
listen to the pronunciation of coordinates
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) KOORDİNATLAR: Bir noktanın verileri bir referans çatısında veya sisteminde aldığı durumu belirten doğrusal veya açısal nicelikler. Aynı zamanda düzlem dikdörtgen koordinatları veya küresel koordinatları gibi özel tip referans çatısını veya sistemini belirtmek üzere kullanılan bir terimdir. Ayrıca bak. "cartesian coordinates", "geographic coordinates", "grid coordinates", "georef"

Bana koordinatları ver. - Give me the coordinates.

{f} koordine etmek

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

{i} kordinat
(Denizbilim) konlar

Eşgüdümlü bir çabaya ihtiyacımız var. - We need a coordinated effort.

(Dilbilim) sıralı
(Biyokimya) kon
eşgüdüm sağlama
birbirine göre ayarlamak
birlikte çalışmak
polar coordinates
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) kutupsal konaçlar
polar coordinates
(Matematik) ucaysal konaçlar
polar coordinates
(Askeri) kutupsal koordinasyonlar
region coordinates
(Bilgisayar) bölge koordinatları
spherical coordinates
(Askeri,Kimya) küresel koordinatlar
transformation of coordinates
(Matematik,Teknik) koordinat dönüşümü
transformation of coordinates
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) konaç dönüşümü
etkinliği artırmak için birlikte çalışmak
{f} düzenle

Bana koordinatları ver. - Give me the coordinates.

curvilinear coordinates
eğrisel koordinatlar, eğrisel konaçlar
cylindrical coordinates
silindirik koordinatlar, yuvaksal konaçlar
horizontal coordinates
yatay koordinatlar
oblique coordinates
yatık koordinatlar, yatık konaçlar
origin of coordinates
koordinat başlangıç noktası, konaç basnoktasi
terrestrial coordinates
coğrafi koordinatlar
beach coordinates
(Askeri) kıyı koordinatları
cartesian coordinates
(Askeri) KARTEZYEN KOORDİNATLARI: Boşluktaki noktaların bulunduğu yerlerin, koordinat düzlemleri olarak anılan 3 tane karşılıklı düzleme dair referansla ifade edilen bir koordinat sistemidir. Bu üç düzlem, koordinat eksenleri olarak anılan üç doğrusal çizgiyi kesmektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "coordinates
koordine et

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

{i} eşit şey
{s} koordine

Saldırı kötü bir şekilde koordine edildi. - The assault was poorly coordinated.

Programları koordine etmek zordur. - Schedules are difficult to coordinate.

(Askeri) KOORDİNE ETMEK: Bir işle ilgili olan bütün daire ve birliklerin verimli bir şekilde çalışmalarını sağlamak için işbirliği yapmak
{i} apsis
işbirliği yapmak
{s} aynı derecede, eşit. i., mat., den., (Gökbilim) , kim. koordinat
{f} düzenlemek
{s} eşit
[adj n] düzenli
{s} düzenli

Tom çok düzenli değil. - Tom isn't very coordinated.

(Tekstil) ayarı mükemmelleştirmek
{f} uyum sağlamak
geographic coordinates
(Askeri) COĞRAFİ KOORDİNATLAR: Dünya üzerindeki bir noktanın referans olarak alınan başlangıç mevkiine göre durumunu tanımlayan enlem ve boylamlar. Enlemler için başlangıç noktası ekvatordur, daireler kuzey ve güneye doğru 90 dereceye kadar artar. Boylamlar için başlangıç noktası Greenwich'ten geçen meridyendir. Buna (prime meridian) denir. Bu daireler doğuya ve batıya doğru 180 dereceye kadar artar. Ayrıca bakınız: "meridian", "coordinates"
gore coordinates
(Havacılık) paraşüt dilim koordinatları
grid coordinates
(Askeri) GRİD KOORDİNATLARI: Bir noktayı, gridli kara, hava veya deniz haritalarında veya hava fotoğrafları üzerinde bulmaya ve tesbite yarayan bir koordinat sisteminin numara ve harfleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "coordinates"
homogeneous coordinates
(Matematik) türdeş konaçlar
homogeneous coordinates
(Matematik) homojen koordinatlar
inertial coordinates
eylemsizlik konaclari (koordinatlari)
oblique coordinates
(Matematik) yatık koordinatlar
oblique coordinates
(Matematik) yatık konaçlar
origin of coordinates
(Matematik) konaç başnoktası
origin of coordinates
(Matematik) koordinat başnoktası
plain coordinates
(Askeri) AÇIK KOORDİNATLAR: Kriptografide; şifreleme formu üzerinde bir şifre karesi iki koordinat grubundan biri olarak görünen açık, tek basamaklı rakamlar ve harfler sırası
plain coordinates
(Askeri) açık koordinatlar
polar coordinates
(Askeri) (DOD, NATO) KUTUPSAL KOORDİNASYONLAR (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO): Topçu ve deniz topçu ateşi desteğinde, gözlemci/gözcünün mevkisinden hedefe olan yön, mesafe ve dikey doğrulama (kayma)
polar coordinates
(Askeri) (DOD-IADB) KUTUPSAL KOORDİNATLAR (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir düzey üzerinde bulunan bir noktanın yerini, düzey üzerindeki sabit bir başlangıç noktasından yarıçap vektörü uzunluğu ve bu yarıçap vektörünün düzey üzerinde sabit bir hat ile yaptığı açı vasıtasıyla bulma usulü. Bak. " coordinates"
rectangular coordinates
(Askeri) DİK KOORDİNATLAR: Sabit bir yardımcı istikamet hattına, bilinen mesafelerde çizilen paralel hatlar sistemi. Böyle bir sistemde bir noktanın yeri birleşen iki yardımcı istikamet hattına paralel ve bu hatlardan bilinen mesafelerde çizilecek iki hattın kesişmesiyle bulunabilir
spatial coordinates
(Bilgisayar) uzaysal koordinatlar
spherical coordinates
(Askeri) KÜRESEL KOORDİNATLAR: Uzaydaki bir noktanın yerini, sabit bir başlangıç noktasından müteharrik bir cisme uzanan hattın boyu (radius vector), bu hattın, başlangıç noktasından geçen referans düzlemi ile teşkil ettiği açı ve referans düzlemi üzerindeki bu hat iz düşümünün, bu düzlem üzerindeki sabit bir hatla meydana getirdiği açı vasıtasıyla tespiti
transformation of coordinates
konac (koordinat) donusumu
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of coordinate
Coordinated clothes
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coordinate
Intersections of vertical and horizontal values plotted on a graph
The origin: (0, 0) Coordinates of points: P : (3, 2) Q : (-4, 1) R : (0, -2) Abscissa (x -coordinate) : 3, -4 , 0 Ordinate (y -coordinate) : 2, 1, -2
The geometric coordinates of the nodes that allows us to display a nice graph
Linear and (or) angular quantities that designate the position of a point in relation to a given reference frame
Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) grid points used to determine straight-line mileage between locations such as PoP, CO, etc
pairs of numbers expressing horizontal distances along orthogonal axes; alternatively, triplets of numbers measuring horizontal and vertical distances
an ordered pair of the form (x, y) that locates a point on a coordinate plane
An earthquake begins to rupture at a hypocenter which is defined by a position on the surface of the earth (epicenter) and a depth below this point (focal depth) We provide the coordinates of the epicenter in units of latitude and longitude The latitude is the number of degrees north (N) or south (S) of the equator and varies from 0 at the equator to 90 at the poles The longitude is the number of degrees east (E) or west (W) of the prime meridian which runs through Greenwich, England The longitude varies from 0 at Greenwich to 180 and the E or W shows the direction from Greenwich
plural of coordinate
a group of numbers used to locate a point -- " coordinates of the center of the circle " (265)
A set of numbers that describes a given position for a given coordinate grid system Examples of coordinate grids are Latitude/Longitude and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Pairs of numbers expressing horizontal distances along original axis Alternatively triplets of numbers measuring horizontal and vertical distances Row and column numbers of pixels from raw imagery are not considered coordinates for the purpose of the standard
third-person singular of coordinate
Two or more papers designed and colored to be used together in the same or adjoining areas Papers that blend with each other used to tie together two different rooms or walls, also used over and below chair rails BACK TO TOP
A set of numbers that uniquely
(1) See coordinate system (2) See tracker coordinates
Pairs of numbers expressing horizontal distances along orthogonal axes In raster data, row and column numbers of pixels can be considered coordinates
Two values, usually termed (x, y) describe a location in two-dimensional (the latitude and longitude) geographic space
Coordinates are a pair of real numbers in implementation-defined units that identify a point in the drawing plane
Numbers that specify the position of a point in space and time
An n-tuple of values uniquely defining a point in an n-dimensional coordinate system
A set of numbers that designates location in a given coordinate reference system, such as an x,y in a planar coordinate system or an x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system A coordinate represents a location on the earth’s surface relative to other locations
A unique ordered pair of numbers that identifies a point on the coordinate plane The first number in the ordered pair identifies the position with regard to the x-axis while the second number identifies the position on the y-axis (cf Introduction To The Coordinate Plane and Coordinates Discussion)
Pairs or triplets of values (may be linear or angular) used to designate the position of a point
The geographic coordinates of the location, accurate to around 50m
The system of latitude and longitude which can specify locations on Earth's surface; check out this cool map engine
Cartesian coordinates
The coordinates of a point measured as its perpendicular distance to the right of a vertical axis (the y-axis) and its perpendicular distance above a horizontal axis (the x-axis)
cartesian coordinates
An alternative spelling of Cartesian coordinates
A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure
Something that is equal to another thing
To match (objects, especially clothes)
Of the same rank, equal
oblique system of coordinates
A system in which the coordinate axes are oblique to each other
polar coordinates
The coordinates of a point in a plane, measured as its Cartesian distance from the origin and the angle measured anticlockwise/counterclockwise from the x-axis to a line joining the point to the origin
polar coordinates
The coordinates of a point in three-dimensional space, measured as its Cartesian distance from the origin, the angle measured from the z-axis to a line joining the point to the origin, and the angle measured anticlockwise from the x-axis to this line
rectangular coordinates
A less common term for Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates
{i} coordinates that give positions relative to the X and Y axes (used to determine a point)
celestial coordinates
Set of numbers used to pinpoint the position in the sky (see celestial sphere) of a celestial object. Coordinate systems used include the horizon system (altitude and azimuth), galactic coordinates, the ecliptic system (measured relative to the orbital plane of Earth), and the equatorial system (right ascension and declination, directly analogous to terrestrial latitude and longitude)
bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"
The ordered pair that states the location on a coordinate plane Used to describe location and or position
of equal importance, rank, or degree
If a point A is located at a certain real number on a scaled number line, then that real number is the coordinate of the point A
A variable or value that specifies a location in a two-dimensional graphical window
A single point on a grid having vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) values
In mathematics or cartography, a number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure. A set of coordinates specifies position in a multi-dimensional system, with one number corresponding to the position along each of a set of independent (usually mutually perpendicular) lines, arcs, etc. In two dimensions, Cartesian coordinates specify a distance to the right (x) and a distance up (y), so "(2,3)" means 2 to the right and 3 up from a given origin. In three dimensions, three coordinates are needed to specify a unique position in space
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
A systematic exchange of information among principal participants in order to carry out a unified response in the event of an emergency
To bring together in a common and harmonious action or effort *
An x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z location in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations Planar coordinates describe a two-dimensional x,y location in terms of distance from a fixed reference See also vector and Cartesian coordinate system
A position relative to an origin, expressed in Vutrax as X and Y values relative to some arbitrary 0, 0 position They may be expressed in Imperial or Metric values For Vutrax the coordinates can take either sign - Positive X is to the right, Positive Y is downwards
From Columns or other applicable formations Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Center 6 Trade; Very Centers Veer Out as Very Outsides do your part Fan The Top Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines
An x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z coordinate in a three dimensional system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
a number that identifies a position relative to an axis bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
an x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or an x,y,z location in a three dimensional matrix Coordinates represent locations in relation to other locations
The position of point is space in respect to a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y and/or z values) In GIS, a coordinate often represents locations on the earth's surface relative to other locations
To synchronize (activities)
bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
A set of numbers that designate location Coordinates in geographic terms represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations For example, latitude and longitude
Starting formation -Columns TIMING - 8
A specified position in Cartesian space The value takes the form of a short or long floating point value Z values (if any) are ignored during the enforcement and use of planar graphs
coordinate system galactic coordinate spherical coordinate system
{i} reference point, coordinate point; geographical location
{f} arrange in proper order
A set of numbers that designates location in a given reference system, such as x,y in a planar coordinate system, or x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the earth's surface relative to other locations
A set of numbers that designate location in a given reference system, such as x,y in a planar coordinate system or an x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
The coordinate of a point is the two or three dimensional definition of this point along the axes in a refernce coordinate system Usually defined in X (horizontal, Y (vertical) and Z (depth) axes of a rectilinear coordinate system, these may also refer to cylindical (Alpha, Radius, Elevation) or spherical coordinates (Alpha, Beta, Radius)
North/south, west/east and altitude values that determine the location in a world 1 AW coordinate = 10 meters
n bring parts into proper relation Coordinating processes are used to manage how a task is displayed and modified Usually only one person is involved in the application of the process
be co-ordinated; "These activities co-ordinate well"
Starting formation - columns All dancers single file circulate once and a half The center six (three adjacent pairs) trade (turn 180°) The very center two dancers release handholds and walk diagonally outward to the end of the forming lines The two lonesome dancers walk ahead, moving in a quarter circle, to become the other ends of the forming lines
{s} equal, equivalent; of equal rank or authority
Location of a point in the design plane along the x (horizontal), y (vertical), and z (depth - 3D only) axes relative to the global origin
Coordinaat A x,y location in a Cartesian coordinate system or a x,y,z coordinate in a three dimensional system Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations
regulate, adjust or combine the actions of others to attain harmony
bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"
cylindrical coordinates
method for determining a point in space using its polar coordinates and its perpendicular distance to the polar plane



    Türkische aussprache



    /kōˈôrdənəts/ /koʊˈɔːrdənəts/