düşmek inmek

listen to the pronunciation of düşmek inmek
Türkisch - Englisch
To die, especially in battle

This is a monument to all those who fell in the First World War.

To be allotted to; to arrive through chance or fate

And so it falls to me to make this important decision.

To collapse; to be overthrown or defeated

Rome fell to the Goths in 410 AD.

{f} tumble; descend; decrease; become; occur on; be victimized
If someone or something falls, they move quickly downwards onto or towards the ground, by accident or because of a natural force. Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack Bombs fell in the town I ought to seal the boxes up. I don't want the books falling out Twenty people were injured by falling masonry. Fall is also a noun. The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle
come into the possession of; "The house accrued to the oldest son"
If something falls, it decreases in amount, value, or strength. Output will fall by 6% Her weight fell to under seven stones Between July and August, oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen. a time of falling living standards and emerging mass unemployment. = drop rise Fall is also a noun. There was a sharp fall in the value of the pound
a landslide in which material free falls
to come down, to drop or descend
The surrender of a besieged fortress or town ; as, the fall of Sebastopol
be captured; "The cities fell to the enemy"
The act of felling or cutting down
fall from clouds; "rain, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum"
when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat
To diminish; to lessen or lower
The act of falling; a dropping or descending be the force of gravity; descent; as, a fall from a horse, or from the yard of ship
That which falls; a falling; as, a fall of rain; a heavy fall of snow
to come to the ground deliberately, to prostrate oneself
to be given by right or inheritance; "The estate fell to the oldest daughter"
to become; to change into the state described by the adjective that follows
ifil ifil yağmak/düşmek/inmek
for it to spit snow
düşmek inmek