check in

listen to the pronunciation of check in
Englisch - Türkisch
giriş yapmak

Tam giriş yapmak üzereyim. - I'm just about to check in.

Ben giriş yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to check in.

kayıt yaptırmak
kaydını yaptırmak
kayıt yapmak
(Bilgisayar) kitaplığa geri koymak
(Turizm) otele kayıt
(Turizm) otele giriş yapmak
eşyayı tutma
çek etmek
(Bilgisayar) teslim etme
bagaj kontrolü
(Bilgisayar) denetle
(Bilgisayar) teslim et
adını kaydettirmek
adını kaydet
gelişini bildirmek
(Turizm) otelde oda tutma
(uçağa binebilmek için) bileti kontrol ettirmek; (birinin) uçak biletini kontrol etmek
(bir yere girince) kaydını yaptırmak: "First you have to check in at the hotel's reception desk. - İlk önce otelin resepsiyonunda kaydını yaptırman lazım."
(deyim) adini kaydettirmek. a check-in kayit yeri
(Fiili Deyim ) kayıt yaptırmak , üye olmak
(OfficeVision) kitaplığa geri koymak
1. (otel v.b.'ne girince) kaydını yaptırmak: First you have to check in at the hotel's reception desk. İlk önce otelin resepsiyonunda kaydını
girişini yapmak
(Bilgisayar) iade et
check something in
vestiyere bırakmak
{i} giriş

Adam bir otelde giriş yapıyor. - The man is checking in at a hotel.

{i} kayıt
Englisch - Englisch
To announce or record one's arrival at a hotel, airport etc
Upload a TechPak after editing This releases the TechPak for others to edit if necessary
(also known as ci) ci stores new revisions into RCS files Each pathname matching an RCS suffix is taken to be an RCS file All others are assumed to be working files containing new revisions ci deposits the contents of each working file into the corresponding RCS file If only a working file is given, ci tries to find the corresponding RCS file in an RCS subdirectory and then in the working file's directory
announce one's arrival, e g at hotels or airports
announce one's arrival, e
The place where you return library items
reception desk, guest registration desk; register upon arrival, go through check-in procedures
When a customer comes into the hotel to claim their room
at hotels or airports
When you check in or check into a hotel or clinic, or if someone checks you in, you arrive and go through the necessary procedures before you stay there. I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call. = register check out
When you check in at an airport, you arrive and show your ticket before going on a flight. He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester. see also check-in, check 6
In the Revision Control System (RCS), to store a file or revision in the RCS library
To store the content of an object in the docbase Check in also unlocks the object in the docbase If the object is one you just created, checking it in stores the working file in the docbase as the new object's content If the object is one that already existed, checking it in can overwrite what is in the docbase or create a new version Usually the person who checked the object out is the only person who can check it in
The act of checking in at a hotel, airport etc

The implication was that Ms Purkiss had been stereotyped by the check-in staff as ‘foreign'.

To return borrowed items
Add or return a document to an enhanced folder Releases the editing reservation on a document, allowing others to open and edit it See also: check-out, enhanced folder, check-in form
The process of placing or returning a new or modified PDM object to the electronic vault to replace the previous version (the PDM system may also retain the previous version) This procedure usually entails a review process controlled by the PDM system
  The process whereby resources first report to an incident   Check-in locations include: incident command post, incident base, camps, staging areas, helibases, helispots, or direct to the line
The procedure required before a swimmer competes in some meets Sometimes referred to as positive check-in, the swimmers must let their coaches know they are at the pool or check in at the designated area themselves
The process whereby resources first report to an incident Check-in locations include: Incident Command Post (Resources Unit), Incident Base, Camps, Staging Areas, Helibases, Helispots, and Division Supervisors (for direct line assignments)
the act of reporting your presence (as at an airport or a hotel)
Locations where assigned resources check-in at an incident The locations are: Incident Command Post (Resources Unit), Incident Base, Camps, Staging Areas, Helibases, Division Supervisors (for direct line assignments) Check-in at one location only and complete the ICS form 211
The process of placing a new or modified EDM object to the data vault to replace the previous version (the EDMS may also retain the previous version) This procedure usually entails a review process controlled by the EDM System
A ritual, common at youth group meetings, during which each member of the group has a chance to tell the rest of the group how she or he is feeling and how his or her life is going
is the process of checking in a working file from a working environment, thereby creating a new version of the file in the Repository A complete project can be also checked in Typically, after a file has been checked in, locks made on the file are removed from the Repository A file check-in can be associated with a change set Note that SNiFF+ doesn't check in files itself It delegates the operation to your underlying CMVC tool (by means of CMVC adaptors)
To confirm intent to board a previously booked flight by showing a ticket to an airline representative either at the ticket counter, curbside baggage check-in or departure gate
The process whereby resources first report to an incident (CIMS)
Procedure all manuscripts go through when they are received for printing (optional for companion program) - photo pages, pagination confirmed, margins spot checked - includes general inspection for any unforeseen factors that would affect cost or quality of book
Register customer's arrival to the hotel into the computer system
At an airport, a check-in is the counter or desk where you check in
{i} stand at an airport where a person shows his/her ticket so they can be told where they will be sitting
check in