
listen to the pronunciation of cost}
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von cost} im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} fiyat

Sıfırken 3.000.000 yen fiyatı olan arabalar, şimdi 300.000 ediyor; bu durumda sanırım benimkini biraz daha kullanacağım. - Cars that, when new, cost 3,000,000 yen are apparently now worth 300,000, so I think I'll use mine a little longer.

Fiyatlar maliyetlere ve talebe bağlıdır. - Prices depend on the costs and the demand.

{i} paha

Sağlıklı yemek daha pahalı mıdır? - Is eating healthy more costly?

Ben, ne pahasına olursa olsun ona yardım etmeliyim. - I must help her at any cost.

{f} tutmak
{f} -e mal olmak; (bir şeyin) fiyatı (belirli bir miktar) olmak: How much does this cost? Bunun fiyatı ne? It costs ten million
{f} etmek

Yeni bir ev inşa etmek bana çok paraya mal oldu. - It cost me a lot of money to build a new house.

Onu tamir etmek yaklaşık 2000 yene mal olacak. - It will cost about 2000 yen to repair it.

{i} zarar

Zarar bize çok paraya mal olacak. - The damage will cost us a lot of money.

{i} masraf

Arabanın tamiri biter bitmez, lütfen bana masrafları gösteren bir mektup yolla. Gerekli parayı sana göndereceğim. - As soon as you have the car fixed, please send me a letter with the cost. I'll send you the money.

O bir masraflı hataydı. - It was a costly mistake.

{f} (cost)
cost of living allowance
Asgari geçim indirimi
cost per action
(Bilim, İlim) İşlem başına maliyet
cost principle
Maaliyet prensibi
harcanan para
of-living index geçim indeksi
{f} neden olmak
{f} et
cost of living
geçim sıkıntısı
common cost
(Ticaret) ortak maliyet
complete cost
(Ticaret) tam maliyet
construction cost
(İnşaat) inşaat maliyeti

Bir bira ne kadar tutar? - How much does a beer cost?

Uçak bileti ücretinin tutarı tren bileti ücretinden daha yüksek. - The cost of the air fare is higher than of the rail fare.

-e mal olmak
(Dilbilim) yalınlık ederi
maliyet oluşturmak
(Bilgisayar) mlyt
(Ticaret) mal bedeli
cost a bomb
(Konuşma Dili) pahalıya mal olmak
cost a bomb
(Konuşma Dili) pahalıya patlamak
cost a lot
çoka mal olmak
cost and freight
(Ticaret) mal bedeli veya navlun
cost and freight
(Ticaret) cfr
cost data
(Ticaret) maliyet verileri
cost effectiveness
(Ticaret) maliyet verimliliği
cost effectiveness
(Ticaret) maliyet etkililik
cost effectiveness analysis
(Ticaret) maliyet etkinliği analizi
cost efficient
(Ticaret) düşük maliyetli
cost free
cost free
cost in use
(Teknik,Ticaret) işletme giderleri
cost item
(Ticaret) maliyet kalemi
cost nail
dökme çivi
cost of an investment
(Ticaret) yatırım maliyeti
cost of borrowing
(Ticaret) borçlanma maliyeti
cost of construction
(İnşaat) inşaat maliyeti
cost of conversion
(Ticaret) dönüştürme maliyeti
cost of illness
(Tıp) hastalık maliyeti
cost of inventories
(Ticaret) stokların maliyeti
cost of living index
(Kanun) hayat pahalılığı endeksi
cost of other sales
(Ticaret) diğer satışların maliyeti
cost of ownership
(Telekom) toplam maliyet
cost of purchase
(Ticaret) alış maliyeti
cost of sales
(Ticaret) satış maliyeti
cost of services rendered
(Ticaret) satılan hizmet maliyeti
cost of transportation
(Ticaret) nakliye
cost plan
maliyet planı
cost type
(Ticaret) tahakkuk esasını kullanma
cost unit
(Ticaret) birim maliyet
cost unit
(Ticaret) maliyet birimi
cost unit
(Ticaret) maliyet ünitesi

Köprü yapmak, maliyetin dışında, uzun sürecektir. - Apart from the cost, it will take long to build the bridge.

Bir gömlek yapmak kaça mal olur? - How much does it cost to make a T-shirt?


Yakıt maliyetinden dolayı deniz aşırı ülkelere uçuş maliyet arttı. - The cost of flying overseas has risen with the cost of fuel.

Maliyeti ne kadar olursa olsun, milyoner sanat eserini alma konusunda ısrar etti. - The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost.

mal olmak

Bu kitap 3000 yene mal olmaktadır. - This book costs 3,000 yen.

Yeni bir tablet bir servete mal olmaktadır. - The new tablet costs a fortune.

maliyet hesaplamak
değerinde olmak

O palto çok paraya malolmuş olabilir ama o ona değer. - That coat may have cost a lot of money, but it's worth it.

Bir gece rüyasında, güzel mor bir çiçek bulduğunu ve çiçeğin ortasında da değerli bir mücevher bulunduğunu gördü. - He dreamt one night that he found a beautiful purple flower, and that in the middle of it lay a costly pearl.

cost a packet
tuzluya mal olmak
cost a pretty penny
pahalıya mal olmak/patlamak
cost account
maliyet hesabı
cost analysis
maliyet analizi
cost benefit analysis
maliyet fayda analizi
cost cutting
masrafını azaltma
cost effective
uygun maliyetli
cost free
cost of consumption
tüketim maliyeti
cost of conveyance
nakliye maliyeti
cost of conveyance
nakliye masrafı
cost of education
eğitim maliyeti
cost of living
hayat pahalılığı

Geçen sene hayat pahalılığı tavan yaptı. - The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year.

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde hayat pahalılığı artıyordu. - The cost of living in the United States was rising.

cost of living
geçim gideri
cost of living index
geçim indeksi
cost of manufacture
üretim maliyeti
cost of packing
ambalaj masrafı
cost of production
üretim maliyeti
cost of production
imalat maliyeti
cost of research
araştırma gideri
cost of transportation
nakliye maliyeti
cost or marketing
pazarlama giderleri
cost overrun
fazla maliyet
cost price
maliyet fiyatı
cost reduction
maliyeti azaltma
cost report
maliyet raporu
count the cost
enikonu düşünmek
count the cost
bütün riskleri hesaplamak
commercial cost
ticari maliyet
cost a fortune
Bir servete mal olmak
cost an arm and a leg
Çok pahalıya malolmak
cost and freight
mal bedeli ve navlun
cost benefit
(Ekonomi) maliyet kazanç
cost concept
maliyet kavramı
cost conscious
maliyet bilinci
cost curve
Maliyet eğrisi
cost effective
Maliyet etkinliği
cost efficient
Ekonomik, uygun fiyatlı
cost inflation
maliyet enflasyonu
cost insurance and freight
mal bedeli artı sigorta artı navlun
cost insurance freight
maliyet sigorta navlun
cost journal
masraf defteri
cost justify
maliyetini karşılamak
cost ledger
maliyet defteri
cost object
maliyet nesne
cost of annihilation
imha bedeli
cost of breach
ihlalin maliyeti
cost of consumption
cost of control
cost of debt
borç maliyeti
cost of funds
fonlarının maliyet
cost of good sold
satılan malın maliyeti
cost of goods sold
Satılacak ürün hale gelmiş malların maliyeti
cost of money
kredi alma maliyeti, para alma maliyeti
cost of ownership
Sahip olma maliyeti
cost of sale
satış maliyeti
cost out
Ücreti öğrenmek
cost plus
maliyet artı kâr
cost plus pricing
maliyete ek fiyatlama
cost rate
masraf yüzdesi
cost ratio
masraf yüzdesi
cost record
maliyet kaydı
cost standard
maliyet standardı
cost system
maliyet sistemi
cost tracking
Maliyet araştırması, fiyat araştırması
cost value
maliyet değeri, maliyet bedeli
cost wise
paha bakımından
cost, insurance and freight
tic. şif, bir malın bedeli, sigortası ve navlunu ile birlikte maliyeti
MALİYET ETKİNLİÐİ (HV.): Belirli bir görevin yapılmasında alternatifleri (iş, metot, tutum, teçhizat, silah sistemleri, destek sistemleri kuvvet düzenleri v. b.) maliyet ve etkenliğin birbiriyle münasebetli tesirleri hesaba katılarak analiz suretiyle ortaya çıkarılmış mukayeseli bir değerlendirme
Verimliliğe göre uygun fiyatlı
cost-pull inflation
maliyet enflasyonu çekin
count the cost
bütün riskleri hesaplamak, enine boyuna düşünmek
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von cost} im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

To calculate or estimate a value
To incur a charge, a price
A negative consequence or loss that occurs or is required to occur
Amount of money, time, etc. that is required or used
cost a pretty penny
To be expensive

Trying to be jolly.

cost and freight
Meaning the seller pays for transportation to the port of loading, cost and freight, and the buyer pays for the insurance and the rest of the transportation
cost avoidance
An expense one has avoided incurring
cost benefit analysis
Alternative spelling of cost-benefit analysis
cost centre
: A division or project of an organisation to which costs can be specifically allocated
cost function
Any mathematical relationship between an activity and its cost
cost objective
The purpose for which costs are measured
cost of living
The average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life, especially of food, shelter and clothing
cost oil
Part of an oilfield operator's entitlement to revenue as compensation for incurred production costs as stated in a production sharing agreement
cost overrun
An excess of actual cost over budget
cost per available seat mile
The unit operating cost of a carrier, also known as unit cost. The cost, expressed in cents to operate each seat mile offered. Determined by dividing operating costs by ASM (available seat miles)
cost price
The cost to a manufacturer of producing an item, before any profit is taken
cost price
The amount paid by a trader for goods purchased
cost the earth
to be a huge expense

That's a nice suit, Noelene. Is it new? Of course it's bloody new. Cost me the earth.

cost, insurance and freight
Meaning the seller pays for the goods, transportation to the port of destination, and marine insurance
cost-benefit analysis
A methodology to help appraise or assess the case for a project or proposal, by estimating the net cost or benefit of the project of proposal
cost-benefit analysis
Any comparison of costs and benefits
Returning a benefit that justifies the initial investment; economical
Describing an index or an increase in payment etc that is dependent upon the cost of living
Cost-Price Squeeze
(Bilim, İlim) Pressure of increasing costs at a time when competition (or other pressures) make it difficult to boost prices and cover escalating costs
cost per action
(Bilim, İlim) Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA; also Cost Per Conversion) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement
cost per conversion
(Bilim, İlim) Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA; also Cost Per Conversion) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement
cost principle
The accounting principle that goods and services purchased should be recorded at their historical cost and not at their current market value
{n} price paid, charge, expence, hurt, loss
{v} to be bought or procured for
Cost structure
(Ekonomi) The expenses that a firm must take into account when manufacturing a product or providing a service. Types of cost structures include transaction costs, sunk costs, marginal costs and fixed costs. The cost structure of the firm is the ratio of fixed costs to variable costs
cost curve
In economics, a cost curve is a graph of the costs of production as a function of total quantity produced. In a free market economy, productively efficient firms use these curves to find the optimal point of production, where they make the most profits. There are a few different types of cost curves, each relevant to a different area of economics
cost driver
A Cost Driver is any activity that causes a cost to be incurred. The Activity Based Costing (ABC) approach relates indirect cost to the activities that drive them to be incurred. In traditional costing the cost driver to allocate indirect cost to cost objects was volume of output. With the change in business structures, technology and thereby cost structures it was found that the volume of output was not the only cost driver. Some examples of indirect costs and their drivers are: maintenance costs are indirect costs and the possible driver of this cost may be the number of machine hours; or, handling raw-material cost is another indirect cost that may be driven by the number of orders received; or, inspection costs that are driven by the number of inspections or the hours of inspection or production runs. Generally, the cost driver for short term indirect variable costs may be the volume of output/ activity; but for long term indirect variable costs, the cost drivers will not be related to volume of output/ activity. John Shank and Vijay Govindarajan list cost drivers into two categories: Structural cost drivers that are derived from the business strategic choices about its underlying economic structure such as scale and scope of operations, complexity of products, use of technology, etc and Executional cost drivers that are derived from the execution of the business activities such as capacity utilization, plant layout, work-force involvement, etc. To carry out a value chain analysis, ABC is a necessary tool. To carry out ABC, it is necessary that cost drivers are established for different cost pools
cost effective
productive relative to the cost(synonym) cost-efficient
cost of capital
The opportunity cost of the funds employed as the result of an investment decision; the rate of return that a business could earn if it chose another investment with equivalent risk. (synonym) cost of capital
Reduce the cost of something


    ... And what we undervalue is the cost to you ...
    ... saying they're dropping insurance because they can't afford it ' the cost of health ...