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listen to the pronunciation of central
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} orta

Avusturya, Orta Avrupa'da parlamenter bir cumhuriyettir ve dokuz federal eyaletten oluşur. - Austria is a parliamentary republic in central Europe and consists of nine federal states.

Kazakistan, Orta Asya'daki gelişmiş ülkelerden biridir. - Kazakhstan is one of the developed countries in Central Asia.


Bu binada merkezi ısıtma var mı? - Is there central heating in this building?

Merkezi ısıtma kışın yeterince ısıtıyor mu? - Is the central heating warm enough in the winter?

(Tıp) Merkezi, merkezde bulunan, santral, centralis
telefon santrali

Amerikan İç Savaşı, kitabın ana temasıdır. - The American Civil War is the central theme of the book.

Kıskançlık, Amerikan yaşamının ana gerçeğidir. - Envy is the central fact of American life.


Cesaret, Hanuka'nın temel bir ilkesidir. - Bravery is a central principle of Hanukkah.

kolayca ulaşılan
{i} telefon santralı
{s} önde gelen
central heating kalorifer tesisatı
ortada olan
{s} esas

Bu hastalık esas olarak merkezi sinir sistemini etkiler. - This disease affects mainly on the central nervous system.

{s} ana, belli başlı
(Diş Hekimliği) Merkeze yakın olan
{i} santral memuru [amer.]
beyne ve belkemiğine ait
central bank merkez bankası
{s} merkezde olan
{i} santral [amer.]
centrally merkezi olarak
{i} santral memuru
central angle merkez açı
{s} asıl
{s} baş

Central Park'ta her sabah altıda başlayarak çalışıyorum. - I work in Central Park every morning starting at six.

Mario Draghi, Avrupa Merkez Bankası'nın başkanıdır. - Mario Draghi is the head of the European Central Bank.


Merkezi ısıtma kışın yeterince ısıtıyor mu? - Is the central heating warm enough in the winter?

On Mayıs öğleden sonra üçte, pazartesi gün beni Tokyo İstasyonunun Yaesu merkez kapısında karşılar mısın? - Would you please meet me at Yaesu central gate of Tokyo Station on Monday, May 10th at 3:00 p.m.?

central heating
central venous cannulation
(Geometri) Santral venöz kanülasyon
central anatolia
central asian
orta asyalı
central european
orta avrupa
central limit theorem
merkezi sınır teoremi
central lubrication
merkezi yağlama sistemi
central moment
(Bilgisayar) özeksel moment
central motif
(Mimarlık) ana motif
central processor
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) merkezi işlem birimi
central processor
ana işlemci
central tendency
(Dilbilim) eğilim
Central America
Orta Amerika
Central Asia
Orta Asya
Central Bank
Merkez Bankası

Mario Draghi, Avrupa Merkez Bankası'nın başkanıdır. - Mario Draghi is the head of the European Central Bank.

central africa
orta afrika
central african republic franc
orta afrika frankı
central amaurosis
santral amoroz
central american country
orta amerika
central anatolian
orta anadolu
central angle
merkezi açı
central angle
merkez açı
central arch
orta kemer
central battery
merkez bataryası
central business district
iş bölgesi
central city
kent merkezi
central condensation
merkezi yoğunlaşma
central control
merkezi kontrol
central control room
merkezi kontrol odası
central control unit
merkezi denetim birimi
central electrode
orta elektrotu
central force
merkezi kuvvet
central government
merkezi hükümet
central heating
merkezi ısıtma
central heating
merkezi ısıtma (tesisatı)
central lane
orta şerit
central limit theorem
merkezi kısıtlama teoremi
central locking
merkezi kilitleme
central lubrication
merkezi yağlama
central moment
merkezi moment
central nervous system
merkezi sinir jüyesi
central nervous system
santral sinir sistemi
central office
central office
merkez bürosu
central office
merkez büro
central point
merkezi nokta
central processing unit
merkezi işlem birimi
central processing unit
Merkezi İşlem Birimi
central processor
merkezi işlemci
central projection
merkezi izdüşüm
central refuge
orta refüj
central reserve
yolda orta şerit
central sample moment
merkezi örnek moment
central symmetry
merkezi simetri
central terminal
merkezi terminal
central Eurasia
merkezi Avrasya
central aisle
Orta nef
central american
orta amerikalı
central anatolia
Orta Anadolu, İç Anadolu
central anatolia
Orta Anadolu
central anatolia region
(Coğrafya) Orta Anadolu Bölgesi
central anatolia region
(Coğrafya) İç Anadolu Bölgesi
central angle
merkezi acı
central anotolia
Orta Anadolu
central anotolia region
İç Anadolu Bölgesi
central catalogue
merkezi katalog
central composit
merkezi çok parçalı
central examinatıon
merkezi sınav
central exchange rate
esas döviz kuru
central idea
central information
merkezi enformasyon
central line
central location
Merkezî konum
central memory
merkezi bellek
central nervous system
merkezi sınır sistemi
central office
merkezi ofis
central park
merkez park
central planning
merkezi planlama
central planning economy
merkezi,planlama ekonomisi
central processing unit
işleme merkezi birim
central rate
esas kur
central tendency
Merkezi eğilim
central tendency measurement
Merkezi eğilim ölçümleri, aritmetik Ortalama, medyan
central valley
merkezi vadi
Central Emergency Revolving Fund (UN)
(Askeri) Merkezi Acil Durum Döner Sermayesi (Birleşmiş Milletler)
Central European Time
orta avrupa saati
Central Intelligence Agency
(Askeri) Merkezi İstihbarat Birimi
Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office; Chief, joint mortuary affairs office
(Askeri) Merkezi Müşterek Morg İşleri Ofisi; müşterek morg işleri ofisi Başkanı
Central Powers
ittifak devletleri
central african
orta afrikalı
central analysis team
(Askeri) MERKEZİ İNCELEME TİMİ (AMERİKA SAVUNMA KURULU): İki veya daha fazla sayıda önemli komutanın temsilcilerinden oluşan, ayrıntılı incelemeden ve büyük ölçekli bir deniz kuvvetleri tatbikatının rapor edilmesinden üstlerine karşı müştereken sorumlu olan bir timdir. Eğer bir inceleme bir komutan veya onun tarafından yapılıyorsa, bu bir inceleme karargahı olarak anılacaktır
central and eastern european countries
(Avrupa Birliği) (CEEC) Merkezi ve Doğu Avrupa Ülkeleri (MDAÜ)
central army group
(Askeri) orta avrupa merkezi ordu grubu
central asia texts
orta asya metinleri
central body
(Biyoloji) merkezi cisim
central boiler house
merkezi kazanhane
central boiler plant
merkezi kazan tesisi
central business district
merkezi iş bölgesi
central carbon brush
(Otomotiv) orta kömür
central carbon brush
(Otomotiv) giriş kömürü
central city
kent merkezi [amer.]
central command
(Askeri) merkezi komuta
central cone
(Çevre) merkezi koni
central control
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ATEŞ İDARESİ: Ateşin, bizzat nişancı tarafından olmamak üzere, merkezi bir yerden idaresi. Bu usul, özellikle hava savunma bataryalarında kullanılır
central control
(Askeri) merkezi ateş idaresi
central control officer
(Askeri) MERKEZİ KONTROL SUBAYI: Gemiden kıyıya intikalin su üstündeki kısmının genel koordinasyonu için, amfibi özel görev kuvveti komutanı tarafından görevlendirilmiş subay. Bu subay, merkezi kontrol gemisinde (central controlship) bulunur
central control room
(Teknik,Televizyon) ana denetim odası
central control ship; container control site
(Askeri) merkezi kontrol gemisi; konteyner kontrol bölgesi
central core
merkezi nüve
central daylight time
merkezi yaz saati
central distribution
(Ticaret) merkezi dağıtım
central dome
orta kubbe
central eruption
(Çevre) merkezi püskürme
central executive
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) merkezi yürütme
central executive board
(Politika, Siyaset) merkez yürütme kurulu
central gear
kutulu diferansiyel
central hand screw
kavrama vidası
central heating
merkezden ısıtma döşeme
central interpretation unit
central massif
(Jeoloji) merkez masif
central meaning
(Dilbilim) çekirdek anlam
central meat processing facility
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ET İŞLEM TEŞKİLİ: Kıta iaşesinde faydalanılan bozulmaya müsait etlerin, kümes hayvanları ve balıkların, esas itibariyle alınması, hazırlanması ve dağıtılması maksadıyla kurulmuş bir tesis
central mixing plant
(İnşaat) merkezi harmanlama tesisi
central mounting
merkezden monte edilen
central nn receptor
(Tıp) santral nn reseptörü
central office trunk
santral gövdeyolu
central organ
merkezi organ
central pastry kitchen
(Askeri) HAMUR İŞLERİ MUTFAĞI: Fırında pişirilen hamur işi yiyeceklerin yapılması için bütün sahra rasyon tabldotlarının tali bir kısmı olarak kurulmuş bir tesis
central planning team
(Askeri) (NATO) MERKEZİ PLANLAMA TİMİ: İki veya daha çok NATO veya ulusal komutanlıklardan müteşekkil, tatbikat şartnamesine ve/veya tatbikat planlama direktiflerine uygun olarak bir tatbikat harekat emrinin oluşturulmasından sorumlu olan bir timdir
central point
özeksel nokta
central postal directory
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ADRES REHBERİ: Bir denizaşırı komutanlıkta, personel adres ve posta adres rehberi hizmet görmek üzere kurulmuş faaliyet
central power supply
(Otomotiv) merkezi güç sağlama
central powers
anlaşık devletler
central processing unit
(CPU) Merkezi İşlem Birimi
central processing unit
(Askeri) merkezi işlem birimi (MİB)
central processor group; Commander, Amphibious Group; Contingency Planning Guida
(Askeri) merkezi işlemci grubu; Amfibi Grup Komutanı; Muhtemel Durum Planlama Rehberi
central procurement
(Askeri) MERKEZİ TEDARİK: Malzemelerin, ikinci maddelerinin, veya hizmetlerin resmen belirlenmiş bir komutanlık veya teşkilat vasıtasıyla bütün unsurların faydası veya kullanımı, veya tek yöneticilerin olduğu durumlarda bir bütün halinde askeri bölümler için söz konusu maddelerin özel olarak temin olunan fonlarla tedariki
central procurement
(Askeri) merkezi tedarik
central projection
özeksel izdüşüm
central purchase
(Askeri) merkezi satın alma
central radiator kit
merkezi radyatör kiti
central rates
(Ticaret) merkezi kurlar
central reserve
orta refüj
central security control
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK KONTROL MERKEZİ (HV.): Bütün fiziki güvenlik faaliyetlerine ait harekat kontrolünün yapılmakta olduğu temel güvenlik yeri
central security service; combat service support; communications subsystem; coor
(Askeri) merkezi güvenlik servisi; muharebe hizmet desteği; muhabere alt sistemi; satıh araması koordinatörü
central settlement
(Ticaret) merkezi takas
central sleep apnoea
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) merkezi uyku apnesi
central source registry; commander in chief's (CINC's) summary report; commander
(Askeri) merkezi kaynak tescili; Muharip Komutanlık Başkomutanının (CINC) özet raporu; komutanın özet raporu; kontrollü tedarik oranı
central south
orta güney
central station
merkez istasyonu
central station
orta güverte
central station
(Askeri) SES ÖLÇME SANTRALI: Etrafa dağıtılmış ses ölçme postalarından esas alınan ve bu esaslardan, topçuya, mesafeler hakkında bilgi veren bir ses ölçme takımı mensuplarının bulundukları yer
central symmetry
(Matematik) özeksel bakışım
central targeting support staff
(Askeri) merkezi hedefleme destek kadrosu
central terminal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) merkez terminal
central tube frame
(Otomotiv) merkezi kirişli karkas
central unit
(Askeri) merkezi birim
central vision
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) merkezi görme
central void diameter
(Nükleer Bilimler) merkezi boşluk çapı
central war
(Askeri) MERKEZİ SAVAŞ: Kullanılmamalıdır. Bak. "general war"
central war
(Askeri) merkezi savaş
central wing
(İnşaat) orta kanat
central wing
(İnşaat) bina orta uzantısı
merkezi olarak
Central Anatolia
iç anadolu
[adv] merkezi olarak
Englisch - Englisch
being in the centre
having or containing the centre of something
being the most important
{a} of or belonging to the center, middle
Norris Point, Rocky Harbour
serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure"
A central group or organization makes all the important decisions that are followed throughout a larger organization or a country. There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome. the central committee of the Cuban communist party. + centrally cen·tral·ly This is a centrally planned economy
A place that is central is easy to reach because it is in the centre of a city, town, or particular area. a central location in the capital. + centrally cen·tral·ly this centrally located hotel, situated on the banks of the Marne Canal
The central, or one of the central, bones of the carpus or or tarsus
Acts as a network backbone, connecting many LANs
The epicenter of the lesion is in the midline
Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area. Central America's Caribbean coast a rich woman living in central London. + centrally cen·tral·ly The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it
a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"; "central heating and air conditioning"
The central person or thing in a particular situation is the most important one. Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early '60s. a central part of their culture. + centrality cen·tral·ity The centrality of the German economy to the welfare of Europe must be recognised. + centrally cen·tral·ly In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer. central processing unit Central America Central Asian arts central bank Central Intelligence Agency central limit theorem Central Pacific Railroad Central Park Central Powers Central Valley Valle Central Grand Central Station Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Co. Massif Central New York Central Railroad Central African Republic Central Treaty Organization
used in the description of a place that in the middle of another place; "the people of Central and Northern Europe"; "country in central Africa
adj in or near the center
The central part of something is the part in the middle
a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
{i} telephone exchange, operator; central bureau which controls other offices
UTC - 6 hours UTC - 5 hours
used in the description of a place that in the middle of another place; "the people of Central and Northern Europe"; "country in central Africa"
Relating to the center; situated in or near the center or middle; containing the center; of or pertaining to the parts near the center; equidistant or equally accessible from certain points
In the tarsus of man it is represented by the navicular
in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"; "central heating and air conditioning"
{s} main, principal; in or of the center
centrally located and easy to reach; "the central city has good bus service"; "the shop has a central location"
adj pusat
{s} centrical
Central Africa
A core region of the African continent which includes Burundi, the Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda
Central African
Of, from, or pertaining to Central Africa, the Central African people or the Central African language
Central African
A person from Central Africa or of Central African descent
Central African Republic
Country in Central Africa. Official name: Central African Republic
Central Africans
plural form of Central African
Central America
The part of the Americas between North America and South America
Central American
Of or pertaining to Central America
Central American
A native or inhabitant of Central America
Central Americans
plural form of Central American
Central Asia
A larger area also including Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tibet, western China, Afghanistan and parts of Siberia, Iran and Pakistan
Central Asia
A landlocked area of continental Asia comprising Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In the USSR and the modern Russia the area is called Middle Asia (Средняя Азия)
Central Atlas Tamazight
A Berber language spoken by some three million people in central Morocco
Central Canada
The Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario
Central Europe
A geographic region in the center of Europe, usually including the former Austro-Hungarian states, Poland, and Germany

Western Christendom's centuries-long confrontation with the Oriental and Islamic empire of the Ottoman Turks also helped define Central Europe as a cultural and historical region.

Central European
A Central European person; one who comes from or lives in Central Europe

Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, and Slovene national elites have tried desperately to prove that their countries do not belong to the East; that they are, indeed, Central Europeans.

Central European
Of, from, or pertaining to Central Europe, its people, or its culture

Who knows much about the venerable traditions of Central European kingdoms like Poland-Lithuania, Bohemia, and Hungary and their valiant struggles for freedom?.

Central European Time
the time of day in the time zone that encompasses many countries in Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and North Africa
Central Europeans
plural form of Central European
Central Greece
one of the 13 peripheries of Greece
Central Intelligence Agency
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest
Central Java
A province of Indonesia on the island of Java
Central Macedonia
one of the 13 peripheries of Greece
Central Park
A large public, urban park in the borough of Manhattan in New York City
Central Powers
the countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (or the Ottoman Empire) and Bulgaria who fought against the Allies in World War I
Central Sierra Miwok
An endangered language of the Utian family, spoken in California, USA
Central Standard Time
the time of day in the time zone that encompasses a central portion of the United States
Central Time
The time zone in central Europe corresponding to UTC plus one hour
Central Time
The time zone in central Australia corresponding to UTC plus 9: 30 hours
Central Time
The time zone in central North America corresponding to UTC minus six hours during standard time, and UTC minus five hours during daylight savings time
Central Valley
In California, the large valley in the center of the state between the Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada
Central provinces
Central Canada
central angle
An angle positioned with its vertex at the center of a circle
central angles
plural form of central angle
central bank
The principal monetary authority of a country or monetary union; it normally regulates the supply of money, issues currency and controls interest rates. It usually oversees banking activity within its country's borders
central banks
plural form of central bank
central business district
The central area of a city in which a concentration of certain retail and business activities takes place, especially in older cities with rail transportation
central excise
The department concerned with tax on goods manufactured or produced
central excises
plural form of central excise
central heating
Any of various heating systems in which a central source of heat is used to distribute heat (and sometimes hot water) throughout a building in a controlled manner
central limit theorem
The theorem that states that if the sum of independent identically distributed random variables has a finite variance, then it will be approximately normally distributed
central limit theorem
Any of various similar theorems
central location test
The testing of a product by consumers in an artifical setting; contrast laboratory test and home-use test
central nervous system
In vertebrates, that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord
central nervous systems
plural form of central nervous system
central processing unit
The part of a computer that fetches, decodes and executes instructions; attached directly to the memory. Abbreviated: CPU
central processing units
plural form of central processing unit
central reservation
the area which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a dual carriageway
central sulci
plural form of central sulcus
central sulcus
A fissure in the cerebral cortex of primates; it separates the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe
central trait
A personal trait that is considered central
central traits
plural form of central trait
central vacuum
a vacuum cleaner built into the fabric of a building, with a central motor and dirt bag and distributed points where a hose and appliances may be plugged in
central command
(Askeri) Central Command (abbrev.: Centcom) a US military strike force consisting of units from the army, air force, and navy, established in 1979 (as the Rapid Deployment Force) to operate in the Middle East and North Africa
central tendency
In mathematics, an average, or central tendency of a data set refers to a measure of the "middle" or "expected" value of the data set. There are many different descriptive statistics that can be chosen as a measurement of the central tendency of the data items. The most common method is the arithmetic mean, but there are more than one type of average (median being another common example)
Central America
A region of southern North America extending from the southern border of Mexico to the northern border of Colombia. It separates the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean and is linked to South America by the Isthmus of Panama.Central American adj. & n. a narrow piece of land joining North and South America, and consisting of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Southern portion of North America (pop., 2002 est.: 37,036,000). It extends from the southern border of Mexico to the northwestern border of Colombia and from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea. It includes Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Some geographers also include five states of Mexico: Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Campeche, Tabasco, and Chiapas. Area: 201,480 sq mi (521,840 sq km). Two-thirds of the population is of mixed American Indian and Spanish ancestry. Language: Spanish (official), except Belize (English, official); also American Indian languages. Religion: chiefly Roman Catholicism. The region is largely hilly or mountainous, with humid swamps and lowlands extending along both coasts. Tajumulco Volcano, in western Guatemala, is the highest point, elevation 13,845 ft (4,220 m). The region has some 40 volcanoes, many of them active, and is prone to severe seismic activity. The volcanic zones have fertile soil and are productive agricultural areas. Central America was long inhabited by indigenous peoples, including the Maya, before the Spanish arrived and conquered the region in the early 16th century; they continued to rule for about 300 years. Christopher Columbus skirted the Atlantic coast from Honduras to the Gulf of Darien in 1502; the first European settlement (1510) was on the gulf. Spain organized the region (except Chiapas and Panama) into the captaincy general of Guatemala ( 1560). The English arrived in the 17th century, settling what became British Honduras (Belize). Independence from Spanish rule came in 1821, and in 1823 the United Provinces of Central America was formed (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica). British Honduras, still a colony, did not join the federation, and Panama remained part of Colombia. In 1824 the federation adopted a constitution, but in 1838 Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua seceded, thus effectively terminating the federation. Treaties of amity were drawn up at a conference of Central American states in Washington, D.C. (1923). The Central American Common Market was established in 1960 to create a customs union and promote economic cooperation
Central America
strip of land which connects North and South America (includes the countries of Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.)
Central American
resident of Central America (strip of land which connects North and South America)
Central Asian arts
Literary, performing, and visual arts of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tibet, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and parts of China and Russia. The term usually denotes only those traditions not influenced by the Islamic arts. Tibetan developed as a literary language from the 7th century as a result of cultural contacts with neighbouring Buddhist countries to the south, on the Indian subcontinent. Most works produced between the 7th and 13th centuries are skillful translations of Buddhist works from Sanskrit, after which a vast body of orthodox Buddhist works of purely Tibetan origin was built up. Mongolian literature began in the 13th century with chronicles of Genghis Khan and his successors, but from the late 16th century Mongolian literature was profoundly influenced by Buddhism. The variety of musical styles in Central Asia ranges from the systematically organized classical music of the Turkic peoples, to the notated religious chants of Buddhists in Tibet, to the highly varied folk music styles of the Mongols, Siberians, and numerous other ethnic groups. Two main types of performance predominate throughout Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Mongolia: those related to shamanism and those derived from Buddhism. Music performed on drums and stringed instruments accompanied shamanistic trances. The performance of Buddhist monastic dances and morality plays is also accompanied by various drums and horn instruments. The performing arts of the Turkic peoples are very different from these other traditions because of the influence of Islam. The tribes of Central Asia shared, for the most part, a "nomadic" Scytho-Altaic visual art that favoured animal and hunting motifs in objects such as belts and jewelry. Contacts with the Greco-Roman world and with India, Iran, and China also left their mark; Hellenistic influence culminated in the Kushan style of Gandhara. The most important pre-Islamic influence on Central Asia's visual arts, however, was Buddhism, which was reflected in the subject matter of sculptures and bas-reliefs. Nepal's traditions in architecture and painting were adaptations of those of India, whether the themes were Hindu or Buddhist. Buddhist religious art was gradually introduced into Tibet from the 8th century, and a distinctive Tibetan imagery was subsequently developed. See also Gandhara art; Kushan art; Scythian art
Central Bureau of Statistics
government office which keeps statistical records of various types
Central Carmel
neighborhood located on Mount Carmel in Haifa (Israel)
Central Criminal Court
the official name of the Old Bailey, the most important criminal court in the UK
Central Europe
region located in the center of Europe (includes countries such as Germany, Switzerland, etc.)
Central European Daylight Time
{i} CEDT, local time adopted by Central European countries for part of the year (generally two hours ahead from its standard official time)
Central Intelligence Agency
the full name of the CIA. Principal intelligence and counterintelligence agency of the U.S., established in 1947 as a successor to the World War II-era Office of Strategic Services. The law limits its activities to foreign countries; it is prohibited from gathering intelligence on U.S. soil, which is a responsibility of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Officially a part of the U.S. Defense Department, it is responsible for preparing analyses for the National Security Council. Its budget is kept secret. Though intelligence gathering is its chief occupation, the CIA has also been involved in many covert operations, including the expulsion of Mohammad Mosaddeq from Iran (1953), the attempted Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba (1961), and support of the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s
Central Mosque
the main Muslim place of worship in Britain, in Regents Park, London
Central Office of Information
a British government organization that produces books, reports etc giving information about the activities of the various government departments
Central Pacific Railroad
U.S. railroad company founded in 1861 by a group of California merchants including Mark Hopkins and Leland Stanford. It was built with land grants and subsidies from the Pacific Railway Act (1862); thousands of Chinese labourers were hired to build it. Its tracks joined with those of the Union Pacific on May 10, 1869, in Promontory, Utah, forming North America's first transcontinental railroad. From 1884 it was leased to the Southern Pacific Co., with which it merged in 1959
Central Park
An extensive recreational area of New York City extending north to south in central Manhattan. The land, acquired in 1856, was developed according to plans drawn up by the landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. the main city park in New York City. Public park, New York, New York, U.S. Located in Manhattan, it occupies an area of 840 acres (340 hectares). It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and opened in 1876; it was artificially landscaped to create an impression of wild and varied terrain. It includes footpaths and bicycle paths, athletic fields, boating lakes, and a zoo. Free public concerts and performances are frequent, notably the Shakespeare in the Park series at an open-air theatre. The Metropolitan Museum of Art adjoins the park
Central Park
very large rectangle park in Manhattan in the City of New York (USA)
Central Powers
coalition of countries that fought the Allies in World War I (included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey)
Central Powers
World War I coalition that was defeated by the Allied Powers. Its primary members were the German empire and Austria-Hungary, the "central" European states that were at war from August 1914 against France, Britain, and Russia. The Ottoman empire entered the war on the side of the Central Powers in October 1914, followed by Bulgaria in October 1915
Central Standard Time
CST, standard time used in the central area of the U.S. (6 hours behind Greenwich time)
Central Treaty Organization
originally Middle East Treaty Organization or Baghdad Pact Organization Mutual-security organization, originally composed of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Britain. It was formed in 1955, at the urging of the U.S. and Britain, to counter the threat of Soviet expansion into the Middle East. CENTO was never very effective. Iraq withdrew after its anti-Soviet monarchy was overthrown in 1959. In that same year the U.S. became an associate member, and CENTO's headquarters were moved to Ankara, Tur. After the fall of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979, Iran withdrew and CENTO was dissolved
central african republic franc
the basic unit of money in the Central African Republic
central air-conditioning system
large air-conditioning unit which cools an entire house or building through vents
central america
the isthmus joining North America and South America; extends from the southern border of Mexico to the northern border of Colombia
central america
Mexico City: Wed, 12-Mar-2003 13: 50 PM
central america
narrow winding strip of land between North and South America, generally understood to include Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Costa Rica and Panama
central american country
countries occupying Central America; except for Belize and Costa Rica these countries are characterized by low per capita income and unstable governments
central authority
main management body, central management
central bank
A public institution responsible for performing monetary policy functions such as issuing currency, managing international reserves, and accepting deposit liabilities to other banks The central bank also acts as the lender of last resort, and, frequently, provides fiscal agent services to the central government (for example managing the government's treasury single account)
central bank
A government-established agency responsible for conducting monetary policy and overseeing credit conditions The Federal Reserve System fulfills those functions in the United States See Federal Reserve System and monetary policy [Back to top]
central bank
A nation's principal monetary authority, such as the Federal Reserve Bank, which regulates the money supply and credit, issues currency, and manages the rate of exchange. a national bank that does business with the government, and controls the amount of money available and the general system of banks. Institution, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve System, charged with regulating the size of a nation's money supply, the availability and cost of credit, and the foreign exchange value of its currency (see foreign exchange). Central banks act as the fiscal agent of the government, issuing notes to be used as legal tender, supervising the operations of the commercial banking system, and implementing monetary policy. By increasing or decreasing the supply of money and credit, they affect interest rates, thereby influencing the economy. Modern central banks regulate the money supply by buying and selling assets (e.g., through the purchase or sale of government securities). They may also raise or lower the discount rate to discourage or encourage borrowing by commercial banks. By adjusting the reserve requirement (the minimum cash reserves that banks must hold against their deposit liabilities), central banks contract or expand the money supply. Their aim is to maintain conditions that support a high level of employment and production and stable domestic prices. Central banks also take part in cooperative international currency arrangements designed to help stabilize or regulate the foreign exchange rates of participating countries. Central banks have become varied in authority, autonomy, functions, and instruments of action, but there has been consistent increased emphasis on the interdependence of monetary and other national economic policies, especially fiscal policies and debt management policies. See also bank; investment bank; savings bank
central bank
The principal monetary authority of a nation, a central bank performs several key functions, including issuing currency and regulating the supply of credit in the economy The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States
central bank
Foremost among its various functions, a central bank issues national currency, acts as banker to both government and private banks, and oversees the financial system Central banks also administer national monetary policy, using their influence over the money supply and interest rates to implement macroeconomic policies
central bank
Public institution responsible for controlling a country's money and banking system In the U S , the Federal Reserve system is our central bank
central bank
The bank in a state which is responsible for issuing the state's currency, regulating the quantity of its money in circulation, maintaining currency reserves, and acting as a lender of last resort
central bank
The agency that serves the financial arm of a country's government Usually such an agency is responsible for monitoring and controlling the growth of the money supply, and maintaining order in the bond and money markets, as well as overseeing international trading in the country's currency
central bank
Provides banking/financial services for a country's private and public sector banks A Central Bank is responsible for preserving the value of a country's currency; thereby, implementing a government's monetary policy as well as monitoring/adjusting interest rates
central bank
the bank that oversees and monitors the rest of the banking system and serves as the bankers' bank
central bank
A nation's most powerful financial institution, usually state-owned, designed to regulate & control fiscal & monetary activities It issues legal tender, backs reserves for the nation's banks, controls flow of money & gold, & regulates money supply & credit By virtue of its huge power, it greatly influences interest rates & the economy Central Banks sometimes undertake "intervention," which is fiscal or monetary interference in the marketplace to achieve a desired outcome; eg, pushing a currency up or down They often claim their intention is to "thwart currency speculators," but in truth they are thwarting the free market, blocking natural forces of supply & demand Their intervention can be verbal ("jawboning") or physical, wherein they use taxpayer money to change the value of the taxpayers' money Free market people consider such action immoral, & in the US, unconstitutional
central bank
A bank which is responsible for controlling a countries monetary policy It is normally the issuing bank and controls bank licensing, and any foreign exchange control regime
central bank
Principal monetary authority of a nation, which performs several key functions, including issuing currency and regulating the supply of credit in the economy The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States [FRBC] The principal monetary authority of a nation, a central bank performs several key functions, including issuing currency and regulating the supply of credit in the economy The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States [FRBM][FRBSF] (see also bank)
central bank
The agency responsible for safeguarding the domestic and external value of the currency; regulating banks and other financial institutions; and acting as banker to the Government
central bank
A Government institution in control of the nation's monetary policy and the printing of that nation's currency
central bank
A government or quasi-governmental organization that manages a country`s monetary policy a prints a nation's currency For example, the US central bank is the Federal Reserve, others include the ECB, BOE, BOJ
central bank
(also known as a reserve bank) - issues a nation's currency, sets interest rates for the whole banking system, regulates and supervises banks that deal with the public
central bank
Major financial institution responsible for issuing currency, managing foreign reserves, implementing monetary policy, and providing banking services to the government and commercial banks
central branch
main branch, branch which is located in the center
central bureau
main office, headquarters, primary office
central casting
A movie studio department responsible for hiring actors, especially for nonstarring roles
central committee
main decision making body
central dravidian
a Dravidian language spoken primarily in central India
central election committee
main committee which supervises elections
central government
the level of government which deals with national rather than local things local government
central gyrus
either of two gyri on either side of the central sulcus
central heating
a heating system in which air or water is heated at a central furnace and sent through the building via vents or pipes and radiators
central heating
Central heating is a heating system for buildings. Air or water is heated in one place and travels round a building through pipes and radiators. a system of heating buildings in which water or air is heated in one place and then sent around the rest of the building through pipes etc
central intelligence agency
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of thePresident and National Security Council
central intelligence machinery
the United Kingdom's central unit for the tasking and coordination and resourceing of intelligence and security agencies
central issue
main issue, main subject, central matter
central library
main library of a city or region (usually larger and more comprehensive than the local libraries)
central limit theorem
In statistics, any of several fundamental theorems in probability. Originally known as the law of errors, in its classic form it states that the sum of a set of independent random variables will approach a normal distribution regardless of the distribution of the individual variables themselves, given certain general conditions. Further, the mean (see mean, median, and mode) of the normal distribution will coincide with the (arithmetic) mean of the (statistical) means of each random variable
central line
A catheter introduced into the central circulation (usually in the internal jugular and subclavian veins in the neck, or the femoral veins in the groin) for infusing intravenous fluids
central line
Intravenous IV tube, like a Broviac or Per-Q-Cath, which has been threaded into a large deep vein This differs from the routine IV, which is placed in a small vein The Central Line allows the team to give large amounts of calories to the baby The line can also be used for medications
central line
A catheter placed in a large central vein to give fluids; may be inserted in the operation room or in the NICU Called by various names including Broviac, L-Cath, Per-Q-Cath, PCVC
central line
the line on a control chart that depicts the average or median value of the terms being plotted
central line
An intravenous line threaded through the vein until it comes as close as possible to the heart
central locking
a system for locking the doors of a car in which all the locks are operated when you turn the key in one lock or use a remote controlled key
central nervous system
the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
central nervous system
system of the body that includes the brain, spinal chord, nerves and ganglions
central nervous system
Your central nervous system is the part of your nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord. The portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. the main part of your nervous system, consisting of your brain and your spinal cord
central place
location in the center, place located about the same distance from all points
central planning
establishment of goals and methods by government officials for the production and distribution of goods
central planning
The economic system adopted by Socialist countries In this system, the processes of allocating resources, establishing production targets, and setting product prices are determined by government planners rather than the operation of market forces Such a system discourages innovation, productivity, and quality It provides little incentive for plant managers to experiment with new technology The stress of fulfilling quantitative goals set by the state inhibits improving the quality of the product or the production process The absence of competition and the existence of guaranteed markets eliminates incentives for managers to cut cost or improve quality Above all, prices do not provide a guide to help managers determine what goods are needed by consumers and how to improve productivity by lowering costs
central planning
Making important, detailed decisions at a centralized location by a government agency that has the power to enforce the decisions Central planning is a key ingredient of socialist economic systems, where high-level government officials make the important decisions as opposed to those decisions being made at a local and/or private level (More)
central planning
An economic system in which major decisions about production and distribution are made by planners
central planning
the system in which central government bureaucrats (as opposed to private entrepreneurs or even local government bureaucrats) determine what will be produced an how it will be produced
central post office
main branch of a post office
central powers
in World War I the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary and other nations allied with them in opposing the Allies
central processing unit
The part of a computer that interprets and executes instructions. a CPU
central processing unit
unit which performs data processing and controls all units of a computer, "brain" of a computer
central processing unit
(computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
central processor
high-powered data processor controlling all major calculations and functions
central railway station
main train station, large train station which serves all other station
central registry
Also called the "OCS Interstate Central Registry," it is the branch of the Interstate Unit that receives, distributes and responds to inquiries on all incoming interstate IV-D cases
central registry
VeriSign Global Registry Services (http: //www nsiregistry com) (VeriSign GRS) is the leading provider of domain name registry services and Domain Name System (DNS) support to the Internet The division maintains the definitive directory of over 30 million com, net, and org Web addresses and is responsible for the infrastructure that propagates this information throughout the Internet and responds to over 1 5 billion DNS look-ups daily
central registry
The California Central Registry (CCR) receives all incoming inter-jurisdictional cases and reviews the documents from other states and nations for completeness CCR then sends the cases to the DCSS office in the county where the non-custodial parent resides CCR is under the direction of the State Department of Justice
central reservation
The central reservation is the strip of ground, often covered with grass, that separates the two sides of a major road. a narrow piece of ground that divides the two parts of a motorway or other main road
central severe crimes unit
main division targeting on murder and other serious crimes
central station
A Facility that monitors alarm activation When an alarm is activated , the operator calls the police , advice them about the alarm and supply important information regarding precise location of entry (particular door or windows) Operator will also contact owner or other reference about the intrusion There are guards on duty 24 hrs
central station
Central location of condensing unit with either wet or air-cooled condenser Evaporator located as needed and connected to the central condensing unit
central station
An office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected, and where personnel are in attendance at all times to supervise the circuits and investigate signals Note: The Pine Street Police Station is the Central Station for the University of Maryland
central station
Central location of condensing unit with either wet or air cooled condenser Evaporator located as needed, and connected to the central condensing unit
central tendency
A common error that occurs when every employee is incorrectly rated near the average or middle of the scale
central tendency
A statistical measure that identifies a single score (usually a central value) to serve as a representative for the entire group
central tendency
An average or middle value for a distribution of scores
central tendency
point within the range about which the rest of the data is considered balanced
central tendency
The tendency to assign most ratees to middle-range job performance categories
central tendency
The tendency of data gathered from a process to cluster toward a middle value somewhere between the high and low values of measurement
central tendency
the typical value
central tendency
trend for scores in a distribution to be concentrated near the middle of the distribution
central tendency
The middle of a distribution Described by mean, median, and mode
central tendency
The tendency of data gathered from a process to cluster toward middle values, somewhere between the high and low values of measurement
central tendency
Statistics that summarize averages of a set of scores; includes mean, median, and mode Researchers use these statistics to describe the most typical scores in a set of data
central time
standard time in the 6th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 90th meridian; used in the central United States
central unit
main unit, central piece
central vein of retina
vein formed by the union of the retinal veins; accompanies central arteries of the retina in the optic nerve
central veins of liver
terminal branches of the hepatic veins that lie in the hepatic lobules and receive blood from the liver sinusoids
central venous catheter
(Medicine) small and flexible plastic tube placed into the large vein above the heart
{a} in or with regard to the center
Central to
central heating
single heating unit which spreads warm air throughout an entire house
in a central manner
in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function; "The theater is centrally located"
in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function; "The theater is centrally located
In a central manner or situation
Türkisch - Englisch
(Askeri) hard core