
listen to the pronunciation of concept
Englisch - Türkisch

Tom'un gerçeklik konsepti yok. - Tom has no concept of reality.

Bu web sitesinin konseptini gerçekten seviyorum. - I really like the concept of this website.


Hiç dilsel görecelik kavramını duydun mu? - Have you ever heard of the concept of linguistic relativity?

İnsan hakları kavramının açık bir tanımına ihtiyacımız var. - We need a clear definition of the concept of human rights.

genel kavram
genel düşünce
(Askeri) KAVRAM: Bir şeyin nasıl yapılabileceğini veya nasıl başarılabileceğini ifade eden, kabul edilen bir usule yol açabilen bir fikrin tasarımı veya ifadesi
{i} tasavvur
{i} hayal etme
kavram mefhum anlayış görüş
(Tıp) kavram, fikir,g örüş, telakki

Ne yazık ki, birçok Rus vatandaşı Kiev'de olanlar hakkında yetersiz görüş sahibidir. - Unfortunately, many Russian citizens have inadequate conception of what is happening in Kyiv.

(Reklam) reklam fikri
(Reklam) reklam kavramı
concept acquisition
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kavram edinimi
concept demonstration phase
(Askeri) konsept gösterim safhası
concept design
avam proje (avan proje)
concept design
avan proje
concept determination
(Askeri) konsept belirleme
concept learning
(Eğitim,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kavram öğrenme
concept map
kavram dizgesi
concept of disclosure
(Ticaret) açıklık kavramı
concept project
avam proje (avan proje)
concept project
avan proje
concept coordination
kavram koordinasyonu
concept art
konsept sanat
concept map
kavram haritası
concept coordination
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kavram eşgüdümü
concept of operations
(Askeri) (DOD, IADB): KOMUTANIN ANA FİKRİ; HAREKAT TASARISI: Bir komutanın, bir harekat veya zincirleme bir seri harekat hakkında, düşünce ve niyetlerini ana hatlarıyla gösteren sözlü veya yazılı beyan. Harekat tasarısı; sefer planlarında ve özellikle planın aynı zamanda veya arka arkaya yapılacak, birbiriyle bağlantılı bir seri harekatı içine alması halinde harekat planlarında sık sık ifade edilir. Harekat tasarısından maksat, harekatın toplu bir tarifini yapmaktır. Planda, buna, esas itibarıyla maksadın daha açık ifadesi için yer verilir ve çok defa komutanın ana fikri şeklinde ifade edilir
concept of operations
(Askeri) (NATO) HAREKAT TASARISI (NATO): Görevini başarmak amacıyla bir komutan tarafından seçilen harekat tarzının açık ve tam olarak ifade edilmesi
concept of operations
(Askeri) harekat konsepti
concept plan; operation plan in concept format
(Askeri) konsept planı; konsept biçiminde harekat planı
context and concept
(Reklam) kavram ve bağlam
continuity concept
devamlılık kavramı
consistency concept
Tutarlılık kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından tutarlılık kavramı
core concept
(Pazarlama) konu ile ilgili kavramlar, ana teme ile ilgili kavramlar
cost concept
maliyet kavramı
costing concept
Maliyet esası kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından maliyet esası kavramı
commander's concept
(Askeri) KOMUTANIN GÖRÜŞÜ: Bak. "concept of operation"
commander's concept
(Askeri) komutanın görüşü
societal marketing concept
(Askeri) Örgütsel pazarlama konsepti
(Tıp) Gebe kalma, ana rahmine düşme, döllenme
(Tıp) ana rahmine düşme
algılanma biçimi
(Tıp) konsepsiyon
gebe kalma
mole concept
(Kimya) mol kavramı
piece concept
parça konsepti
precision concept
(Ticaret) doğruluk kavramı

Yanlış fikirlerin yanlış sonuçlara götürdüğünü unutma. - Don't forget that wrong conceptions lead to wrong conclusions.


Ne yazık ki, birçok Rus vatandaşı Kiev'de olanlar hakkında yetersiz görüş sahibidir. - Unfortunately, many Russian citizens have inadequate conception of what is happening in Kyiv.

Entity concept
Kişilik kavramı.Muhaebenin temel kavramlarından kişilik kavramı

Bu kavramlar aşağıda gösteriliyor. - These concepts are illustrated below.

Newton fuarda bir kitap aldıktan sonra matematiğe ilgi duymaya başladı. Onun içerdiği matematiksel kavramlara değil. - Newton became interested in mathematics after buying a book at a fair and not understanding the math concepts it contained.

cut-off concept
Dönemsellik kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından dönemsellik kavramı
full disclosure concept
Tam açıklama kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından tam açıklama kavramı
general concept
Genel konsept
generic concept
genel kavram
going concern concept
İşletmenin sürekliliği kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından işletmenin sürekliliği kavramı
integrative concept
bütünleyici kavramı
key concept
Ana fikir
lower rank concept
alt rütbe kavramı
materiality concept
Önemlilik kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından önemlilik kavramı
monetary unit concept
Para ölçüsü kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından para ölçüsü kavramı
objectivity concept
Objektif belge kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından objektif belge ve tarafsızlık kavramı
proof of concept
kavram ispatı
proof of concept
bir işin yapılabileceğini kanıtlama
prudence concept
İhtiyatlılık kavramı.muhasebenin temel kavramlarından ihtiyatlılık kavramı
self concept
kişinin kendi hakkındaki algısı
Benlik kavramı
self-concept clarity
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Benlik belirginliği
social responsibility concept
Sosyal sorumluluk kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından sosyal sorumluluk kavramı
Alt kavram
substance over form concept
Özün önceliği kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından özün önceliği kavramı
the concept
Army Corps of Engineers; common operating environment; concept of employment
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri İstihkam Birlikleri; ortak işletim ortamı; İstihdam konsepti
advertisement concept
reklam konsepti
bubble concept
(Coğrafya) çerçeve yaklaşım
anlayış görüş
ana rahmie düşme
{i} kavrama
{i} kavram
{i} başlangıç
dominant user concept
(Askeri) ANA KULLANICI KONSEPTİ: Başlıca tüketici durumda olan bir Kuvvet Komutanlığının, aynı işi yapan bütün kuvvetler için bir destek iş yükü sağlamaktan sorumlu olacağı anlayışı
dominant user concept
(Askeri) ana kullanıcı konsepti
entirety concept
bütünlük kavramı
geopolitical concept
jeopolitik görüş
maximum calling area; military civic action; mission concept approval; movement
(Askeri) azami çağrı alanı; askeri sivil işlemler; görev konsepti onayı; intikal kontrol dairesi
modality concept
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) modalite kavramı
naval forces concept
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri konsepti
no concept of
aklının köşesinden bile geçmeme
parity concept
(Ticaret) parite kavramı
phased concept of operations
(Askeri) SAFHALI HAREKET TASARISI: Esas işlerin yapılmasında takip edilecek faaliyet planının belirli safhalarına ait taslak
phased provisioning concept
proof of concept
(Telekom) kavram kanıtlama
satellite laser communications; single line concept
(Askeri) uydu lazer muhaberesi; tek hat konsepri
service of concept
hizmet anlayışı
simultaneous punching concept
eşanlı delgileme kavramı
spectrum management concept of operations
(Askeri) tayf yönetimi harekat konsepti
strategic concept
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TASARI: Stratejik durum muhakemesi sonunda kabul edilen hareket tarzı. Tasarı; yapılacak işin geniş anlamda ve ortaya çıkaracağı temel teşebbüslerin taslağını çizmede kendisinden faydalanmaya imkan verecek esneklikte yapılmış ifadesidir. Ayrıca bak. "basic undertakings"
systems control and operations concept
(Askeri) sistem kontrol ve işletim konsepti
tactical concept
(Askeri) TAKTİK KONSEPT, TAKTİK KAVRAM: Taktik doktrinin gelecekteki gelişimine ortak bir temel oluşturacak geniş olarak belirtilmiş bildiri
weapon system employment concept
(Askeri) SİLAH SİSTEMİ KULLANMA KONSEPTİ: Belirli bir teçhizat veya silah sisteminin taktik kavramı ve gelecekteki prensipler çerçevesi içinde nasıl kullanılacağını gösteren, ana özellikleri temel alan geniş kapsamlı tanımlama
Englisch - Englisch
An understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and/or imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of instances or occurrences (specific, though different, recorded manifestations of the concept)
In generic programming, a description of supported operations on a type, including their syntax and semantics
an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
An abstract general conception; a notion; a universal
relates facts to propositions and theories concepts often become variables, but concept is more encompassing Status and role are concepts Ranking statuses according to social classes, e g lower, middle, and upper, is a variable
A concept is an abstract entity that can be derived in subclasses such as AnatomicalConcept It has at least one Designation It may have 0 or more TextualDescriptions
an underlying idea or understanding
general idea -- "The largest concept of geometry is infinity " (243)
the active species of representation, by means of which our under貞tanding enables us to think By requiring perceptions to conform to the categories, concepts serve as 'rules' allowing us to perceive general relations be負ween representations (Cf intuition )
A clearly written depiction of a new product, including its features and customer benefits
A design in which all aspects of the product are linked to a central idea, function or theory, etc
An abstract idea generalized from particular instances Involves idea of the existence of objects, processes, or relation of objects, i e , table, cell, man, raining, family, etc
any unit of thought; a mental image formed by generalization
An idea expressed as a word or phrase Copyright The exclusive legal right granted to an author, editor, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to publish, produce, sell, or distribute a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work, with certain limitations
A clearly written and possibly visual description of the new product idea that includes its primary features and consumer benefits, combined with a broad understanding of the technology needed
A mental picture of a group of things that have common characteristics A generalization is a person's idea of the relationships between two or more concepts Concepts represent a group of solid objects, such as an airplane or book; or abstract ideas such as leadership and honesty A concept is an idea about a group of things A concept involves thinking about what it is that makes those things belong to that one group
an abstract or general idea, a mental model, a mental creation, idea of a class of objects
Something understood, and retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and/or imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of instances or occurrences (specific, though different, recorded manifestations of the concept)
Genus: Mental Abstraction Differentia: Integrates two or more particulars into a common mental unit Link: Article
- The general idea behind a slogan, pitch, or campaign
A concept is an idea or abstract principle. She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. = notion. an idea of how something is, or how something should be done concept of (conceptum, from the past participle of concipere; CONCEIVE)
'concept' can be taken psychologically or logically for what we grasp in understanding an expression, but since Frege the logical side has had primary importance For Frege, there was a crucial distinction between objects (referred to by names or subjects) and concepts (referred to by predicates) Different accounts of logical form might challenge this claim If concepts are thought of as components of propositions, scepticism about propositions can produce scepticism about concepts as well
A concept is a mentally retained and symbolized classification of existents
A clear written and possibly visual description of the new product idea which includes its primary features and consumer benefits
{i} idea, thought
A clear written and possibly visual description of the new product idea that includes its primary features and consumer benefits
It represents a set of objects that share common features
A keyword or phrase that most aptly describes the subject about which a user is seeking information For example, if a searcher is looking for information about elderly volunteers in the community, the concepts would be elderly, volunteers, and community
a general notion around which ideas are developed
A general plan for a publication, with attention given to the audience to be reached, the message or key information, the general look and feel, the available budget and the format of the publication
An abstract general notion; an idea
is a strategy for future improvements that will reduce congestion or maintain the existing level of service on a specific route
concept album
An album where the content follows an overall theme or narrative
concept map
A diagram showing the relationships among concepts, with the concepts drawn in rectangular boxes, which are connected with labelled arrows that denote the relationships between concepts, such as "is a", "gives rise to", "results in", "is required by," or "contributes to"
concept album
an album whose recording are unified by some theme (instrumental or lyrical or narrative or compositional)
concept art
Conceptual art
concept formation
Process of developing abstract rules or mental constructs based on sensory experience. Concept formation figures prominently in cognitive development and was a subject of great importance to Jean Piaget, who argued that learning entails an understanding of a phenomenon's characteristics and how they are logically linked. Noam Chomsky later argued that certain cognitive structures (such as basic grammatical rules) are innate in human beings. Both scholars held that, as a concept emerges, it becomes subject to testing: a child's concept of "bird," for example, will be tested against specific instances of birds. The human capacity for play contributes importantly to this process by allowing for consideration of a wide range of possibilities
The act of conceiving
The state of being conceived; the beginning
The formation of a conceptus or an implanted embryo
The start of pregnancy
The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception; the ability to form mental abstractions
The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm to form a zygote
high concept
An appealing idea for a work that can be understandably summarized in a few sentences or less

Spielberg's opinion relates well to the vision of high concept expressed by other Hollywood representatives: a striking, easily reducible narrative which also offers a high degree of marketability.

operating concept
An operating concept or OpCon or OPCON (or sometimes incorrectly OPSCON) is a description, usually graphical, showing major, interactive participants, players or subsystems and their interrelationships
primitive concept
A concept that cannot be defined in terms of other concepts
proof of concept
A short and/or incomplete realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility
proof of concept
A proof of technology or pilot project
Alternative spelling of proof of concept
societal marketing concept
A marketing concept that holds that a company should make marketing decisions by considering consumers' wants, the company's requirements, and society's long-term interests
{n} a formation in the womb, a notion
key concept
Main idea
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Self-concept (also called self-construction, self-identity or self-perspective) is a multi-dimensional construct that refers to an individual's perception of "self" in relation to any number of characteristics, such as academics (and nonacademics) gender roles and sexuality, racial identity, and many others
The mental image or perception that one has of oneself
A concept
Idea; purpose; design
the event that occurred at the beginning of something; "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure"
{i} thought, idea; formation of a thought; becoming pregnant; embryo
The embryo so formed through fertilization
The formation in the mind of an image, idea, or notion, apprehension
the creation of something in the mind
A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind. My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England I see him as someone with not the slightest conception of teamwork. = notion
the onset of pregnancy, usually marked by the implantation of an embryo into the uterine lining
The act of conceiving in the womb; the initiation of an embryonic animal life
An image, idea, or notion formed in the mind; a concept, plan or design
an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
the act of becoming pregnant; fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon
The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception
The state of being conceived; beginning
Conceit; affected sentiment or thought
The initiation of an embryonic animal life; the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm to form a zygote
In reproduction, the point at which a sperm fertilizes an egg
The image, idea, or notion of any action or thing which is formed in the mind; a concept; a notion; a universal; the product of a rational belief or judgment
Conception is the process in which the egg in a woman is fertilized and she becomes pregnant. Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail. Conception Bay Immaculate Conception test tube conception
the first step in the creation of any work of art, but especially used to indicate the first step in the creation of a dramatic character, whether for written text or performed play; the original idea, when the playwright first begins to constructor even dream abouta plot, or the characters, structure, or theme that will be an element of the play Close Window
Forming Mental Concepts, Plans & Thoughts
the time when a person's spirit enters their body to create their life
plural of conception
General and fundamental ideasfor example, the ideas that are needed to guide reasoning, problem formulation, and problem solving in nonroutine situations
Ideas Independent of Size
Ideas or groups of items (tangible or intangible) that share specific common features or characteristics **
Concepts provide the framework within which certain goals are achieved They can be implemented following different approaches and perspectives They are rather general and therefore can be applied quite generally As a result, concepts need to be adapted to specific areas and situations
Categorizations of objects, events, or people that share common properties
plural of concept
complex ideas
Categories of things, events, and qualities that are linked together by a common feature or features, in spite of their differences (p 273)
Mental images that summarizes a set of similar observations, feelings, or ideas
high concept
refers to an idea that sounds very commercially appealing and in many cases unique and original Usually associated with big blockbuster films but can reference any idea or script that would appear to have great potential
high concept
The Holy Grail of Filmdom A movie is high concept when the story of the movie can be succinctly told in one slambang sentence, such as "A man battles terrorists in a highrise building to save his family" or "A cyborg travels from the future to our own time in order to kill the Messiah of the future "
lexicalized concept
a concept that is expressed by a word (in some particular language)
misleading concept
idea designed to cause an incorrect understanding
new concept
new idea, new way of thinking, new point of view
old-fashioned concept
concept that is out-of-date, idea that is no longer popular
overall concept
general outlook
The totality of the individual's thoughts and feelings having reference to himself or herself as an object
A person's perception of himself or herself; self-image p 121
A person's view of him- or herself
the idea that someone has of what their own character is like
stored-program concept
Storage of instructions in computer memory to enable it to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or intermittently. The idea was introduced in the late 1940s by John von Neumann, who proposed that a program be electronically stored in binary-number format in a memory device so that instructions could be modified by the computer as determined by intermediate computational results. Other engineers, notably John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, contributed to this idea, which enabled digital computers to become much more flexible and powerful. Nevertheless, engineers in England built the first stored-program computer, the Manchester Mark I, shortly before the Americans built EDVAC, both operational in 1949