASI: Hesaplamaları veya ölçümleri yapılacak bilinen veya farzedilen herhangi bir nirengi noktası
datum point
{i} esas alınan nokta
datum time
(Askeri) datum zamanı
datum time
(Askeri) DATUM ZAMANI: Bir denizaltı savunma harbinde bilinen veya şüphe edilen denizaltı ile temasın kaybedildiği zaman
(Ticaret) işlenmemiş bilgiler
(Ticaret) done
istatistik analizi

Verileri girmeyi bitirdim. - I've finished entering the data.

Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

altitude datum
(Askeri) İRTİFA BAŞLANGIÇ YÜZEYİ: Dikey yer değiştirmelerin ölçüldüğü itibari düzey. İrtifa ölçmede başlangıç yüzeyi, hava aracının tam altındaki arazi veya ortalama deniz seviyesi dışında-belirli bir başlangıç yüzeyidir. Bu yüzey, basınç yüksekliği için, atmosfer basıncının 29.92 inçlik civa sütunu (1032.2 milibar) 'nu gösterdiği seviye; hakiki irtifa için ise, ortalama deniz yüzeyidir
altitude datum
(Askeri) irtifa başlangıç yüzeyi
altitude datum
yükseklik röperi
chart datum
(Askeri) harita verisi
{i} malumat
data processing bilgi toplayıp lüzumlu yere aktarma işlemi
{i} girdi
{i} çoğ. veya tek. bilgi
(Askeri) VERİ: Olayların, fikirlerin veya talimatların belli bir kalıp içinde insanlar veya otomatik vasıtalar tarafından haberleşme, yorum veya işlem içinde sunulması. Anlamın verildiği özellikler veya kıyas miktarları gibi her çeşit temsiller
geodetic datum
(Askeri) Bak. "datum (geodetic) "
height datum
(Askeri) YÜKSEKLİK BAŞLANGIÇ DÜZEYİ: Bak. "altitude datum"
hydrographic datum
(Askeri) HİDROGRAFİK BAŞLANGIÇ: İskandil ve derinlik eğrileri ile kıyıda ve açıkta arazi şekillerinin yükseklikleri için müracaat sathı
known datum point
(Askeri) BİLİNEN BAŞLANGIÇ NOKTASI: İstikamet açısı ve mesafesi bilinen, açıkça görülebilir nokta
known datum point
(Askeri) bilinen başlangıç noktası
meteorological datum plane
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİK ESASLAR DÜZENİ: Topçuya verilen atmosferik esaslar için bir esas. Bir başlangıç noktası olarak kabul edilen müracaat sathı. Bu satıh, meteoroloji istasyonu ile aynı irtifada bulunur
reference datum
(Askeri) müracaat sathı
reference datum
(Askeri) MÜRACAAT SATHI: Uçakların yükletilmesinde kullanılan anlamıyla uçağın burnunda veya burnu yakınında bulunan ve denge maksadıyla bütün yatay mesafelerin ölçülmesinde esas olarak alınan hayali dikey düzlem. Her hava aracına ait diyagramlar bu başlangıç sathını, yük bölme numarası 0 olarak gösterir
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von datum im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Aslında kendileri ekonomik olmayan ancak ekonomi dünyasını dışarıdan kuşatan veya çerçeveleyen, nüfus, teknik bilgi, hukuk düzeni ve yönetim biçimi ögelerinden her biri
Bilgisayar tarafından üretilen ve işlenebilen bilgi elemanı için kullanılan genel terim
Englisch - Englisch
(plural: data) A measurement of something on a scale understood by both the recorder (a person or device) and the reader (another person or device). The scale is arbitrarily defined, such as from 1 to 10 by ones, 1 to 100 by 0.1, or simply true or false, on or off, yes, no, or maybe, etc
(plural: data) a fact known from direct observation
(plural: data) a premise from which conclusions are drawn
(plural: datums) a fixed reference point

Datums are another important map aspect related to projection. A datum provides a base reference for measuring locations on Earth's surface.

a premise, starting-point, or given fact
A datum is a fixed starting point of a scale For example, the datum-level for elevation is typically taken as mean sea level The datum for latitude is the prime meridian (through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England)
a mathematical reference framework for geodetic coordinates defined by the latitude and longitude of an initial point, the azimuth of a line from this point, and the parameters of the ellipsoid upon which the initial point is located
1 (pl. data) A fact or proposition used to draw a conclusion or make a decision. See Usage Note at data.2. (pl. datums) A point, line, or surface used as a reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology
For marine applications, a base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths It is called a tidal datum when defined in terms of a certain phase of the tide Tidal datums are local datums and should not be extended into areas which have differing hydrographic characteristics without substantiating measurements In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks See chart datum
The quantities or relations which are assumed to be given in any problem
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the Earth (e g , as a spheroid) The corresponding datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example, the North American Datum for 1983 (NAD83) is the datum for map projections and coordinates within the United States and throughout North America
A benchmark in surveying which is a point of known location ( in 3D space and in relation to sea level) Datum is also a word used in archaeology to represent an individual measurement, the sum of individual datum is data
A reference ellipsoid is used with an "initial point" of reference on the surface to produce a datum, the name given to a smooth mathematical surface that closely fits the mean sea-level surface throughout the area of interest The "initial point" is assigned a latitude, longitude and elevation above the ellipsoid Once a datum is adopted, it provides the surface to which ground control measurements are referred
a single fact, as in: We based our measurements on the datum of the boiling point of water (Note: rarely used outside scientific literature)
an item of factual information derived from measurement or research
1 Any numerical or geometrical quantity or set of such quantities which may serve as a reference or base for other quantities 2 See chart datum
(n) A theoretically exact point, axis, or plane used as a reference for tabular dimensioning A datum marks the origin from which the location and orientation of geometric features are established
A base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks See chart datum
Changing technology has led to different values for the same geographic points over time Datum refers to which standard you are using for known points If you are going to use your collected data with prexisting data, you need to match up the datum and coordinate systems Some examples of datum are NAD-27 and WGS-84 (North American Datum 1927, World Geodetic System 1984)
plural: data a fact known from direct observation
A fixed reference point on an archaeological site from which measurements are taken
Any level surface taken as a plane of reference from which to measure elevations
plural: datums a fixed reference point
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the earth (e g , as a spheroid) The datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example, the North American Datum for 1983 (NAD83) is the datum for map projections and coordinates within the United States and throughout North America
Any point, line or surface used as a reference for a measurement of another quantity A model of the earth used for Geodetic calculations A more complete explanation is available in the Standards Section
In surveying, a reference system for computing or correlating the results of surveys There are tow principal types of datums: vertical and horizontal A vertical datum is a level surface to which heights are referred In the United States, the generally adopted vertical datum for leveling operations is the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 The horizontal datum is used as a reference for position The North American Datum of 1927 is defined by the latitude and longitude of an initial point (Meade's Ranch in Kansas), the direction of a line between this point and a specified second point, and two dimensions that define the spheroid The new North American Datum of 1983 is based on a newly defined spheroid (GRS80); it is an Earth-centered datum having no initial point or initial direction
Any position or element in relation to which others are determined, as datum point, datum line, datum plane
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three dimensional shape of the Earth The corresponding datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example the North American datum, 1927 is the datum for coordinates used in Volusia County's GIS
Any permanent line, plane or surface used as a reference datum to which elevations are referred
A set of parameters specifying the reference surface or the reference coordinate system used for geodetic control in the calculation of coordinates of the points of the earth Commonly, datums are defined as horizontal and vertical datums separately For the practical use of datum it is necessary to have one or more well monumented points with coordinates given in that datum
Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; used chiefly in the plural
1 Any numerical or geometrical quantity which may serve as a reference or base for other quantities In marine applications, a base elevation or plane used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths, plural: datums 2 A single piece of information, plural: data
{i} fact, factual information; detail
plural: data a single piece of information
plural: data a premise from which conclusions are drawn
is an elevation above mean sea level to which all gage height readings are referenced
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the Earth The datum defines a geographic coordinate system, which is the basis for a planar coordinate system
datum circle
The circle in which a measurement is taken. Generally used when measuring the tooth of a gear
datum circles
plural form of datum circle
datum line
A fixed, measurable line, used as a reference from which angular or linear measurements are taken
datum plane
A plane from which angular or linear measurements are reckoned
datum planes
plural form of datum plane
datum point
A point which serves as a reference or base for the measurement of other quantities
datum points
plural form of datum point
datum surface
A surface on a workpiece that establishes a datum
datum surfaces
plural form of datum surface
datum level
{i} level from which heights and depths are measured
datum line
datum level, reference line from which heights and depths are measured
datum plane
A theoretical plane established by extremities of the actual feature with a reference plane
datum plane
{i} level from which heights and depths are measured
datum plane
A fixed reference point from which a vertical measurement is taken in recording a specific depth
datum plane
A plane from which angular or linear measurements are reckoned Also called reference plane
datum plane
A datum plane is a theoretically exact plane established by the extremities or contacting points of the actual feature surface with a reference plane (surface plate or other checking device)
datum plane
A horizontal plane used as a reference from which to determine heights or DEPTHS The plane is called a TIDAL DATUM when defined by a certain phase of the TIDE Datum planes are referenced to fixed points known as BENCH MARKS, so that they can be recovered when needed See also REFERENCE PLANE
datum point
{i} point from which heights and depths are measured (Engineering, Surveying)
datum surface
{i} level from which heights and depths are measured
chart datum
the level below which depths are indicated and above which heights of the tides are expressed; usually mean level of low water at a spring tide
A collection of object-units that are distinct from one another
plural form of datum: pieces of information
"A formalized representation of facts or concepts suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by people or automated means " The term "data" is often used to refer to the information stored in the computer
A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computers
Facts represented in a readable language (such as numbers, characters, images, or other methods of recording) on a durable medium Data on its own carries no meaning Empirical data are facts originating in or based on observations or experiences A database is a store of data concerning a particular domain Data in a database may be less structured or have weaker semantics (built-in meaning) than knowledge in a knowledge base Compare data with information and knowledge
Representation forms of information dealt with by information systems and their users [642 1-G-1]
Data can be defined in many ways Information science defines data as unprocessed information Data is converted into information, and information is converted into knowledge For the purposes of Enterprise, data is a small unit of information, i e a learner's name or an exam mark
A formal representation of raw material from which information is constructed via processing or interpretation
You can refer to information as data, especially when it is in the form of facts or statistics that you can analyse. In American English, data is usually a plural noun. In technical or formal British English, data is sometimes a plural noun, but at other times, it is an uncount noun. The study was based on data from 2,100 women To cope with these data, hospitals bought large mainframe computers
A gathering of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner, made suitable for communication, interpretation or processing Anything other than voice
Data is an un-processed collection or representation of raw facts, concepts, or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means
Data is information that can be stored and used by a computer program. You can compress huge amounts of data on to a CD-ROM. data compression data encryption data mining data processing data structure data transmission sense data
pieces of information
A re-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing Operations can be performed upon data by humans or by automatic means Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is or might be assigned A representation of facts or instructions in a form suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automatic means Data includes constants, variables, arrays, and character strings
1 (Computer application) Alpha and numeric characters which are processed by a computer 2 (General use) Facts or information gathered for a specific purpose
All data (electronic and hard copy) and information required to support the core process This includes numbers, characters, images or other method of recording, in a form which can be assessed by a human or (especially) input into a computer, stored and processed there, or transmitted on some digital/communication's channel
Information stored on the computer system, used by applications to accomplish tasks
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; "statistical data
Any information contained in a computer file Normally names and address plus other demographic information
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation
Refers to information in numerical form that can be digitally transmitted or processed
a term that describes the BITS, BYTES, etc, that a computer stores and manipulates Data processed in a useful way becomes information
Information that is collected, stored or processed systematically
{i} information, facts
factual information, especially results of an experiment or clinical trial
Social science data are the raw material out of which social and economic statistics are produced Social science data originate from social research methodologies or administrative records, while statistics are produced from data Data are the information collected and stored at the level at which the unit of analysis was observed Summaries of these data are usually statistics Data must be processed to be of practical use This compilation is accomplished with statistical software, which reads the raw data from a computer file
Digital information or just information, depending on the context
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation; a collection of numerical facts
the information and evidence gathered during the assessment process for use in determining the level of teaching performance See Evidence, Extant Data, Information
Programs, files, and other information stored in, communicated, or processed by a computer
Digital information that is input to, output from, or processed and stored in a computer
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; "statistical data"
1 in the context of remote sensing, a computer file containing numbers which represent a remotely sensed image, and can be processed to display that image 2 a collection of numbers, strings, or facts that require some processing before they are meaningful
geodetic datum
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference; search in this book)
geodetic datum
A datum consisting of five quantities, the latitude and longitude and elevation above the reference spheroid of an initial point, a line from this point, and two constants which define the reference spheroid Azimuth or orientation of the line, given the longitude, is determined by astronomic observations Alternatively, the datum may be considered as three rectangular coordinates fixing the origin of a coordinate system whose orientation is determined by the fixed stars, and the reference spheroid is an arbitrary coordinate surface of an orbiting ellipsoidal coordinate system
geodetic datum
A specifically oriented ellipsoid typically defined by eight parameters which establish its dimensions, define its center with respect to Earth's center of mass and its orientation in relation to the Earth's average spin axis and Greenwich reference meridian See: Ellipsoid
geodetic datum
A mathematical model designed to fit part or all of the geoid (the physical earth’s surface) Defined by the relationship between an ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of a datum World geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and shape of the ellipsoid and the location of the center of the ellipsoid with respect to the center of the earth
geodetic datum
A model of the Earth used for geodetic calculations Geodesy is the science of measuring the shape and size of the Earth, together with the determination of the exact position of particular points on its surface by taking the Earth's curvature into account
geodetic datum
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
geodetic datum
– A mathematical model designed to fit part or all of the geoid, defined by the relationship between an ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of a datum World geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and shape of an ellipsoid and the location of the center of the ellipsion with respect to the center of the earth
geodetic datum
A mathematical model designed to best fit part or all of the geoid It is defined by an ellipsoid and the relationship between the ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of datum
sense datum
A basic unanalyzable sensation, such as a color or smell, experienced upon stimulation of a sense organ or receptor
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von datum im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

datum hatası
(Askeri) datum error
datum zamanı
(Askeri) datum time



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈdātəm/ /ˈdeɪtəm/


    [ 'dA-t&m, 'da-, 'dä- ] (noun.) 1646. Latin