damıtılmış öz

listen to the pronunciation of damıtılmış öz
Türkisch - Englisch
A generic term for distilled alcoholic beverages
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spirit
plural form of spirit
{n} inflammable liquors, liveliness, life
Not to be confused with ghosts, these are the embodiement of natural forces This is even more suspect than the ghost theory of course But some powerful mages can call on the power of the land itself, sometimes as elementals, sometimes as totems, to acheive something in our material world
Distilled alcohol
distilled rather than fermented
third-person singular of spirit
Inflammable liquors obtained by distillation This is connected with the ancient notion of bottle-imps (q v ), whence these liquors were largely used in the black arts Spirits There are four spirits and seven bodies in alchemy The spirits are quicksilver, orpiment, sal-ammoniac, and brimstone (See Seven Bodies ) “The first spirit quyksilver called is; The secound orpiment: the thrid I wis Sal armoniacand the ferth bremstoon ” Chaucer: Prol of the Chanounes Yemanes Tale Spirits There were formerly said to be three in animal bodies: - (1) The animal spirits, seated in the brain; they perform through the nerves all the actions of sense and motion (2) The vital spirits, seated in the heart, on which depend the motion of the blood and animal heat (3) The natural spirits, seated in the liver, on which depend the temper and “spirit of mind ”
Any distilled beverages or other beverages blended from distillates and other ingredients Generally, a spirit is any alcoholic beverage that isn't a wine or beer
UK/European term for Alcohol (fuel grade, methylated spirits, denatured alcohol, etc )
plural of spirit
High-alcohol-content beverages produced by distillations, such as brandy, rum, gin, whiskey, and vodka
{i} alcoholic drink; mood, feeling
A generic term for strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation
damıtılmış öz