conning tower

listen to the pronunciation of conning tower
Englisch - Türkisch
kaptan köşkü
kumanda kulesi
Englisch - Englisch
The armoured control tower of an early iron warship from which the ship was navigated in battle
A connecting structure between the bridge and pressure hull of a submarine; in larger, modern submarines it contains the captain's cabin and is known as the sail

I waited until half an hour after Benson had gone on duty, and then I went on deck, passing through the conning-tower where Benson sat, and looking at the compass. It showed that our course was north by west--that is, one point west of north, which was, for our assumed position, about right.

the structure on top of a submarine (=underwater ship) (con (15-19 centuries), from cunnan; CAN)
elevated observation tower in a submarine that forms the main entrance and which contains the periscope; pilothouse on a warship that is protected by armor
The shot-proof pilot house of a war vessel
a raised bridge on a submarine; often used for entering and exiting an armored pilothouse on a warship
conning tower


    con·ning tow·er

    Türkische aussprache

    känîng tauır


    /ˈkänəɴɢ ˈtouər/ /ˈkɑːnɪŋ ˈtaʊɜr/