
listen to the pronunciation of daddy
Englisch - Türkisch
i., k.dili. baba, babacığım

Tom hâlâ babasına babacığım diyor. - Tom still calls his father Daddy.


Baba, bana bir vuvuzela al! - Daddy, buy me a vuvuzela!

Baba en az bir yumurta pişirebilmelidir! - Daddy must be able to cook at least one egg!

{i} peder

Peder Tom, eski şapelde dua ediyor. - Father Tom is praying in the old chapel.

daddy longlegs
daddy cool
süper babacık
daddy longlegs
baba longlegs
daddy long legs
tipula sineği
daddy long legs
çayır örümceği
daddy longlegs
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) çayırsineği
{i} ata

Ben küçükken babam beni havaya atardı. - When I was small, my father used to throw me up in the air.

Mustafa Kemal, birçok kişi tarafından Türk milletinin atası olarak bilinir. - Mustafa Kemal is known by many as the father of the Turkish nation.

{f} icat etmek
{i} kurucu
{i} yaratıcı
babalık etmek
{f} babası olmak

Sami, Leyla'nın bebeğinin babası olmak istiyordu. - Sami wanted to be a father to Layla's baby.

O, onun babası olmak için yeterince yaşlı. - He is old enough to be her father.

{f} baba ol

Ne tür baba olacağını düşünüyorsun? - What sort of father do you think you'll be?

John iyi bir koca ve baba olur. - John will make a good husband and father.

sugar daddy
yaşlı ve zengin hovarda
sugar daddy
Yaşlı ve zengin sevgili
Cenabı Hak
{f} üzerine atmak
(isim) baba, papaz, peder, yaratıcı, kurucu, ata
icat eden kimse
fatherinlaw kayınpeder
father of lies şeytan
father confessor günah çıkaran papaz

Günah işlediğim için beni affet Tanrım. - Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Babamın küçük kütüphanesi çoğu polemik tanrılığı içeren kitaplardan oluşuyordu, onların çoğunu okudum. esas oluşuyordu. - My father's little library consisted chiefly of books on polemic divinity, most of which I read.

babalık yapmak
sugar daddy
(deyim) arkadaşlık ettiği genç kıza hediyeler yağdıran yaşlı ve zengin adam
Englisch - Englisch
male lover
{n} a term for father
Ones father
Diminutive of Dad
an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk
{i} father, papa, dad
Children often call their father daddy. Look at me, Daddy! She wanted her mummy and daddy. S1 daddies father - used especially by children or when speaking to children
daddy long-legs spider
Any true spider of the family Pholcidae, small spiders with long legs
daddy longlegs
Any one of certain arachnids with long thin legs; the harvestman or the vibrating spider
daddy longlegs
The cranefly
Common misspelling of daddy longlegs

A daddy-long-legs shot from corner to corner and hit the lamp globe.

Alternative form of daddy longlegs

Hey daddy-o, make that type O huh? That a boy.

Daddy Warbucks
a character in the US cartoon strip Little Orphan Annie. He is a rich businessman who takes care of a young girl called Annie, whose parents are dead
daddy long legs
{i} type of spider that has a tiny body and very long thin legs
daddy long-legs
{i} type of spider that has a tiny body and very long thin legs
daddy longlegs
A name applied to many species of dipterous insects of the genus Tipula, and allied genera, with slender bodies, and very long, slender legs; the crane fly; called also father longlegs
daddy longlegs
A daddy longlegs is a flying insect with very long legs. = cranefly. a flying insect with six long legs. or harvestman Any of the 3,400 arachnid species constituting the order Opiliones. Daddy longlegs differ from spiders in having extremely long, thin legs and a spherical or oval body that is not divided in two. The body is approximately 0.05-1.0 in. (1-22 mm) long; the fragile legs may be 20 times the body length. Males are smaller than females. Adults have a pair of glands that secrete a foul-smelling fluid. Daddy longlegs are very widely distributed in temperate regions and in the tropics. The U.S. and Canada have about 150 species. They feed on insects, mites, spiders, carrion, and vegetable matter. See also crane fly
daddy longlegs
An arachnidan of the genus Phalangium, and allied genera, having a small body and four pairs of long legs; called also harvestman, carter, and grandfather longlegs
daddy longlegs
type of spider that has a tiny body and very long thin legs
daddy track
A career path determined by work arrangements offering fathers certain benefits, such as flexible schedules, but usually providing them with fewer opportunities for advancement
daddy's girl
{i} girl that prefers her father, girl that is spoiled by her father
baby daddy
The father of one's child who did not marry the mother and typically provides little or no support for the mother and child
big daddy
Something or someone of importance
mack daddy
A flirtatious and seductive man
mack daddy
A pimp, especially a prosperous one
sugar daddy
A man who spends money for the benefit of a younger person, especially a younger woman
war daddy
A player with extraordinary ability and exceptional toughness
who's your daddy
A humorous and/or sarcastic statement of superiority over someone else
who's your daddy
An assertion that one is the master in a relationship
plural of daddy
sugar daddy
rich and older man who gives gifts and money to the younger woman he is wooing (Informal)
sugar daddy
a wealthy older man who gives a young person expensive gifts in return for friendship or intimacy
sugar daddy
A woman's sugar daddy is a rich older man who gives her money and presents in return for her company, affection, and usually sexual intercourse. Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film. A wealthy, usually older man who gives expensive gifts to a young person in return for sexual favors or companionship. an older man who gives a young person presents and money in return for their company and often for sex



    Türkische aussprache



    da, dad, daddio, pa, papa, paw, pop, poppa


    /ˈdadē/ /ˈdædiː/


    [ 'da-dE ] (noun.) 15th century. From dad, from Welsh, + diminutive suffix -y


    ... be a good baby daddy? ...
    ... my head, you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, and my daddy said stay away from ...