cisim, sulp cisim

listen to the pronunciation of cisim, sulp cisim
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) solid
In the solid state; not fluid
Lacking holes or hollows; as solid gold, solid chocolate
Written as one word, without spaces or hyphens

American English writes many words as solid that British English hyphenates.

Strong or unyielding; as a solid foundation
a three-dimensional shape the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape a substance that is solid at room temperature and pressure uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks; "a solid line across the page"; "solid sheets of water"
a state of matter that is neither liquid or gas, substance with an internal crystalline structure
In the state of being a solid
a material which is not a gas or a liquid
of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings
A structure that is solid is strong and is not likely to collapse or fall over. Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers The car feels very solid. + solidly sol·id·ly Their house, which was solidly built, resisted the main shock. + solidity so·lid·ity the solidity of walls and floors
Not hollow; full of matter; as, a solid globe or cone, as distinguished from a hollow one; not spongy; dense; hence, sometimes, heavy
{s} three-dimensional; not liquid or gas, hard; having not interior cavities, not hollow; pure, unmixed; continuous; strong, stable; sound, reliable; united; unanimous; serious, substantial; thorough
Sound, well structured, firm
{i} figure or object having three dimensions; substance that is not a liquid or a gas, substance exhibiting rigidity
You use solid to describe something such as the basis for a policy or support for an organization when it is strong, because it has been developed carefully and slowly. Washington's attempt to build a solid international coalition. = strong + solidly sol·id·ly The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican So far, majority public opinion is solidly behind the government. + solidity so·lid·ity doubts over the solidity of European backing for the American approach
of one substance or character throughout; "solid gold"; "a solid color"; "carved out of solid rock"
The form of matter that has definite shape and volume
Lacking holes or hollows (solid gold, solid chocolate.)
not soft or yielding to pressure; "a firm mattress"; "the snow was firm underfoot"; "solid ground"
Any area of the sheet receiving 100 percent ink coverage, as compared to a screen tint
cisim, sulp cisim