crowded out

listen to the pronunciation of crowded out
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von crowded out im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

crowd out
sıkıştırarak çıkarmak
crowd out
(birine) yer bırakmamak
crowd out
sıkıştırarak çıkarmak, dışarıya itelemek
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von crowded out im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

crowd out
press, force, or thrust out of a small space; "The weeds crowded out the flowers
crowd out
If one thing crowds out another, it is so successful or common that the other thing does not have the opportunity to be successful or exist. In the 1980s American exports crowded out European films. = squeeze out
crowd out
press, force, or thrust out of a small space; "The weeds crowded out the flowers"
crowded out


    crowd·ed out

    Türkische aussprache

    kraudıd aut


    /ˈkroudəd ˈout/ /ˈkraʊdəd ˈaʊt/


    [ 'kraud ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English crouden, from Old English crudan; akin to Middle High German kroten to crowd, Old English crod multitude, Middle Irish gruth curds.