A health care practitioner who specializes in chiropractic, the hands on or hand-held instrumental movement of the bone structure of the body to improve the function of the joints and/or nervous system
A person certified and licensed to practice chiropractic care, which focuses on the spine and nervous system Colon/Rectal Surgery Surgery for the colon or rectal area - part of the digestive tract
A doctor who specializes in the hands on or hand-held instrumental movement of the bone structure of the body to improve the function of the joints and/or nervous system. The medical practice as described is known as chiropractics
A practitioner who treats illness and injuries through adjustment, manipulation and treatment of the spinal column In most states, chiropractors must be registered or licensed
Doctor trained in the science, art and philosophy of manipulation (adjustment) of the human body Chiropractic evaluation and treatment is directed at evaluating the cause of the problem through structural analysis of the musculo-skeletal systems of the body Abnormal function of these systems can lead to abnormal function of the body's nervous system, which in turn may effect function of other systems in the body Treatment is then rendered with the goal of restoring normal function via manipulating (adjusting) areas exhibiting abnormal structure
One professing a system of manipulation which aims to cure disease by the mechanical restoration of displaced or subluxated bones, especially the vertebrae, to the relation
Türkisch - Englisch
Definition von chiropractors im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch