coil in which voltage is induced by motion through a magnetic field

listen to the pronunciation of coil in which voltage is induced by motion through a magnetic field
Englisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
coil in which voltage is induced by motion through a magnetic field


    coil in which volt·age I·s in·duced by mo·tion through a mag·net·ic field

    Türkische aussprache

    koyl în hwîç vōltıc îz îndust bay mōşın thru ı mägnetîk fild


    /ˈkoil ən ˈhwəʧ ˈvōltəʤ əz ənˈdo͞ost ˈbī ˈmōsʜən ˈᴛʜro͞o ə magˈnetək ˈfēld/ /ˈkɔɪl ɪn ˈhwɪʧ ˈvoʊltəʤ ɪz ɪnˈduːst ˈbaɪ ˈmoʊʃən ˈθruː ə mæɡˈnɛtɪk ˈfiːld/