
listen to the pronunciation of crash
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} çarpmak
davetsiz olarak bir ziyafete katılm
(Bilgisayar) arızalanmak
{f} parçalanmak

Tom'un bilgisayarı çökmeye devam ediyor. - Tom's computer keeps crashing.


Yoğun trafikteki zincirleme bir kazaydı. - There was a chain-reaction crash during rush hour.


CFIT son altı yıldır çarpışmaların sadece üçte birinin üzerinde olduğunu açıklamasına rağmen ölümlerin %53'üne sebep oldu. - Although CFIT accounted for just over a third of crashes in the past six years, it caused 53% of the deaths.

Çarpışma için kendimizi hazırladık. - We prepared ourselves for the crash.

şangır şungur
başkasının evinde kalmak, sabahlamak

Can I crash at your place on tonight? - Bu gece senin evinde kalabilir miyim?.

uçak kazası

Tom, bir uçak kazasında hayatını kaybetti. - Tom was killed in a plane crash.

O bir uçak kazasında öldü. - She died in a plane crash.

gürültüyle çarpmak
paldır küldür gitmek
oto kazası
büyük bir gürültü

Büyük bir gürültüyle ağacın düştüğünü duyduk. - We heard the tree fall with a crash.

(Bilgisayar) olağandışı sonlanma

1930'lardaki kriz sırasında, çok sayıda zengin insan borsanın iflasında her şeyini kaybetti. - During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.

Borsa niçin iflasa gitti. - Why did the stock market crash?

top atmak

Uçak gürültüyle yere çakılmadan hemen önce, keskin bir şekilde sağa döndü. - The plane turned sharply to the right just before it crashed.

Büyük bir gürültüyle ağacın düştüğünü duyduk. - We heard the tree fall with a crash.

(araba/vb.) gürültüyle çarpmak
(uçak/otomobil/vb.) kaza
{i} arıza
paldır küldür gitmek/hareket etmek
iflas etmek
konuşma dili (bir yere) davetsiz/izinsiz/biletsiz girmek/dalıvermek/katılmak
(taşıta ait) kaza: "airplane crash - uçak kazası."
çarpa çarpa şiddetli ve gürültülü bir şekilde gitmek veya koşmak: "A bull was crashing around in the china shop. - Zücaciye dükkânında bir boğa etrafı kira döke koşuyordu
büyük bir gürültüyle çalmak/çarpmak/vurmak: "She crashed the dishes down on the table. - Tabakları büyük bir şangırtıyla masanın üstüne çaldı."
bilgisayar arızalanmak

Tom Mary'nin arabasına kimin çarptığını biliyor. - Tom knows who crashed into Mary's car.

Motosiklet bir arabaya çarptı. - The motorcycle crashed into a car.

(kaza sonucu olarak) çarpmak veya düşmek: "The plane crashed into the mountainside and burst into flame. - Uçak dağın yamacına çarpıp alev alarak yandı
bilgisayar arıza
şangırtı; gürleme, büyük bir gürültü
(Ekonomi) Hızlı değer kaybı; iflas

The 1987 stock market crash.

gürlemek, büyük bir gürültü yapmak: The thunder crashed. - Gök gürledi."
(işyeri) hızla iflas etmek/top atmak
atarak paramparça etmek: "He crashed his glass against the wall. - Bardağını duvara atarak paramparça etti."
konuşma dili at (bir yerde) gece kalmak: Can İ crash at your place tonight? Bu gece sende kalabilir mıyım?
hızla gelen büyük iflas
{i} (Bilgisayar) arıza
{f} sabahlamak

Sabahlamak için bir yere ihtiyacım var. - I need a place to crash.

{f} gürültü etmek
{f} kırılmak
kaza geçirmek
{f} batmak
{i} havlu ve perde yapımında kullanılan kaba bez
crash diet
sıkı rejim
crash into
crash boat
(Askeri) kurtarma botu
crash land
(Havacılık) zorunlu iniş yapmak
crash out
yorgunluktan uyuya kalmak

I crashed out on the sofa this afternoon. - Öğleden sonra koltuğun üstünde yorgunluktan uyuya kalmışım.

crash the gate
ücret vermeden girmek
crash about one's ears
dünya başına yıkılmak
crash dive
(denizaltı) birden dalma
crash helmet

Kaskını giysen iyi olur. - You had better put on your crash helmet.

crash helmet
koruyucu başlık
crash into
crash land
uçağı parçalanmak pahasına yere indir
crash landing
mecburi iniş
mecburi iniş yapmak
crash and burn
tarumar olmak
crash and burn
yıkılıp kül olmak
crash down
yatağa girmek (yorgun halde)
crash mat
Düşmelere karşı koruyucu minder
crash of thunder
Şimşek, şimşek çakması
crash on somebody
(deyim) Aşık olmak, çarpılmak
crash out
Yorgunluktan veya alınan ilaçtan dolayı anında uyumak
crash out of
crash dışarı
crash, mangle
crash, bozmak
crash a volley
(Spor) vole vurmak
crash and burn
hezimete uğramak
crash assembly
(Askeri) kırılmaya karşı tertibat
crash assembly
(Askeri) KIRILMAYA KARŞI TERTİBAT: Havadan paraşütle atılan araçların yere inerken çarpma tesirini, kendi özel parçalarının dağılması suretiyle gideren ve çerçeve kuşaklardan ibaret olan tertibat
crash boat
(Askeri) KURTARMA BOTU: Uçağın su üzerine düşmesi veya mecburi iniş yapması gibi hallerde, kurtarma faaliyeti için hazır bulundurulan çok süratli bir deniz motoru
crash course
yoğun program
crash cushion
çarpma yastığı
crash dump
Çöküş Boşalımı
crash halt
ani fren
crash helmet
(Askeri) sadme başlığı
crash helmet
(Askeri) SADME BAŞLIĞI: İçine çok miktarda yumuşak maddeler konmuş, tank ve uçaklarda başın zedelenmemesi için kullanılan başlık
crash helmet
çelik başlık
crash into
araba ile vurmak
crash land
{f} mecburi iniş yapmak
crash land
(fiil) mecburi iniş yapmak
crash landing
(Havacılık) gövde üzerine iniş
crash landing
zorlu iniş
crash locator beacon
(Askeri) KAZA YERİ TESPİT BIYKINI: Arama kuvvetlerine kaza yerini tespit etmede yardımcı olan bir otomatik telsiz bıykını. Ayrıca bakınız: "personal locator beacon"
crash locator beacon
(Askeri) kaza yeri tespit biykını
crash on someone
birisine aşık olmak
crash pad
(Fiili Deyim ) geçici olarak kalacak yada yatacak yer
crash pad
(Askeri) SADME YASTIĞI: Kaza vukuunda yaralanmaya mani olmak için tank veya uçakların gösterge tablosu veya diğer çıkıntıları etrafına tespit edilen yastıklar
crash pad
(Askeri) sadme yastığı
crash pad
çarpma tamponu
crash position indicator
(Askeri) Bknz. "crash locator beacon"
crash position indicator
(Askeri) kırım mevkii göstergesi
crash proof
(Havacılık) darbe ve çarpmaya dayanıklı
crash repairs
karoser tamiratı
crash repairs
İng. karoser tamiratı
crash sensor
darbe sensörü
crash the gate
ücret vermeden girmek; izinsiz/davetsiz girmek/katılmak
crash truck
kurtarma aracı
a place to crash
uyumak için bir yer
i need a place to crash
uyumak için bir yere ihtiyacım var
place to crash
uyumak için yer
program crash
(Bilgisayar) programın çökmesi
{f} çarp

O, çarpışmada ölmedi, aslında kazadan önce bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - He did not die in the collision. Actually, he had a heart attack before crashing.

Tom gözlerini kapadı ve sahile çarpan dalgaların sesini dinledi. - Tom closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

disk crash
disk arızası
head crash
kafa çarpması
airplane crash
uçak kazası
air crash
uçak kazası
car crash
araba kazası
Karbonhidratlı besin alımı sonrası birkaç saat içinde tekrar karbonhidrat alma isteği

O, çarpışmada ölmedi, aslında kazadan önce bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - He did not die in the collision. Actually, he had a heart attack before crashing.

iflas sonrası
system crash
Sistemin çökmesi
computer crash
(Bilgisayar) bilgisayarın çökmesi
x kal/çak/git/fırlat/çarp
disk crash
bilg. disk kazası
great crash
(Ticaret) büyük çöküntü
hard crash
orseleyen cokum, onulmaz ariza
soft crash
bilgi yitirmeden çöküş
soft crash
bilgi yitirmeden cokus
system crash
bilgisayarin arizalanmasi
Englisch - Englisch
To terminate extraordinarily
To severely damage or destroy something by causing it to collide with something else
To make or experience informal temporary living arrangements

Hey dude, can I crash at your pad?.

A company of rhinoceroses

The crash of rhinoceros at Tsavo now numbers almost 200.

To accelerate a project or a task or its schedule by devoting more resources to it
An automobile, airplane, or other vehicle accident
To cause to terminate extraordinarily

Double-clicking this icon crashes the desktop.

To collide with something destructively, fall or come down violently
To attend a social event without invitation
To experience a period of depression and/or lethargy after a period of euphoria, as after the euphoric effect of a psychotropic drug has dissipated
Plain linen
A computer malfunction that is caused by faulty software, and makes the system either partially or totally inoperable
A loud sound as made for example by cymbals
A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
A comedown of a drug
quick, fast, intensive

crash diet.

{s} fast; strenuous; drastic
{i} smash, wreck; downfall, collapse; condition in which the computer becomes stuck during an operation and must be restarted (Computers)
{f} smash into, collide with force; be crashed; break into pieces, fall apart; be broken into pieces; freeze up, stop working properly (Computers)
to stay at someone's house for the night

Can I crash at your place on Monday night?.

{v} to make a noise, break, bruise, crush
{n} a loud mixed noise made by a fall
A problem (often caused by a bug) thatcauses a program, or an entire operating system, to unexpectedly stop working If a program crashes, you sometimes can recover with the force quit commane, but you often have to restart the Mac Also see bomb and hang
A collective term for a group of rhinoceroses
A loud, sudden, confused sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once
AKA "Head Crash" - Occurs when the read/write head collides with the disk latter, causing physical damage to the disk
The failure of a hardware component, software application, or the computer itself A crash can affect the program you are using, the operating system, or the entire computer, and often results in the need to restart the computer
to turn up at or join a social event without having been invited
A system shutdown caused by a hardware malfunction or a software error
Even Spock tripped up every once in a while Just because your computer locks up at random times doesn't mean it's evil (or even broken) Restarting will usually resolve the problem, although chances are you didn't save your work
A sudden stop of normal operation Supposedly, the original hard drives would sometimes experience a catastrophic failure in which the read/write heads would crash into the media, possibly sending the media flying; hence a crash is a unintentional termination of software or hardware due to some failure or error - especially a termination in a final, catastrophic, or unpleasant way
A sudden, usually drastic failure of a computer system
If a bug in a program is severe enough, it can cause that program to crash, or to become inoperable without being restarted On machines that are not multitasking, the entire machine will crash and have to be rebooted On machines that are only partially multitasking the entire machine will sometimes crash and have to be rebooted On machines that are fully multitasking, the machine should never crash and require a reboot
The abrupt failure of a computer system or program More specifically, a system crash is the abrupt failure of a computer--- or of a computer's operating system---causing the computer to halt the execution of programs; and a program crash is the abrupt failure of a computer program resulting either from a flaw in the logic of the program itself, or from some peculiar interaction with the operating system, the storage management facility, another program, or the user---or from an act of God A hardware crash (e g , a disk crash) is a crash which results from the failure of the computer electronics or electro-mechanics, and a software crash is one which results from a flaw or an inadequacy in program logic, or in operating system program logic A soft crash is a crash from which it is easy to recover--- i e , to restart the computer and resume work A hard crash is the opposite
the act of colliding with something; "his crash through the window"; "the fullback's smash into the defensive line" a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane" a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures) (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative; "the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since" stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week" undergo a sudden and severe downturn; "the economy crashed"; "will the stock market crash again?" hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock" undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post" break violently or noisily; smash; cause to crash; "The terrorists crashed the car into the gate of the palace" fall or come down violently; "The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea" move violently as through a barrier; "The terrorists crashed the gate" move with, or as if with, a crashing noise; "The car crashed through the glass door" occupy, usually uninvited; "My son's friends crashed our house last weekend
To make a loud, clattering sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once; to break in pieces with a harsh noise
A problem (often caused by a bug) that causes a program, or the entire operating system, to unexpectedly stop working
move with, or as if with, a crashing noise; "The car crashed through the glass door"
stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week"
to make informal temporary living arrangments
hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock"
A malfunction that stops a computer working Software crashes are usually due to bugs and require a system re-boot Hardware crashes are due to physical damage to computer component
fall or come down violently; "The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea"
If something crashes somewhere, it moves and hits something else violently, making a loud noise. The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them
A computer or program is said to "crash" when it has become inoperable because of a malfunction in the equipment or the software Causes include power loss, bad software code, or a computer process that conflicts with the system or other processes and causes the system to "lock-up " Hackers can cause systems to crash either by accident or on purpose by initiating certain commands or by installing incompatible programs to the system
Complete computer system failure Necessitates a reboot of the system (See boot )
If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed. The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica. when his car crashed into the rear of a van Even his death, after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans, was spectacular Her body was found near a crashed car
If a computer or a computer program crashes, it fails suddenly. after the computer crashed for the second time in 10 days
A crash is a sudden, loud noise. Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 a.m
If a business or financial system crashes, it fails suddenly, often with serious effects. When the market crashed, they assumed the deal would be cancelled. Crash is also a noun. He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash
A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed. His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago. a plane crash. = accident
a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"
occupy, usually uninvited; "My son's friends crashed our house last weekend
This is a heuristic to generate an initial point for an algorithm It is from the early linear programming computer systems that used a variety of heuristics to generate an initial basic solution
The abrupt failure of a system or application program When you can't move the mouse pointer on your screen and/or cannot type anything, you are experiencing a 'computer crash' A common result of this situation is a burning desire to throw the offending computer through the nearest plate glass window
to collide with something destructively
undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post"
1 n A sudden, usually drastic failure Most often said of the {system} (q v , sense 1), esp of magnetic disk drives (the term originally described what happened when the air gap of a Winchester disk collapses) "Three {luser}s lost their files in last night's disk crash " A disk crash that involves the read/write heads dropping onto the surface of the disks and scraping off the oxide may also be referred to as a `head crash', whereas the term `system crash' usually, though not always, implies that the operating system or other software was at fault 2 v To fail suddenly "Has the system just crashed?" "Something crashed the OS!" See {down} Also used transitively to indicate the cause of the crash (usually a person or a program, or both) "Those idiots playing {SPACEWAR} crashed the system " 3 vi Sometimes said of people hitting the sack after a long {hacking run}; see {gronk out}
Coarse, heavy, narrow linen cloth, used esp
cause to crash; "The terrorists crashed the car into the gate of the palace"
undergo a sudden and severe downturn; "the economy crashed"; "will the stock market crash again?"
The term that describes a situation when a part of, or the complete computer, stops working because of a hardware and/or software malfunction A head-crash in a disk system refers to the accidental impact of the read/write head on the surface of the disk
Ruin; failure; sudden breaking down, as of a business house or a commercial enterprise
A crashed computer has lost its mind It can no longer function Crashes can be caused by hardware failure and by software
The sudden failure of a program or software application, invariably occurring at the least opportune moment
(n ) The sudden failure of a disk drive or program A disk crash usually leaves the drive unusable, with the resulting destruction of all data on the disk A program crash usually results in the loss of all unsaved data and might require rebooting the computer
the act of colliding with something; "his crash through the window"; "the fullback's smash into the defensive line"
break violently or noisily; smash
occupy, usually uninvited; "My son's friends crashed our house last weekend"
move violently as through a barrier; "The terrorists crashed the gate"
crash and burn
To fail utterly
crash barrier
A barrier on the side of a road, to keep vehicles on the road
crash barriers
plural form of crash barrier
crash box
A device used to produce a crashing sound in a theatrical production, typically a large crate containing breakable materials
crash box
A black box (flight data recorder)
crash boxes
plural form of crash box
crash course
A quick, intense course of learning, especially one which is informal or hurried

He got a crash course in babysitting when his sister dropped off his nephew for the afternoon.

crash courses
plural form of crash course
crash diet
A diet that is extreme in its nutritional deprivations, typically severely restricting calorie intake in order to achieve rapid weight loss
crash diets
plural form of crash diet
crash helmet
A helmet worn by motorcyclists worn to protect the head in case of an accident
crash helmets
plural form of crash helmet
crash hot
fantastic; brilliant

I'm sorry boss, I can't come in to work today, I'm not feeling too crash hot.

crash land
To land an aircraft or spacecraft in an emergency, either in an inappropriate place or under dangerous conditions; usually results in damage to the craft and the possibility of loss of life
crash landing
The landing of an aircraft or spacecraft in an emergency, either in an inappropriate place or under dangerous circumstances
crash landings
plural form of crash landing
crash out
To fall asleep
crash out
To be eliminated
crash test
A test of crashworthiness, usually involving the controlled crashing of a vehicle with dummies in place of human passengers
crash test dummy
An anthropomorphic mannequin designed to be used for experiments in vehicle collisions, to see the effects on human occupants
crash tests
plural form of crash test
Alternative spelling of crash land
Alternative spelling of crash landing
crash out
to go to bed, or go to sleep very quickly, because you are very tired
crash test
(noun) A test of this kind
crash test
(verb) Deliberately crash (a new vehicle) in order to evaluate and improve its ability to withstand impact
crash a party
enter a party uninvited
crash and burn
A spectacular computer crash, named after the suitably tragic car crashes at the end of a lot of bad movies
crash and burn
The awful spectacle in which a skater falls on the first trick and then proceeds to demolish nearly every subsequent trick in the program
crash and burn
vi ,n A spectacular crash, in the mode of the conclusion of the car-chase scene in the movie "Bullitt" and many subsequent imitators (compare {die horribly}) Sun-3 monitors losing the flyback transformer and lightning strikes on VAX-11/780 backplanes are notable crash and burn generators The construction `crash-and-burn machine' is reported for a computer used exclusively for alpha or {beta} testing, or reproducing bugs (i e , not for development) The implication is that it wouldn't be such a disaster if that machine crashed, since only the testers would be inconvenienced
crash barrier
a strong protective barrier that is erected around a racetrack or in the middle of a dual-lane highway in order to reduce the likelihood of severe accidents
crash barrier
A crash barrier is a strong low fence built along the side of a road or between the two halves of a motorway in order to prevent accidents. a strong fence or wall built to keep cars apart or to keep them away from people, in order to prevent an accident
crash barrier
guard rail, rail along a road which protects a car in an accident
crash course
a rapid and intense course of training or research (usually undertaken in an emergency); "he took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy"; "his first job was a crash course in survival and in learning how to get along with people"; "a crash programme is needed to create new jobs
crash course
A crash course in a particular subject is a short course in which you are taught basic facts or skills, for example before you start a new job. I did a 15-week crash course in typing. a course in which you learn a lot about a particular subject in a very short period of time crash course in
crash course
short study course designed to cover a lot of material in a short period of time
crash diet
very strict diet which aims at reducing a great amount of fat in a very short period of time
crash diet
an attempt to lose a lot of weight quickly by strictly limiting how much you eat
crash dive
A rapid dive made by a submarine, especially in an emergency
crash dive
a rapid descent by a submarine
crash helmet
a padded helmet worn by people riding bicycles or motorcycles; protects the head in case of accidents
crash helmet
A crash helmet is a helmet that motorcyclists wear in order to protect their heads if they have an accident. A padded helmet, as one worn by bicyclists, motorcyclists, or aviators, to protect the head in case of accident. a very strong hard hat that protects your head, and is worn by racing car drivers, people riding motorcycles etc
crash land
make an emergency landing
crash land
{f} make emergency landing, land an airplane under emergency situation
crash landing
forced landing, emergency landing which ends with damage to the landing and other airplane gear
crash landing
An emergency landing by an aircraft or spacecraft. an occasion when a pilot has to bring a plane down to the ground in a rougher and more dangerous way than usual because the plane has a problem
crash landing
an emergency landing under circumstances where a normal landing is impossible (usually damaging the aircraft)
crash out
If someone crashes out somewhere, they fall asleep where they are because they are very tired or drunk. I just want to crash out on the sofa The band are crashed out on the floor. = flake out
crash truck
A truck specially designed and equipped to rescue victims of an air crash. Also called crash wagon
descend steeply and rapidly
If a pilot crash-lands an aircraft, or if it crash-lands, it lands more quickly and less safely than usual, for example when there is something wrong with the aircraft, and it cannot land normally. He arrives in his biplane and crash lands it in a tree A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. + crash-landing crash-landings crash-landing His plane made a crash-landing during a sandstorm yesterday
stock market crash
A sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market
i need a place to crash
i need a place to sleep
to crash somewhere
to sleep somewhere
{a} making a sudden noise, breaking
sugar crash
A sugar crash or glucose crash is a concept in American folk medicine and refers to a feeling of tiredness which can occur after eating a large quantity of sugary foods
A crash
get off
A crash
A crash
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Economic event in the U.S. that precipitated the Great Depression. The U.S. stock market expanded rapidly in the late 1920s and reached a peak in August 1929, when prices began to decline while speculation increased. On October 18 the stock market began to fall precipitously. On the first day of real panic, October 24, known as "Black Thursday," a record 12,894,650 shares were traded. Banks and investment companies bought large blocks of stock to stem the panic, but on October 29, "Black Tuesday," 16 million shares were traded and prices collapsed. The crash began a 10-year economic slump that affected all the Western industrialized countries
Wall Street Crash
the sudden large fall in the value of company shares on the US Stock Exchange in October 1929. For about two years before this, the price of shares had risen very fast, and when people realized that companies were therefore worth more than their true value, they lost confidence. The severe fall that followed led directly to the Great Depression of the 1930s
air crash
airplane crash, accident of an aircraft
car crash
automobile accident
past of crash
One who attends an event without an invitation
One who crashes
someone who gets in (to a party) without an invitation or without paying
{i} someone or something that crashes; undesired party guest; person who faints in the emergency room (Medical term)
plural of crash
third-person singular of crash
Scrambling to make deadline (Also crunching)
(used of persons) informal intensifiers; "what a bally (or blinking) nuisance"; "a bloody fool"; "a crashing bore"; "you flaming idiot"
The process of reducing the time it takes to complete an activity by adding resources
A state of physical discomfort and depression caused by stopping speed use, especially after an extended period of use
Taking action to decrease the total project duration after analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum duration compression for the least cost
The noise of many things falling and breaking at once
present participle of crash
head crash
(computer science) a crash of a read/write head in a hard disk drive (usually caused by contact of the head with the surface of the magnetic disk)
head crash
falling of the read/write head of a disk onto the magnetic media
stock market crash
collapse of the stock market, falling of the stock market
system crash
system failure, shutdown of a system; condition in which a computer system stops working for some reason (such as a power failure) and it is necessary to restart the system
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von crash im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

karın üstüne iniş crash landing
(made without using the landing gear)