catchment area

listen to the pronunciation of catchment area
Englisch - Türkisch
beslenme bölgesi
hizmet alanı
birikme havzası
tutma havzası
Englisch - Englisch
(drainage basin or river basin) the land area that drains water to a particular stream, river, or lake It is a land feature that can be identified by tracing a line along the highest elevations between two areas on a map, often a ridge The ridge itself is a watershed
Region from which the clients of a particular health facility are drawn Such a region may be well or ill defined See also community
the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir
A defined geographic area served by a hospital, clinic, or dental clinic and delineated on the basis of such factors as population distribution, natural geographic boundaries, and transportation accessibility For the Department of Defense (DoD) Components, those geographic areas are determined by the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and are defined by a set of 5-digit zip codes, usually within an approximate 40-mile radius of military inpatient treatment facilities
An area that drains through a specific river cross-section
the area defined by USPS Zip Code within a 40-mile radius of a Military Treatment Facility
The land surface on which rain falls Sometimes called a 'water catchment' When referring to particular streams or rivers, it is the land surface from which water (rain) flows into them, sometimes through tributaries (feeder streams)
The area which drains naturally to a particular point on a river, thus contributing to its natural discharge
A geographic area defined and served by a health program or institution such as a hospital or community mental health center which is delineated on the basis of such factors as population distribution, natural geographic boundaries, and transportation accessibility By definition, all residents of the area needing the services of the program are usually eligible for them, although eligibility may also depend on additional criteria
Zone that falls within area that can be served by an internetworking device such as a hub
The area determined by topographic features where falling rain will contribute to the runoff at a particular point
The catchment area of a school, hospital, or other service is the area that it serves. the catchment areas of the district general hospitals
In geography, the catchment area of a river is the area of land from which water flows into the river
a defined area which a school may draw its pupils from
Geographic area defined and served by a hospital on the basis of such factors as population distribution, natural geographic boundaries and transportation accessibility
another name for drainage basin, the area from which water is collected by a river and its tributaries cave cavity in the Earth's crust usually produced by the action of underground water or by waves on a seacoast (coastal erosion)
Geographical region where the majority of health care providers customers are located Also see market area
SeeDrainage basin
Catchment Area is the area of a local switching center that is bounded by the furthermost users directly connected to it by local circuits
The geographic area from which a managed care organization draws its patients
Area drained by a river Sometimes the catchment area is referred to as the watershed of the river Properly, the catchment area is defined by a surrounding watershed or divide
Some admission authorities give priority to children who live in an area around the school
Area from which primary transit ridership is drawn
a geographical area from which the LEA proposes a school will draw its pupils
An area having a common outlet for its surface runoff (also see Drainage Area or Basin, Watershed)
The area of land from which it finds its way into a particular watercourse, lake or reservoir By analogy, the area which contains those people who can be expected to obtain goods, services, employment or other benefit from a particular property More especially related to retail premises, where the success of forecasting depends on the accuracy of estimating the number of purchasers (catchment population) likely to be attracted from the different parts of the area and the average expenditure which might be expected from them
The geographic area from which an HMO draws its patients
Area or region whose economic, political, cultural, social, etc influence is felt over a larger area, it is the radius of action of a given point In transportation, it consists in the area under influence of a focal point towards which centripetal fluxes converge; an interception zone of several carriers Also labeled as Area of Influence or Hinterland