
listen to the pronunciation of correlation
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} mat. bağlılaşım, korelasyon
(Tıp) korrelasyon
{i} ilişki

Doğrudan bir ilişki var mı? - Is there a direct correlation?

Hiçbir ilişki bulunmadı. - No correlation was found.

(Biyokimya) bağdaşma
{i} karşılıklı ilişki
(Jeoloji) deneştirme
(Denizbilim) kaçınım
{i} bağıntı
(Dilbilim) bağdaşıklık
{i} bağlılık
KARşıLıKLı İLİŞKİ, KORELASYON: Hava savunmasında radar ekranı üzerinde beliren bir hava aracının hedef tespit göstergesiyle veya optik olarak diğer bir kaynaktan alınmakta bulunan bilgideki araçla aynı olduğunun belirlenmesi
{i} kolerasyon
İki organ veya olay arasında, birbirini etkiler şekilde karşılıklı ilişki
Aferent uyarıların, gerekli cevabı oluşturmak üzere beyinin ilgili merkezined birleşmesi
(Askeri) KARŞILIKLI İLİŞKİ, KORELASYON: Hava savunmasında radar ekranı üzerinde beliren bir hava aracının hedef tespit göstergesiyle veya optik olarak diğer bir kaynaktan alınmakta bulunan bilgideki araçla aynı olduğunun belirlenmesi
(Nükleer Bilimler) bağlantı, ilişki,eşilişki
değişkenlerin birbiri ile bağlantısı
(Tekstil) ilinti, korelasyon
(Biyoloji) korelasyon

Korelasyon nedensellik anlamına gelmez. - Correlation doesn't imply causation.

Korelasyon nedenselliğe eşit değildir. - Correlation doesn't equal causation.

organların birbirleriyle olan bağlantısı
(Ekonomi) bağlanım
correlation coefficent
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) korelasyon katsayısı
correlation coefficient
(Dilbilim,Gıda) bağıntı katsayısı
correlation energy
(Denizbilim) kaçınım erkesi
correlation factor
(Tıp) korelasyon faktörü
correlation name
(Bilgisayar) ilişkisel ad
correlation analysis
korelasyon analizi
correlation coefficient
bağlantı katsayısı
correlation diagram
korelasyon diyagramı
correlation energy
korelasyon enerjisi
correlation matrix
ilişki dizeyi
correlation matrix
korelasyon matrisi
correlation analysis
(Matematik) bağlılaşım çözümlemesi
correlation coefficient
correlation detection
(Havacılık) karşılıklı ilişki tespiti
correlation factor
(Askeri) KARŞILAMA FAKTÖRÜ: Gelen radyasyon dozu (incident dose rate) miktarının koruyucu bir maddeden geçen miktara oranı. Bu oran geçirme faktörünün karşıtıdır
correlation matrix
ilinti matrisi
correlation name
(SQL) ilişkisel ad
correlation receiver
ilintili alici
correlation table
(Politika, Siyaset) bağıntı tablosu
coefficient of rank correlation
sira ilintisi katsayisi
illusory correlation
aldatıcı ilinti
inverse correlation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ters ilinti
nonsense correlation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anlamsız ilinti
partial correlation
(İstatistik,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi korelasyon
rank correlation
(Ticaret) sıra korelasyonu
rank correlation
(Matematik,Teknik) sıra ilintisi
serial correlation
(İstatistik) seri korelasyon
serial correlation
dizisel ilinti
canonical correlation
kanonik korelasyon
cross correlation
çapraz korelasyon
direct correlation
doğru bağıntı
inverse correlation
ters ilişki
angular correlation
açısal korelasyon
çapraz korelasyon
intraclass correlation coefficient
Sınıf içi güvenilirlik Katsayısı
negative correlation
negatif korelasyon
pearson correlation
Pearson korelasyon
point-biserial correlation
Nokta çift serili korelasyon
rank correlation
rank korelasyonu, asım baglilasimi
rank correlation coefficient
(İstatistik) Sıra korelasyon katsayısı
serial correlation
Seri ilinti, seri bağlantı
zero-order correlation
Sıfır sıralı korelasyon: İki değişken arasında, diğer ilişkili değişkenleri sabit tutmaksızın hesaplanan bir korelasyon. Bu korelasyon -1 ila +1 arasında değişebilir
aerial port control center; alternate processing and correlation center
(Askeri) hava limanı kontrol merkezi; yedek işleme ve korelasyon merkezi
angular correlation
(Nükleer Bilimler) açısal bağıntı
enemy situation correlation element
(Askeri) düşman konum korelasyon unsuru
flight plan correlation
(Askeri) UÇUŞ PLANI MÜNASEBETİ: Bilinen uçuş planları yardımı ile bir uçağı tanıtma vasıtaları
illusory correlation
aldatici ilinti
imagery correlation
(Askeri) görüntü korelasyonu
imagery correlation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ: Mevki veya belirlenen fiziki karakteristikler itibariyle farklı tipteki sensörlerden, görüntüdeki farklı frekans şekilleri arasındaki müşterek ilişki
landing craft, utility; launch correlation unit
(Askeri) genel hizmet çıkarma aracı; fırlatma korrelasyon birliği
moderate correlation model
(Ticaret) ılımlı korelasyon modeli
multiple correlation
çoklu ilinti
multiple correlation
(Dilbilim) çoklu bağıntı
multiple correlation coefficient
coklu ilinti katsayisi
partial correlation
kismi ilinti
radar correlation
(Askeri) RADAR KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Bir radar tüpü veya işaretleme levhası üzerinde görülen bir hedefin hakkında diğer bir kaynaktan bilgi alınmakta olan aynı hedef olduğunun tespiti
spurious correlation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yüzeysel korelasyon
spurious correlation
yapma ilinti
track correlation
(Askeri) TAKİP KARŞILIKLI İLİŞKİSİ: Bütün mevcut bilgileri kullanarak, belirleme amaçları için izleme bilgilerinin arasında uygunluk sağlamak
Englisch - Englisch
One of the several measures of the linear statistical relationship between two random variables, indicating both the strength and direction of the relationship
A reciprocal, parallel or complementary relationship between two or more comparable objects
Uses the SAS CORR Procedure to compute correlation coefficients, partial correlation and simple statistics, rank orders and significance probabilities for numeric variables Non-parametric measure of associations (Spearman's rank order, Kendall's tau-b, and Hoeffding's measure of dependence), as well as Pearson's product-moment correlation can be calculated
1 The relationship between any two random variables which may or may not be independent It may be expressed in terms of conditional probabilities or the mutual probability distribution of the random variables 2 The quadratic term in the relationship between two real-valued random variables; the expectation of the product minus the product of the expectations, suitably normalized
The correlation coefficient (r estimates rho) provides an index of the degree to which paired measures(X and Y) co-vary in a linear fashion Its values is constrained to lie between -1 and +1 r is positive (> 0) when cases with large values of X also tend to have large values of Y whereas cases with small values of X tend to have small values of Y r is negative (< 0) when cases with large values of X tend to have small values of Y and vice versa Correlation coefficients give no information about cause and effect Similarly they provide misleading information if the relationship between X and Y is non-linear
a measure of association between two variables See also Correlation coefficient
a reciprocal relation between two or more things
the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient The correlation between variables 1 and 2 is denoted by r12 The defining formula for r12 is
A statistical measure of the relationship between two or more variables
the relationship between two sets of information
A statistical measure referring to the relationship between two or more variables (events, occurrences etc ) A correlation between two variables suggests some causal relationship between these variables Typically the CHF is closely correlated with the EURO
Correlation measures the extent to which the returns on two assets move together Two assets with perfect negative correlation (-1) tend to move simultaneously in opposite directions Two assets with perfect positive correlation (+1) tend to move simultaneously in the same direction A correlation of 0 indicates that there is no relationship at all between the price movements of two assets For more, see our Tutorial on Asset Correlation
{i} mutual relation, mutual connection (between two or more things); similarity
A measure of the relationship between two data sets of variables
a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other
Correlation measures how two assets' returns move together Two assets that are perfectly negatively correlated (-1) tend to simultaneously move in opposite directions Two assets that are perfectly positively correlated (+1) tend to simultaneously move in the same direction A correlation of 0 indicates that there is no relationship at all between the price movements of two assets
a measure of the association between two variables, closer to 1 means a stronger correlation
a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary; it can vary from -1 (perfect negative correlation) through 0 (no correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation); "what is the correlation between those two variables?"
Relationship between variables
A form of statistical modelling that attempts to summarise how one dataset will vary in response to another A correlation coefficient of +1 0 means that where there are high values in one set there will be high values in the other, while a correlation coefficient of -1 0 means that where there are high values in one set there will be low values in the other A correlation coefficient of 0 0 means that there is no discernible relationship between the two sets This is a form of global analysis as it only provides a single summary statistic for the entire study area
the degree of relationship (linear or curvelinear) between two variables, scores, or assessments Correlations, by themselves, do not imply cause-and-effect linkages between the two variables See Effective Teaching, Validity Coefficient, Variable
A correlation between things is a connection or link between them. the correlation between smoking and disease. a connection between two ideas, facts etc, especially when one may be the cause of the other correlation between (correlatio, from com- ( COM-) + relatio ). In statistics, the degree of association between two random variables. The correlation between the graphs of two data sets is the degree to which they resemble each other. However, correlation is not the same as causation, and even a very close correlation may be no more than a coincidence. Mathematically, a correlation is expressed by a correlation coefficient that ranges from -1 (never occur together), through 0 (absolutely independent), to 1 (always occur together)
Reciprocal relation; corresponding similarity or parallelism of relation or law; capacity of being converted into, or of giving place to, one another, under certain conditions; as, the correlation of forces, or of zymotic diseases
A measure of association between two variables It measures how strongly the variables are related, or change, with each other If two variables tend to move up or down together, they are said to be positively correlated If they tend to move in opposite directions, they are said to be negatively correlated Correlations are computed in the Multiple Regression statlet The most common statistic for measuring association is the Pearson correlation coefficient
The process of establishing a relation between a variable and one or more related variables Correlation is simple if there is only one independent variable; multiple, if there is more than one independent variable For gaging station records, the usual variables are the short-term gaging-station record and one or more long-term gaging-station records (Searcy, 1960 )
a mutual relationship between two properties (usually such that an increase in one property is seen when another property increases)
A measure of the strength of linear association between two variables
The correlation between 2 random variables is a statistical measure of the tendency of the 2 variables to vary in concert together / with each other
Correlation describes the relationship between two different variables If one increases when the other increases then there is a correlation between them For example there is a correlation between the speed at which a car travels and the risk of death in an accident The fact that there is a correlation does not necessarily mean that one causes the other They could both be due to some third common factor
the degree of systematic linear relationship between two variables A positive correlation implies that when one variable is above its mean, the other one also tends to be; and likewise for both tending to be below their means A negative correlation implies that when one variable is above its mean, the other one tends to be below its mean, and vice versa A coefficient of linear correlation ranges from -1 for a perfect negative correlation, through zero for no relationship, to +1 for a perfect positive correlation "Among adults, height and weight are positively correlated to a moderately high degree "
Used to describe the observed relationship between instances of two events A systematic pattern can be seen in the occurrences of events that are correlated When the events involve numbers, a positive correlation means that as one increases, the other increases as well A negative correlation means that as one increases, the other decreases Correlation does NOT imply causation in any way In other words, just because two events are correlated does not mean that one causes another, or has anything to do with the other - correlations deal only with observed instances of events, and any further conclusions cannot be inferred from correlation alone Strong correlation, however, does often warrant further investigation to determine causation
a measure of the statistical relationship between variables
Statistical representation of a relationship between two or more variables which does not determine cause and effect
correlation coefficient
Any of the several measures indicating the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two random variables
correlation coefficients
plural form of correlation coefficient
correlation does not imply causation
The observed correlation between two parameters, say, the growth of a market and the growth of a neighbor's child may, in fact, have nothing to do with each other's causation
correlation energy
The difference between the actual energy of a particular energy level of an atom or molecule and that calculated by the Hartree-Fock approximation
correlation coefficient
(İstatistik) A number between +1 and –1 calculated so as to represent the linear interdependence of two variables or sets of data. (Symbol: r.)
correlation coefficient
A measure of the interdependence of two random variables that ranges in value from -1 to +1, indicating perfect negative correlation at -1, absence of correlation at zero, and perfect positive correlation at +1. Also called coefficient of correlation
correlation coefficient
number between 1 and -1 which measures the degree to which two variables are linearly related (Statistics)
correlation coefficient
a statistic representing how closely two variables co-vary; it can vary from -1 (perfect negative correlation) through 0 (no correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation); "what is the correlation between those two variables?
correlation matrix
a matrix giving the correlations between all pairs of data sets
correlation of forces
act of connecting forces
correlation table
a two-way tabulation of the relations between correlates; row headings are the scores on one variable and column headings are the scores on the second variables and a cell shows how many times the score on that row was associated with the score in that column
a notion used across various fields of scientific study that shows the relation between members of two or more groups of data
point-biserial correlation
The point biserial correlation is a measure of association between a continuous variable and a binary variable. It is constrained to be between -1 and +1
rank correlation
(İstatistik) In statistics, rank correlation is the study of relationships between different rankings on the same set of items. A rank correlation coefficient measures the correspondence between two rankings and assesses its significance
serial correlation
A time series in which the change from one period to the next in the value of the variable in question (e.g. an asset price) is correlated with past values of the variable
biserial correlation coefficient
a correlation coefficient in which one variable is many-valued and the other is dichotomous
The covariation of two or more variables that indicate the likelihood of a common relationship or interaction between those variables
relating to or employing correlation
The correlation between one predictor and all other predictors
A measure of the similarity of two different signals
The comparision of two signals to pick out common features
curvilinear correlation
any correlation in which the rates of change of the variables is not constant
first-order correlation
a partial correlation in which the effects of only one variable are removed (held constant)
kendall partial rank correlation
a nonparametric measure of partial correlation
multiple correlation coefficient
an estimate of the combined influence of two or more variables on the observed (dependent) variable
negative correlation
a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with small values of the other; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and -1
partial correlation
a correlation between two variables when the effects of one or more related variables are removed
positive correlation
a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1
product-moment correlation coefficient
the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between variables that are linearly related
rank-order correlation coefficient
the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between the ranks of scores on two variables
split-half correlation
a correlation coefficient calculated between scores on two halves of a test; taken as an indication of the reliability of the test
spurious correlation
a correlation between two variables e
spurious correlation
between the number of electric motors in the home and grades at school) that does not result from any direct relation between them (buying electric motors will not raise grades) but from their relation to other variables
tau coefficient of correlation
a nonparametric measure of the agreement between two rankings
tetrachoric correlation coefficient
a correlation coefficient computed for two normally distributed variables that are both expressed as a dichotomy