(French) A visiting card, a photographic likeness on a card for the albums of friends, etc This custom originated, in 1857, with the Duke of Parma
A closely trimmed portrait photograph that is approximately 2 ½" x 4 ¼" intended as a substitute for a visiting card These cards were popular from the 1860's
(French) visiting card, small calling card that bears a photograph of the giver (commonly used during the 19th century)
(carte de vi·site) NOUN: A small visiting card with mounted photographs, usually measuring 4 1/2" x 2 1/2", popular during the 1860s and 1870s
Definition von carte de visite im Englisch Französisch wörterbuch
carte de visite (expression française), petit carton de papier bristol qui était accompagné de la photographie de celui qui la remettait (XIX ème siècleà; carte de petit format sur lequel on fait imprimer son nom, son adresse; ses titres ainsi que le