düşünme, düşünce

listen to the pronunciation of düşünme, düşünce
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) thinking
{n} an imagination, judgement, opinion
Gerund of think
{i} act of forming ideas, act of conceiving in the mind
endowed with the capacity to reason
The act of thinking; mode of thinking; imagination; cogitation; judgment
Thinking is the activity of using your brain by considering a problem or possibility or creating an idea. This is a time of decisive action and quick thinking
{s} conceiving in the mind, deliberating
a psychological function that involves the creation and organization of information in the mind
The general process of considering an issue in the mind which results in the formulation of a new mental representation (Solso)
the process of thinking (especially thinking carefully); "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"
Present participle of think
comes in two forms: directed (corresponding to thinking as a function and is in a circular relationship with language) and the sponteous, creative, nonverbal kind--"dream" or "fantasy" thinking The directed kind harks back historically to the first calls that water had been found but isn't exactly the same as inner language (e g , deaf mutes) Fantasy thinking connects directed thinking to the archaic psyche
The manipulation of mental representations of information
thinking refers to the process of creating a structured series of connective transactions between items of perceived information Metacognition - metacognition refers to awareness and control of one's thinking, including commitment, attitudes and attention Critical thinking - critical thinking refers to reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do Critical thinkers try to be aware of their own biases, to be objective and logical Creative thinking - refers to the ability to form new combinations of ideas to fulfill a need, or to get original or otherwise appropriate results by the criteria of the domain in question
The general ideas or opinions of a person or group can be referred to as their thinking. There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking
Having the faculty of thought; cogitative; capable of a regular train of ideas; as, man is a thinking being
approval If you describe someone as a thinking man or woman, you mean that they are intelligent and take an interest in important events and issues, and you approve of this. Thinking people on both sides will applaud this book A newspaper called him `the thinking man's Tory'
This term designates one of the psychological types established by Myers and Briggs In short it means: understanding objective meanings Thinkers make decisions impersonally and tend to be objective when evaluating matters Thinkers are fair but they don't trouble themselves about people's feelings when they are being fair from: D D, Shain (1995) Study Skills
the process of thinking (especially thinking carefully); "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought
Türkisch - Türkisch
düşünme, düşünce