bright's disease

listen to the pronunciation of bright's disease
Englisch - Türkisch
böbrek hastalığı
böbrek yangısı
nefrit [tıp.]
(isim)frit [tıp.], böbrek yangısı
bright disease
Parlak hastalığı
Englisch - Englisch
Any of several diseases of the kidney characterized by inflammation, and the presence of albumin in the urine; nephritis
Any of several diseases of the kidney marked by the presence of albumin in the urine
Bright disease
Type of nephritis without pus formation or edema. It may or may not recur. The acute stage involves severe inflammation and back pain, deficient kidney function, swelling, and hypertension. In the subacute stage the kidney enlarges, blood does not reach its surface and red blood cells are damaged (leading to anemia), and its tissue breaks down, releasing excess blood protein into urine. In the chronic stage a small, shriveled, scarred kidney cannot filter nitrogen compounds from the blood, causing uremia. Treatment focuses on symptom relief
bright's disease


    bright's dis·ease

    Türkische aussprache

    brayts dîziz


    /ˈbrīts dəˈzēz/ /ˈbraɪts dɪˈziːz/


    () From Dr Richard Bright.