(Computerized Anatomical Reconstruction and Editing Toolkit) is designed for interactively viewing, manipulating (flattening), and analyzing surface reconstructions of the cerebral cortex You can access it on Merlin by typing >caret at the prompt Caret is distributed as free standing binaries available for sgis, sun and linux systems Caret's companion program, Surefit, is used to generate the anatomical files that Caret requires, and any endeavour to make flat maps should likely begin with SureFit and then move on to Caret Several tutorial data sets are available here Caret is one of several cortical cartography programs available from the Van Essen labs See also the Caret homepage
(n ) In desktop publishing systems, a blinking triangle, gray diamond, static solid or "shadow" rectangle shape that indicates the insertion point in a text subwindow
The flashing indicator which appears inside of text boxes The caret identifies where the current position in the text box is When text is typed, it (usually) appears inserted at the caret's position Back
A symbol (^) displayed where the Newton will next insert text that a user writes, prints, or types He caret symbol is only used in the 2 x versions of the Newton OS Earlier versions used a blinking line to indicate where new text would be inserted See also Blinking Line, Carrot, and Gesture Source: NUIG
A mark [^] used by writers and proof readers to indicate that something is interlined above, or inserted in the margin, which belongs in the place marked by the caret
A vertical or slanted blinking bar, appearing at a caret position in the display text, that marks the point at which text is to be inserted or deleted Compare dual caret
The term used by Windows to indicate the cursor used when editing a text field, usually shaped as an I-beam The caret, also called the insertion point, can be positioned independently of the mouse pointer