damar içi (yolla yapılan enjeksiyon) (intravenous)

listen to the pronunciation of damar içi (yolla yapılan enjeksiyon) (intravenous)
Türkisch - Englisch
(Askeri) IV
An intravenous injection
Used to indicate an ordinal number; the fourth (common as a name suffix.)
{i} injection or feeding administered through a vein
intravenous medical equipment that is used to put liquid directly into your blood British Equivalent: drip. Amenhotep IV Rama IV Adrian IV Antiochus IV Epiphanes Baldwin IV Casimir IV Charles IV Christian IV Thomas Cruise Mapother IV Edward IV Frederick William IV George IV Gustav IV Adolf Haakon IV Haakonsson Henry IV Innocent IV Ivan IV James IV Kamehameha IV Joseph Francis Keaton IV Louis IV Ludwig IV Otto IV Peter IV Philip IV Raymond IV Romanus IV Diogenes Sancho IV Sixtus IV Stefan Uros IV Valdemar IV Atterdag William IV William Jefferson Blythe IV
A roman numeral representing four (4)
Instrumental variable
{s} occurring within a vein or veins, entering through a vein
number 4 (Roman Numerals)
damar içi (yolla yapılan enjeksiyon) (intravenous)