
listen to the pronunciation of chocolate
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} çikolata

Sevgililer Günü'nde çikolata göndermek, Hristiyan olmayanlar için aptalca bir başlangıç. - It is a silly practice for non-Christians to send chocolates on St. Valentine's Day.

Ben çikolatalı dondurmayı severim! - I like chocolate ice cream!

{s} çikolata renkli
{i} fondan
{i} çikolatalı şekerleme

Mary tüm çikolatalı şekerlemeleri yedi. - Mary ate all the chocolate truffles.

çikolata ile yapılmış
{i} çikolata: a piece of chocolate candy bir çikolata
çikolata rengi
{s} koyu kahverengi
çikolata renginde
{s} çikolatalı

Oğlumun yediği bir çeşit ve tek tatlı çikolatalı pastadır. - The one and only dessert my son eats is chocolate cake.

Ben çikolatalı dondurmayı severim! - I like chocolate ice cream.

{s} çikolatadan yapılmış
chocolate cake
(Gıda) çikolatalı pasta

O, çikolatalı pasta düşkünüdür. - He is fond of chocolate cake.

Oğlumun yediği bir çeşit ve tek tatlı çikolatalı pastadır. - The one and only dessert my son eats is chocolate cake.

chocolate cyst
(Tıp) çikolata kisti
chocolate fudge
(Gıda) çikolatalı şekerleme
chocolate pudding
(Gıda) supangle
chocolate pudding
chocolate sauce
(Gıda) çikolata sosu
chocolate toffee dessert
(Gıda) çikolatalı tatlı
chocolate sauce
çikolatalı sos
chocolate bar
çikolata bar
chocolate candy
Çikolatalı şeker
chocolate chip
chocolate fever
çok çikolata yiyen bir hikaye kahramanının yakalandığı uydurma hastalık
chocolate fudge
çikolata fudge
chocolate ice cream
çikolatalı dondurma
chocolate kiss
(Gıda) Genellikle koni şeklinde olan ve bir lokmalık, ağıza bir atışta yenilebilecek şekilde tasarlanmış, içinde değişik karışımlar bulunan çikolata türü. Biz de Şeker Bayramı'nda bol miktar da tüketilir
chocolate liquor
çikolata likör
chocolate milk
Çikolatalı süt

Tom bir pipetle çikolatalı süt içiyordu. - Tom was drinking chocolate milk through a straw.

Tom bir çocukken sık sık çikolatalı süt içerdi. - Tom often drank chocolate milk when he was a kid.

chocolate mousse
çikolatalı muş
chocolate pudding
çikolatalı puding
chocolate pudding with whipped cream
krem santi ile çikolatalı puding
chocolate spread
çikolata yayıldı
chocolate starfish
(Argo) Anüs

He says his chocolate starfish is itchy.

chocolate syrup
çikolata şurubu
chocolate cake
çikolatalı kek

O diyette olsa da çikolatalı kek onu cezbetti. - The chocolate cake tempted her even though she was dieting.

Çikolatalı kek tarifini bana verir misin? - Would you mind giving me your chocolate cake recipe?

chocolate chips
çikolata parçacıkları
chocolate cream
içi kaymaklı çikolata
chocolate cream
çikolatalı fondan
chocolate cream
(Gıda) krem şokolat
chocolate eclair
çikolatalı ekler
chocolate eclairs
(Gıda) çikolatalı ekler
chocolate powder
(Gıda) çikolata tozu
chocolate puding
(Gıda) çikolatalı puding
bitter chocolate
bitter çikolata
bar of chocolate
çikolata bar
drinking chocolate
içme çikolata
hot chocolate
Sıcak çikolata
hot chocolate
Sütlü kakao
black chocolate
siyah çikolata
dark chocolate
koyu çikolata
how much chocolate can i take through customs
gümrükten ne kadar çikolata geçirebilirim
i would like two bars of plain chocolate
İki paket sade çikolata rica ediyorum
iced chocolate cake
(Gıda) soğuk çikolatalı tart
milk chocolate
sütlü çikolata
plain chocolate
sade çikolata
what's in that chocolate
bu çikolatanın içinde ne var
white chocolate
beyaz çikolata
Englisch - Englisch
A single, small piece of confectionery made from chocolate

He bought her some chocolates as a gift.

A dark, reddish-brown colour/color, like that of chocolate

chocolate colour:.

Made of or containing chocolate
Having a dark reddish-brown colour/color
A food made from ground roasted cocoa beans

Chocolate is a very popular treat.

{s} brown colored, having a brown color
{n} a nice liquor made of the cocoa-nut
Dark Chocolate ­ chocolate that contains more than 50% cocoa content This is the chocolate most often used for premium chocolate confections Besides chocolate liquor (cocoa content) it contains added cocoa butter, sugar,  vanilla, and often lecithin
Chocolates are small sweets or nuts covered with a layer of chocolate. They are usually sold in a box. a box of chocolates Here, have a chocolate
Chocolate or hot chocolate is a drink made from a powder containing chocolate. It is usually made with hot milk. a small cafeteria where the visitors can buy tea, coffee and chocolate I sipped the hot chocolate she had made. A cup of chocolate can be referred to as a chocolate or a hot chocolate. I'll have a hot chocolate please
From Aztec Xocoatl, via Spanish and then French Product of the seeds of the tree Theobroma cacao L A native Venezuelan narcotic, used by the Aztecs and widely exploited by the 18th Century Spanish Empire A tempered version of the Aztec Xocoatl which is now added to many confections
a food made from roasted ground cacao beans
a beverage made from cocoa powder and milk and sugar; usually drunk hot
a medium to dark brown color
Chocolate is a sweet hard food made from cocoa beans. It is usually brown in colour and is eaten as a sweet. a bar of chocolate Do you want some chocolate? rich chocolate cake. see also milk chocolate, plain chocolate
Associated with certain reds particularly those containing Merlot, it refers to the smell of bitter chocolate, and is tinged with creamy notes
{i} sweet food made from cocoa and sugar; brown color
a medium to dark brown color a food made from roasted ground cacao beans
The beverage made by dissolving a portion of the paste or cake in boiling water or milk
Chocolate is used to describe things that are dark brown in colour. The curtains and the coverlet of the bed were chocolate velvet She placed the chocolate-colored coat beside the case. Food prepared from ground roasted cacao beans. It is consumed as candy, used to make beverages, and added as a flavouring or coating for confections and baked products. It was introduced to Europe by Hernán Cortés following his visit in 1519 to the court of Montezuma II, who served the conquistador a bitter cacao-bean drink, xocoatl. In making chocolate, the kernels of fermented and roasted cacao beans are ground into a paste called chocolate liquor, which may be hardened in molds to form baking (bitter) chocolate, pressed to reduce the cocoa butter (vegetable fat) content and then pulverized to make cocoa powder, or mixed with sugar and additional cocoa butter to make sweet (eating) chocolate. The addition of concentrated milk to sweet chocolate produces milk chocolate. White chocolate, made from cocoa butter, sugar, milk, and vanilla, contains no cocoa solids. Rich in carbohydrates and fat and containing small amounts of caffeine, chocolate is an excellent source of quick energy
Conclusive evidence of God's existence
A paste or cake composed of the roasted seeds of the Theobroma Cacao ground and mixed with other ingredients, usually sugar, and cinnamon or vanilla
A preparation made from cocoa seeds that have been roasted, husked, and ground Chocolate today is often sweetened and flavored with vanilla Aztec king Montezuma drank 50 goblets a day in the belief that it was an aphrodisiac
A crucial computer term Chocolate is what you eat when you get frustrated with web functions such as searching for specific items, writing web pages, or just being a Newbie
n [sweet food made from the seeds of the cocoa tree] coklat
This herb is extracted from the Cacao plant of South America It only has 5mg of caffeine, the same as a cup of coffee Chocolate can raise the "good" cholesterol HDL, but not elevate the "bad" cholesterol " LDL Chocolate has a high content of saturated fat, but also has a high amount of stearic acid, which helps keep cholesterol under control Chocolate does have some side effects though; it can aggravate high blood pressure, obesity (through chocolate addiction) and sometimes headaches It may also aggravate heartburn
Medium-brown roasted malt
Chocolate is produced from beans grown on the South American tree (Theobroma cacao) The trees bear fruit after five years of growth This fruit is similar in size and shape to a rugby ball Depending upon cocoa type, this fruit can be yellow, orange-like or brown Inside this fruit the cocoa beans can be found, usually 30-40 in each fruit With these is a sticky, sweet substance called a pulp This is used to bring about the characteristic colour and taste to the beans
chocolate bar
Any candy bar, whether it contains chocolate or not
chocolate bar
A bar of chocolate
chocolate bars
plural form of chocolate bar
chocolate cake
A cake flavored with melted chocolate or chocolate powder
chocolate cakes
plural form of chocolate cake
chocolate chip
A small, usually near-conical piece of chocolate

We poured a bag of chocolate chips into the cookie dough mixture.

chocolate chips
plural form of chocolate chip
chocolate egg
An Easter treat in the shape of an egg (usually much smaller) made of chocolate, wrapped in festively decorated aluminum foil
chocolate eggs
plural form of chocolate egg
chocolate face
A derisive name for a black person
chocolate face
One whose face is covered in chocolate
chocolate hot dog
a piece of faeces

Apparently, Clyde could not have been the one who crapped in the urinal, because Clyde had a colostomy at age 5. 'Kay? Now, whoever did this unspeakable act is still at large. The boys' bathroom is closed until further notice, 'cause one of you thought it would be a good idea... to pull down your pants... m'kay, over your buttcheeks over the urinal... and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog... m'kay?.

chocolate soldier
someone thought to be unwilling to fight

I thought he was a chocolate soldier which was probably unfair—everyone said he had done the “right thing” in the Canada campaign.

chocolate starfish
The anus
chocolate starfishes
plural form of chocolate starfish
chocolate truffle
A confection having a center of ganache and an outer coating of powdered cocoa or chocolate
chocolate truffles
plural form of chocolate truffle
Having a twee picturesqueness

The impressionists showed us something about the world, Cezanne something different, a chocolate-box painting nothing.

Attributive form of chocolate egg

chocolate-egg hunt.

chocolate candy
Candy made with chocolate, chocolate sweet [Brit], choccy
chocolate starfish
It often times reffers to the butt-hole. Its shape and color resembles what you would expect to see in a star-fish covered in chocolate. This word originated back in 1847 by a scooba-diver. You could use this word in a work safe manner and it will not occure to anybody that you are being a total Ass Hole

Hey, Fredrick... Remember when you ran into my car last week? Yeah, well, after work tonight, I was thinking of maybe shoving a grown man's elbow in your chocolate Star-Fish..

chocolate bar
a bar of chocolate candy
chocolate bar
{i} bar of chocolate, confectionery in the form of a bar made of some cocoa solids and other ingredients; (Canada) candy bar
chocolate blintzes
{i} thin pancakes rolled with a chocolate filling
chocolate box
a chocolate box place looks pretty, but in a way that is false because it seems too perfect
chocolate cake
cake made from roasted and ground cacao seeds
chocolate cake
cake containing chocolate
chocolate candy
candy made with chocolate
chocolate chip cookie
cookies containing chocolate chips
chocolate chip cookie
a kind of small biscuit with small pieces of chocolate in it
chocolate chips
small pieces of chocolate used in baking
chocolate coating
covering of chocolate, chocolate frosting
chocolate cookies
small sweet biscuits which are chocolate-flavored
chocolate cream
fudge-flavored cream used in desserts
chocolate eclair
eclair topped with chocolate
chocolate egg
egg-shaped chocolate candy
chocolate filling
smooth chocolate food used to fill baked foods
chocolate fondue
fondue made of chocolate melted with milk or cream for dipping fruits
chocolate fudge
fudge made with chocolate or cocoa
chocolate ice cream
ice cream flavored with chocolate
chocolate jimmies
{i} small bits of chocolate used as a topping on ice cream
chocolate kiss
conical bite-sized piece of chocolate
chocolate liquor
chocolate-flavored alcoholic drink
chocolate liquor
the liquid or paste that is produced when cocoa beans are roasted and ground; the basis of all chocolate
chocolate milk
milk flavored with chocolate syrup
chocolate milk
{i} drink made from milk and cocoa (can be served hot or cold), milk flavored with chocolate syrup or chocolate powder
chocolate mousse
type of thick whipped chocolate dessert
chocolate mousse
dessert mousse made with chocolate
chocolate pudding
sweet chocolate flavored custard-like pudding usually thickened with flour rather than eggs
chocolate sauce
sauce made with unsweetened chocolate or cocoa and sugar and water
chocolate soldier
{i} chocolate candy molded in the shape of a soldier
chocolate spread
{i} soft creamy chocolate used as a spread
chocolate syrup
{i} liquid chocolate, concentrated chocolate which is a fluid
chocolate vanilla
{i} ice cream which comes in the flavors of chocolate and vanilla
chocolate with nuts
chocolate which contains any of a variety of nuts
Chocolate-box places or images are very pretty but in a boring or conventional way. a village of chocolate-box timbered houses
chocolate-coated waffle
wafer cookie which is covered with chocolate
{s} covered or topped with chocolate
Belgian chocolate
A style of high-quality chocolate originating from Belgium, but now produced worldwide
York Chocolate Cat
An American breed of longhaired domestic cat
as much use as a chocolate fireguard
Useless; pointless
as much use as a chocolate teapot
Thoroughly useless
baker's chocolate
Unsweetened chocolate mostly used for cooking
dark chocolate
A serving of this chocolate
dark chocolate
chocolate that has not had milk products added to lighten and sweeten it
death by chocolate
Any of several desserts largely consisting of a chocolate cake with a chocolate sauce
hot chocolate
A warm beverage made of chocolate and water or milk, often drunk during cold weather
Attributive form of hot chocolate

a hot-chocolate break.

milk chocolate
A single piece of candy composed of this type of chocolate
milk chocolate
Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients
semisweet chocolate
Chocolate with a cocoa content greater than that of milk chocolate and lower than that of dark chocolate
white chocolate
a piece of confectionery consisting of this
white chocolate
a food made from cocoa butter, milk, and sugar, having no cocoa solids
drinking chocolate
Hot chocolate, hot cocoa or drinking chocolate is a beverage, usually served hot, typically consisting of chocolate or cocoa powder, milk, and sugar. While nomenclature varies, drinks described as hot cocoa generally do not contain cocoa butter, while drinks described as hot chocolate may contain cocoa butter
hot chocolate
Hot chocolate, hot cocoa or drinking chocolate is a beverage, usually served hot, typically consisting of chocolate or cocoa powder, milk, and sugar. While nomenclature varies, drinks described as hot cocoa generally do not contain cocoa butter, while drinks described as hot chocolate may contain cocoa butter
Hershey Chocolate Company
{i} Hershey's, oldest chocolate company in the United States (and largest chocolate company in the world) founded by Milton Hershey in 1903 headquartered in Hershey (Pennsylvania, USA)
Swiss chocolate
fine chocolate made in Switzerland
bar of chocolate
piece of chocolate, one complete chocolate candy
bitter chocolate
pure unsweetened chocolate used in baking and icings and sauces and candy
bittersweet chocolate
chocolate which contains a lower amount of sugar
bittersweet chocolate
chocolate liquor with cocoa butter and small amounts of sugar and vanilla; lecithin in usually added
plural of chocolate
hot chocolate
a hot drink made with chocolate powder and milk or water
milk chocolate
chocolate which has milk added to it
milk chocolate
chocolate made from chocolate liquor with sugar and cocoa butter and powdered milk solids and vanilla and (usually) lecithin; the most common form of chocolate for eating; used in chocolate candy and baking and coatings
milk chocolate
Milk chocolate is chocolate that has been made with milk. It is lighter in colour and has a creamier taste than plain chocolate. Sweetened chocolate made with milk and other ingredients. chocolate that has milk added to it plain chocolate
plain chocolate
Plain chocolate is dark brown chocolate that has a stronger and less sweet taste than milk chocolate. chocolate made without milk and with very little sugar = dark chocolate
tablet of chocolate
chocolate bar, chocolate tablet
white chocolate
chocolate that is white in color
white chocolate
a blend of cocoa butter and milk solids and sugar and vanilla; used in candy bars and backing and coatings; not technically chocolate because it contains no chocolate liquor
white chocolate
Cocoa butter combined with milk and a sweetener, often flavored with vanilla



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈʧôklət/ /ˈʧɔːklət/


    [ 'chä-k(&-)l&t, 'c ] (noun.) 1604. Often said to come from Nahuatl xocolātl (e.g. American Heritage Dictionary 2000) or chocolatl (e.g. 2006), which would be derived from xococ, bitter, and ātl, water, (with an irregular change of x to ch). However, the form xocolatl is not directly attested, and chocolatl does not appear in Nahuatl until the mid-18th century. Dakin and Wichmann (2000) propose that the chocol- element refers to a special wooden stick used to prepare chocolate, and suggest the correct etymology to be chicolātl, a word found in several modern Nahuatl dialects. In any case, the word chocolate reached English via Spanish.