cross sections

listen to the pronunciation of cross sections
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von cross sections im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

cross section
(Biyokimya,Gıda) çapraz kesit
cross section
(Matematik) dik kesit
cross section
cross section
(Tıp) kesit yüzeyi
cross section
cross section
cross section
KESİT: Bir cismin düz kesildiği zaman meydana çıkan düzlemin şekli. Örneğin, bir kürenin her kesiti daire şeklinde ortaya çıkar
cross section
en kesit
cross section
cross section
tipik örnek
cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) etkin kesit,kesit, tesir kesidi
cross section
(Mukavele) enine kesit
cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) etki kesiti (capture) (yakalama)
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of cross section
cross section
A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis
cross section
The probability that a particular nuclear reaction will take place
cross section
A diagram or drawing that shows features transected by a given plane; specifically, a vertical section drawn at right angles to the longer axis of a geologic feature
cross section
close window
cross section
Referring to a double seam, a section through the double seam
cross section
a sample meant to be representative of a whole population
cross section
transverse cutting; area which represents a target in relation to a bullet fired
cross section
A diagram or drawing that shows features transected by a given plane, usually a vertical plane so that the view shows features through the depth of the earth
cross section
A diagram or drawing that shows the sequence of rocks and sediment layers as they occur in a vertical plane; commonly drawn from the ground surface down to some selected depth, such as the bedrock surface
cross section
an illustration of the interior of the object or structure if you were to slice through it
cross section
(physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles; measured in barns a sample meant to be representative of a whole population a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
cross section
A horizontal slice of the landscape as it appears in a side view (elevation) It may also refer to certain characteristics of a population
cross section
the shape of an object cut transversely to its length
cross section
A group of names and addresses selected from a mailing list in such a way as to be representative of the entire list
cross section
In reference to a blade, the shape of the blade form if the blade were cut across the blade and perpendicular to the length of the blade
cross section
Sectioned shape of material viewed from the end
cross section
In nuclear physics, a measure of the probability that a given atomic nucleus will exhibit a specific reaction (absorption, scattering, or nuclear fission) in relation to a particular incident particle. Cross section is expressed in terms of area, and its value is chosen so that, if the bombarding particle hits a circular target of this size perpendicular to its path and centred at the nucleus, the given reaction occurs. If it misses the area, the reaction does not occur. The unit of cross section is the barn, which equals 10^-24 sq cm. Cross-section values for a given nucleus depend on the energy of the bombarding particle and the kind of reaction and are often different from the actual cross-sectional area of the nucleus
cross section
(physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles; measured in barns
cross section
(1) A contraction of capture cross section (2) A diagram showing geological features transected by a vertical plane (3) A designation for a specific area (e g , borehole cross section)
cross section
A diagram illustrating earth materials as if a large ditch was dug into the ground and the materials are viewed from within the ditch
cross section
A selection of names and addresses from a list in such a way as to be a representative of that list
cross section
A diagram showing a building as if it had been cut at right angles to the ground plan
cross section
Section cut at a right angle to any long, narrow structure
cross section
a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
cross section
A graph or plot of ground elevation across a stream valley or a portion of it, usually along a line perpendicular to the stream or direction of flow Cultural Resource Values: Floodplain values associated with the harvest of natural products (agricultural, aquacultural and forestry uses), as well as historical/archaeological, scientific and recreation/open space values Cumulative Impacts: The impacts on the environment that result from the incremental impact of an action when added to other past, present and reasonably foreseeable actions Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time
cross section
The side view of an object sliced along its vertical plane (For example, when you slice a two-layer cake, you can see the cross section of the cake--the bottom layer of cake, a layer of frosting, the top layer of cake, and the top layer of frosting )
cross section
See: Section, cross
cross section
A measure of the probability of a particular nuclear reaction occuring between a projectile and a target The probability is expressed as an area that the target presents The unit is the barn 1 barn = 10-28 m2
cross section
Cross section (sigma) is the device SEE response to ionizing radiation For an experimental test for a specific LET, sigma = #errors/(ion fluence) The units for cross section are cm2 per device or per bit
cross section
is the device SEE response to ionizing radiation For an experimental test for a specific LET, sigma = #errors/(ion fluence) The units for cross section are cm2 per device or per bit
cross section
A view formed by a plane cutting through an object usually at right angles to its axes
cross sections


    Cross sections

    Türkische aussprache

    krôs sekşınz


    /ˈkrôs ˈseksʜənz/ /ˈkrɔːs ˈsɛkʃənz/