
listen to the pronunciation of bussing
Englisch - Türkisch
otobüsle taşıma

5 numaralı otobüsü binmelisin. - You should take the number 5 bus.

Otobüs on beş dakika içinde istasyona gelecek. - The bus will arrive at the station in fifteen minutes.

(Bilgisayar) veri yolu
otobüsle götürmek
otobüsle gitmek

Oraya otobüsle gitmek ne kadar sürer? - How long does it take to get there by bus?

Taksiye binmek yerine otobüsle gitmek daha ekonomik. - It's more economical to go by bus instead of taking a taxi.

{i} öpücük
(Bilgisayar) Veriyolu, veri hattı
otobüsle taşıma
(eski) öpücük, buse
{f} otobüsle taşımak
(fiil) otobüsle taşımak
bus boy lokantada kirli tabakları toplayan işçi
bus bar elektrik bağlama çubuğu
{i} otomobil veya uçak
ili binek otomobili

Adam bütün yolu yürümek istemedi;bu yüzden otobüse bindi. - The man didn't feel like walking all the way; so he took the bus.

Kaza olduğunda neredeyse otobüsteki yolcuların hepsi uyuyordu. - Almost all of the passenger in the bus were asleep when the accident happened.

veriyolu yol
otobüsle taşı
{f} otobüsle taşı: prep.otobüsle ta
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von bussing im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. "Öpen" mânasına gelerek birleşik kelimeler yapılır. Meselâ: Damen-bus $ : Etek öpen
Bilgisayarlarda, birden fazla bellek birimleri arasında iletişimi sağlayan ve hattı dağıtım sistemi
Englisch - Englisch
Present participle of buss
Present participle of bus. Alternative spelling of busing
Alternative spelling of busing
present participle of bus, alternative spelling of busing
To clear meal remains from

He bused tables as the restaurant emptied out.

To transport via a motor bus
To transport students to school, often to achieve racial integration
To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to work as a busboy

He’s been busing for minimum wage.

An electrical conductor serving as a common connection for two or more circuits
To travel by bus
An ambulance
{n} a kiss, vessel, fishing-boat
{v} to kiss
A bus is a large motor vehicle which carries passengers from one place to another. Buses drive along particular routes, and you have to pay to travel in them. He missed his last bus home They had to travel everywhere by bus
A computer's internal data transmission pathway, connecting the computer's various devices 8088 machines operated on an 8-bit bus, 80286 machines used a 16-bit bus, and more modern machines use a 32-bit bus 64-bit busses are on the way Obviously, the wider the bus, the faster data can be moved The bus speed is also important Original Pentium-class busses had a 66 Mhz bus Newer machines may have a 100 Mhz bus
the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbar
In some parts of the United States, when children are bused to school, they are transported by bus to a school in a different area so that children of different races can be educated together. Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods. + busing bus·ing The courts ordered busing to desegregate the schools. business. Device on a computer's motherboard that provides a data path between the CPU and attached devices (keyboard, mouse, disk drives, video cards, etc.). Like a vehicular bus that stops at designated stations to pick up or drop off riders, a computer bus receives a data signal from the CPU and drops it off at the appropriate device (for example, the contents of a file in RAM are sent, via the bus, to a disk drive to be stored permanently). Conversely, data signals from devices are sent back to the CPU. On a network, a bus provides the data path between the various computers and devices. See also USB. Large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule. The first gasoline-powered bus was built in Germany in 1895 and carried eight passengers. The first integral-frame bus was constructed in the early 1920s in the U.S. In the 1930s diesel engines were introduced, providing greater power and fuel efficiency to larger buses. With the development of highway systems, transcontinental bus lines became common in North America. Double-decked buses are used in some European cities; articulated buses pull trailers with flexible joints. Trolley buses, whose electric motors draw power from overhead wires, are now used mostly in European cities
A common medium connecting multiple electronic components Low-cost computers use a bus topology to connect the processors of a multiprocessor A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
a car that is old and unreliable; "the fenders had fallen off that old bus"
The central communication avenue in a PCs system board It normally consists of a set of parallel wires or signal traces that connect the CPU, the memory, all input/output devices, and peripherals and allows data to be transferred from one system component to another Busses come in a variety of bit widths and speeds To prevent data bottlenecks, the components attached to a bus must operate at close to the same speed as the bus
(1) (n ) A circuit over which data or power is transmitted, one that often acts as a common connection among a number of locations (2) (n ) A set of parallel communication lines that connect the major components of a computer system, including CPU, memory, and device controllers
remove used dishes from the table in restaurants
A data path in a computer, consisting of various parallel wires to which the CPU, memory, and all input/output devices are connected
A common pathway, or channel, between multiple devices A bus allows for connecting multiple devices, whereas channels such as a PC's serial port can connect only to one device CPU -- Located on PC motherboard; SCSI HBA plugs into it I/O -- Data path between SCSI HBA and SCSI disk drive
Conductors that connect the functional units in a computer (called a bus because it travels to all destinations) Local busses connect elements within the CPU and other busses connect to external memory and peripherals
A conductor, or group of conductors, that serve as a common connection for two or more electrical circuits In powerplants, buswork comprises the three rigid single-phase connectors that interconnect the generator and the step-up transformer(s)
A series of transmission lines connecting the various elements of a computer for distribution of data, control signals, addresses, and/or voltage supply(s) within a computer See SYSTEM BUS
To clear and clean a table in a restaurant
an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits; "the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system"
All the components of your computer; the mouse, the monitor, the printer, the processor, the hardware cards, the memory and so on are all connected by wires This system of wires is called the bus
In a personal computer, the physical path used for transferring data between the CPU and an external device, such as a video monitor, a network board, or disk drive, etc
Connector or set of connectors that serve as the interconnection between related devices; common bus types in personal computers include Industry-Standard Architecture (ISA), Extended Industry-Standard Architecture (EISA), and Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads
A cable for transmitting signals between various components within one computer system
remove used dishes from the table in restaurants ride in a bus send or move around by bus; "The children were bussed to school
{i} large motor vehicle which can carry several passengers; electrical channel for transferring data between parts of a computer (Computers)
a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work" a car that is old and unreliable; "the fenders had fallen off that old bus" remove used dishes from the table in restaurants ride in a bus send or move around by bus; "The children were bussed to school
A group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a computer or digital device with which data transferred between various components of the device Typically, a bus is the expansion mechanism to which I/O or other devices are connected Example of PC buses are the AT bus, NuBus, and EISA bus
The plural form of the noun is buses. The third person singular of the verb is busses. American English uses the spellings buses, busing, bused for the verb
send or move around by bus; "The children were bussed to school"
An omnibus
a group of connections between devices within the computer hardware which are used to pass data between them e,g, the data and address bus on the main circuit board are used to move data between the microprocessor and memory or other devices The I/O bus is used to pass data to the devices which interface with the outside world
1 A data path shared by many devices 2 A linear network topology in which all workstations are connected to a single cable On a bus network, such as Ethernet, all workstations receive all transmissions; only the workstation that the information is addressed to will use the information Contrast with ring and star
A pathway for data in a computer system All PCs have an expansion bus, which is designed to host add-on (expansion) devices, such as modems, adapter boards and video adapters Expansion devices use the bus to send data to and receive data from the PC's CPU or memory ISA, EISA and Micro Channel are the major bus standards used in PC's
A LAN topology in which all the nodes are connected to a single cable All nodes are considered equal and receive all transmissions on the medium
A system for connecting one or more CPUs to various peripherals and I/O devices, involving parallel data transfer through standardized connectors to multiple devices All modern computers are based on the Von Neumman bus architecture, which accesses memory and peripherals in the same logical manner The Harvard bus architecture is used on most computer systems that have CPU's greatly faster than their peripherals While appearing logically the same, RAM is accessed on one bus at a much faster speed than periperhals on another bus
ride in a bus
A type of network topology in which network nodes are strung out along a single run of cable called a segment 10base2 and LocalTalk networks use a bus topology Bus also refers to the row of expansion slots within your computer
An electrical conductor that serves as a common connection for two or more electrical circuits; may be in the form of rigid bars or stranded conductors or cables
a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport; "he always rode the bus to work"
In an emulated LAN, the BUS is responsible for accepting broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast packets from the LECs to the broadcast MAC address (FFFFFFFFFFFF) via dedicated point-to-point connections, and forwarding the packets to all of the members of the ELAN using a single point-to-multipoint connection
The paths on a computer motherboard along which data is sent
When someone is bussed to a particular place or when they bus there, they travel there on a bus. On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province
A term used for a kind of electronic device in which a number of elements are wired together with a single wire in such way that all the elements can use the same wire to transmit information to other devices on it Buses are used internally in computers and used to attach computers to peripherals For the purposes of LANs, bus is a term for a LAN topology which has the same characteristic: the same wire is attached to a number of devices which all share that wire to transmit to other devices on the LAN ThickWire and ThinWire Ethernet, Localtalk, and ARCnet are examples of LAN technologies with a bus topology
{f} ride on a bus; transport by bus; transport students by bus to another school district in an effort to achieve racial integration; work as a busboy; remove dirty dishes in a restaurant or cafeteria
A transmission path on which signals can be dropped off or picked up by devices attached to it Only devices addressed by the signals pay attention to them; the others discard the signals Buses both exist within the CPU and connect it to physical memory and peripheral devices Examples of I/O busses on Darwin are PCI, SCSI, USB, and FireWire
The transportation of schoolchildren, by bus, to schools in other neighbourhoods in order to alleviate social inequalities or to achieve racial integration
present participle of bus
a system in the US in which students ride buses to schools that are far from where they live, so that a school has students of different races
Biomedical Urine Sampling System
to kiss someone in a friendly rather than sexual way (Probably from bass (1500-1600), from baiser)
A kiss; a rude or playful kiss; a smack
A small strong vessel with two masts and two cabins; used in the herring fishery
To kiss; esp
the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc ; "The newly married couple kissed"; "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"
{f} kiss
A herring buss, a type of shallow-keeled Dutch fishing boat used especially for herring fishing
\BUHS\, noun: A kiss; a playful kiss; a smack
An interface between cards or chips composed of several electric conductors
to kiss with a smack, or rudely
A kiss
A console output channel It can best be described as a means of outbound transport for the signal A common conductor used to collect and distribute audio signals
A circuit that connects the input or tape and effect return signals with the output connectors
A wire carrying signals to some place, usually fed from several sources