(Askeri) SUBAY ADAYI: A. B. D. 'nde Westpoint'deki Harp Okulu'nda, subay olmak üzere dört yıl eğitim gören öğrenci. Bu terimi; kısa bir eğitimden sonra yedek subaylığa nasbedilen aday anlamındaki (officer candidate) ile karıştırmamalıdır
The Sea, Army, and Air Cadet Programs are designed as youth-development programs where cadets, aged 12-19, are taught citizenship, physical fitness, leadership, and activities related to their environment sea, land, or air The Cadet Program is co-sponsored by DND and the associated leagues (Navy, Air, and Army Cadet Leagues)
Members of the student population of AFROTC Cadre Members of the faculty population (DOD personnel) of AFROTC CAP Civil Air Patrol COC Commandant of Cadets Crosstown A school that has an agreement with a nearby AFROTC Detachment
Girls aged 15 - 17+ One of the Senior Branches, with a program of leadership development in different branches of Guiding Cadets come after Pathfinders
A cadet is a young man or woman who is being trained in the armed services or the police. army cadets. the Cadet Corps. someone who is training to be an officer in the army, navy, air force, or police (capdet , from capitellum, from caput )