cost effectiveness analysis

listen to the pronunciation of cost effectiveness analysis
Englisch - Türkisch
(Ticaret) maliyet etkinliği analizi
cost analysis
maliyet analizi
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von cost effectiveness analysis im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

cost analysis
breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
cost analysis
The process of determining the true cost of a marketing plan or campaign, usually determined in cost per person reached or cost per sale
cost analysis
The process of evaluating, analyzing, and estimating the resources required to develop, purchase, field, and support past, present, and future systems Often, statistical methods are used to estimate the resources that will be needed over the life-cycle of a system
cost analysis
Evaluation of cost data for the purpose of arriving at costs actually incurred or estimates of costs to be incurred, prices to be paid and costs to be reimbursed
cost analysis
The review and evaluation of actual/estimated costs (material, direct labor, overhead, and general admin Expense, profit, taxes, import duties, and transportation)
cost analysis
An analysis that subtracts the benefits of homeownership from the costs of homeownership to obtain a net cost Included in costs are mortgage interest, discount points, closing costs, property taxes and homeowner's insurance, home maintenance costs, and any private mortgage insurance (PMI) Included in benefits are the tax savings on deductions for mortgage interest (including points) and property taxes, and an increase in equity that you receive either from repayment of the loan principal or an appreciation in the value of your home
cost analysis
Analyzing the cost of a product or system over its entire lifetime, including design, development, and replacement costs Relex Life Cycle Cost (LCC) enables users to perform cost analyses, using a Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) tree, factoring in alternatives, time intervals, and other variables
cost analysis
Analysing the cost of a product or system over its entire lifetime, including design, development, and replacement costs Relex Life Cycle Cost (LCC) enables users to perform cost analyses, using a Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) tree, factoring in alternatives, time intervals, and other variables
cost analysis
A technique in evaluating multiple choices and identifying the low-cost alternative using financial principles
cost analysis
the process of obtaining cost breakdowns, verifying cost data, evaluating specific elements of costs and examining data to determine necessity, reasonableness, and appropriateness of the costs reflected in a grant budget
cost effectiveness analysis


    cost ef·fec·tive·ness a·na·ly·sis

    Türkische aussprache

    kôst îfektîvnıs ınälısıs


    /ˈkôst əˈfektəvnəs əˈnaləsəs/ /ˈkɔːst ɪˈfɛktɪvnəs əˈnæləsəs/