Avusturya, Orta Avrupa'da parlamenter bir cumhuriyettir ve dokuz federal eyaletten oluşur.
- Austria is a parliamentary republic in central Europe and consists of nine federal states.
Kazakistan, Orta Asya'daki gelişmiş ülkelerden biridir.
- Kazakhstan is one of the developed countries in Central Asia.
Ofisim kentin merkezinde.
- My office is in the central area of the city.
Merkezi ısıtma kışın yeterince ısıtıyor mu?
- Is the central heating warm enough in the winter?
Amerikan İç Savaşı, kitabın ana temasıdır.
- The American Civil War is the central theme of the book.
Kıskançlık, Amerikan yaşamının ana gerçeğidir.
- Envy is the central fact of American life.
Cesaret, Hanuka'nın temel bir ilkesidir.
- Bravery is a central principle of Hanukkah.
Bu hastalık esas olarak merkezi sinir sistemini etkiler.
- This disease affects mainly on the central nervous system.
Mario Draghi, Avrupa Merkez Bankası'nın başkanıdır.
- Mario Draghi is the head of the European Central Bank.
Central Park'ta her sabah altıda başlayarak çalışıyorum.
- I work in Central Park every morning starting at six.
Merkezî sinir sistemi beyin, beyincik, omurilik soğanı ve omurilikten oluşur.
- Central nervous system consists of brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
Ofisim kentin merkezinde.
- My office is in the central area of the city.
Mario Draghi, Avrupa Merkez Bankası'nın başkanıdır.
- Mario Draghi is the head of the European Central Bank.
Western Christendom's centuries-long confrontation with the Oriental and Islamic empire of the Ottoman Turks also helped define Central Europe as a cultural and historical region.
Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, and Slovene national elites have tried desperately to prove that their countries do not belong to the East; that they are, indeed, Central Europeans.
Who knows much about the venerable traditions of Central European kingdoms like Poland-Lithuania, Bohemia, and Hungary and their valiant struggles for freedom?.
... if they see a deer or some other kind of wildlife. In fact, in Central Park, the German tourists ...
... authoritarian and based on central control along with an economy that depends on information ...